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Two Addons: AdaptPSX and SimSwitch

Started by John Golin, Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:54


> "Done - option will be in next build... :)

> 'Always set MCP to LED type in PSX '"

That's wonderful, John, thank you so much.

Hopefully it will protect you from daft questions about it from people like me, too....    ;)

All the best,

(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).

Frans Spruit

Quote from: Pierre TheillereHi Frans!

AdaptPSx is only able to handle serial inputs/outputs, and not USB. So, you need to purchase a USB - Serial converter. It even works fine on Linux!

Works! The old lady has come alive, thanks a lot Pierre, you have made my day.
I like this forum, reading all the inputs from everyone put 2+2 together.

Kind regards

Frans Spruit

John Golin

Coming in next update to AdaptPSX:

- Fix for FO MINS and FO BARO Rotaries (ie they will work)
- Fix for DH / BARO toggle on MINS press (ie it will work as well)!
- Added ability to select which ND range to skip
- Added option to always apply a selected aircraft model after situation load (why not...)*
- Tweak to Heading Rotary to improve performance around 000 - still work in progress
- Added option to force MCP to LED type#

* This will allow you to take someone elses situation file, load it up and always fly YOUR aircraft config, without having to change the model after loading. Magic.

# This will work regardless of the 'apply selected aircraft model' settings.
John Golin.


That's great, John: many thanks once again for your splendid add-on!     :D

> "- Added option to always apply a selected aircraft model after situation load (why not...)* "

Why not indeed — after all, in PS1 we had "Always keep current configuration when loading situation files" (an option which I for one sought in the PSX Instructor pages, but in vain).   :mrgreen:

> "- Added option to force MCP to LED type. This will work regardless of the 'apply selected aircraft model' settings."

Ah, bliss. That will greatly assist those of us with Aerosoft Australia MCPs.    :D

For those and your other improvements, huge thanks again!


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: John Golin- Added option to always apply a selected aircraft model after situation load (why not...)*
:-) Why not? The situational data that follows the model data in the entire loading process may hit an unexpected model specific limit and therefore may not reproduce the intended situation. Think, for example, of rotary selectors for pumps, instrument sources, IDUs, or door status, engine parameter exceedances etc. pp.

In PS1 there was, indeed, an option to keep the model during situ load. For PSX, however, I had to remove this option for the above reasons. There are too many intercausalities, circular infinite regresses etc. ...

In other words, if you keep the model during situ load (when using AdaptPSX), don't expect a perfect situ load. Use at your own risk :-) Check your deck after situ loading.



John Golin

Hmm... that sounds ominous... in that case I'll remove it - don't want to cause non-bugs through bad interactions with PSX!
John Golin.

Hardy Heinlin

You could keep it and add a sticker "Use at your own risk" :-)

A better solution would be this: Keep the original situ data sequence (first model data, then situational data), then simply inject the desired model data. (Just don't do this before the situational data.)

Nevertheless, when changing models, users should check the deck for normal settings re IRS/ADC source select, ignition selection, alternate EFIS, MLW jettison, fuel quantity etc. -- But that's a normal logical step. Missettings in that case are consequences of plain logic and not of program errors.



John Golin


That's interesting as it is pretty much what I was doing -

- When connection to the server is initiated  by clicking the Start button in Adapt, I try to read in the model file information so I have it cached and ready to go.
- When load3 is received, I spit out the model data to the server.

I dunno - I'm still scared...

For now I've sent a new version of Adapt off the 'the publisher' with the model code disabled... enabling it again would be a simple case of removing two sets of '//' . :)
John Golin.

Hardy Heinlin

I thought you change or ignore the data between load1 and load2 (because we discussed this the other day).

If you relay the data from the server completely, and then inject the data of a model file, you are safe. No prob. It's the same as clicking Load on the Load Model page.


John Golin

Quote from: Hardy HeinlinI thought you change or ignore the data between load1 and load2 (because we discussed this the other day).

