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PSX + X-Plane for scenery

Started by mikeindevon, Tue, 8 Jul 2014 17:57


CarlBB how have you done that? Is it all on a single monitor?


Yep !

I was wondering exactly the same :-)

How on Earth ( PSX + XP Earth ) ? .....

This is the best I can get, using just XP11 in windowed mode ( which doesn't allow to make it's window smaller in height, but saves the burden of yet another app running in the background, like "borderless-gw" ) and PSX:


Hi Both,

Two monitors stacked.

Lower monitor is the PSX views that you see
Upper monitor has X-plane (slightly shrunk). The 'trick' comes from the guy that posted the Canarsie approach - w to get into virtual cockpit (FOV around 60).
Also on upper monitor is another instance of PSX configured to give me access to the items i need quickly - runway entry/exit mostly.

- Carl


Hi Carl,

Great work! What size monitors are you using if you don't mind me asking?



Thanks  :) - the monitors are 21 inch Iyama (about 3 years old now I think)
- Carl


Hi all.  I'm new here, thinking about buying psx but would like the option of scenery generation via xplane. 

I run linux so currently this is not available.  Is there any chance of getting a linux release of xview?  I have some programming skills so i would be willing to compile or port if required to get this working.




Just wondered if there was any update as to the XP 11 version of Xview with the XP11 model file; also any news about the GS issue?



I believe the author - Mike aka mikeindevon here at the Forum - is active again and working on an updated version of XView for XP11.

He's probably busy, but at least we have some hope of getting it sometime in the Future...

Meanwhile the present versions works beautifully, and it is still my preferred ( compared to the FSX or P3D variants ) in terms of smoothness, ease of use and stability / functionality.


I agree - the current XVew works very well indeed (