Ahhh.. different programs  - I think that was about SimSwitch? AdaptPSX is just a dumb client :)

Good to know I can enable that feature again... I can already tease the next update... :)
John Golin.

Hardy Heinlin

So, AdaptPSX is notified when a situ load process is completed, and then injects the data of a model file? That's OK.


A good illustration of the additional refinements available in PSX, it appears. (I'm translating into terms I can understand, in the absence of a detailed knowledge of PSX's internals).

But looking at this, as I do, from the point of view of a humble tutorial writer, such a facility would indeed be helpful; so if there should by any chance be a way of implementing it with adequate safeguards to avoid breaking anything, this scribe (at least) would be duly grateful.    :?

Thank you, gentlemen.


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).

John Golin

Quote from: brian747such a facility would indeed be helpful; so if there should by any chance be a way of implementing it with adequate safeguards to avoid breaking anything, this scribe (at least) would be duly grateful.  

Now that I'm reassured I'm not doing bad things to PSX, I've re-enabled the model load feature so it should be in the released build which is on it's way to the 'publisher' :)

John Golin.

Garry Richards

And is now 'published'!

You can download AdaptPSX Beta 2.3 and SimSwitch Beta 1.5 from my site.

Well done John. More good, free stuff for everyone!


John Golin

No, thankyou Garry! For everyone else, as well as hosting the files, Garry loaned (leant? loaned?) me his MCP so I could work on the interface...

AdaptPSX vB2.3:

- Fix for FO MINS and FO BARO Rotaries (ie they will work)
- Fix for DH / BARO toggle on MINS press (ie it will work as well)!
- Added ability to select which ND range to skip
- Fixed ' 'FUEL' works once only' bug (thanks Tom!)
- Added option to always apply a selected aircraft model after situation load (why not...)*
- Tweak to Heading Rotary to improve performance around 000 - still work in progress
- Added option to force MCP to LED type#
- Included Chat manual in the zip

* This will allow you to take someone elses situation file, load it up and always fly YOUR aircraft config, without having to change the model after loading. Magic.

# This will work regardless of the 'apply selected aircraft model' settings.

SimSwitch vB1.5

- Bug fix for variable cache when data coming from clients
- Rewrote initialisation for clients to take into account Hardy's guidance on the correct sequence and inclusions
- Added option for 'Chat' messages to be relayed even when the 'Read Only' option is selected.
John Golin.


Wonderful! Thank you again, John — and Garry, for the hosting; and Hardy for the info.     :D

Sadly, I won't get a chance to try it until tomorrow.    Grrr.....


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).

Pierre Theillere

Hi John & Garry!

Thanks for the release: I didn't report the "FUEL" issue (noticed inflight to SKBO) ... as I thought that my MCP hardware had a real hardware problem, but thanks! I'll also test the CMD R pushbutton, don't worry!
Hey, Brian, you even have a chance to test the chatting... see the "Shared Cockpit" topic: as in real, passengers are warmly welcome in the flight deck, but they are allowed to chat, but not touch (i.e. "read-only", technically).
Pierre, LFPG


I have noticed that sometimes AdaptPSX freezes PSX. One exemple. I load AdaptPSX then I start PSX. I connect AdaptPSX. After I load the situation : 01 Departure 009 - Cordoba - Santiago and PSX is freezed.





Warm thanks for v. (b) 2.3! I finally ran it up this morning, and was very happy to find it more stable than the previous version (it now stays synced to the PSX MCP even when changing situations) and the new features seem to be working well. Brilliant!    :D


OK, thank you - I'll have to read the manual on that one!    8)


(Author of "The Big Tutorial" for PS1, and "Getting started with PSX" Parts 1, 2, and 3).

John Golin

Quote from: bublegomI have noticed that sometimes AdaptPSX freezes PSX. One exemple. I load AdaptPSX then I start PSX. I connect AdaptPSX. After I load the situation : 01 Departure 009 - Cordoba - Santiago and PSX is freezed.



Can you upload your ini file so I can see of I can reproduce?

John Golin.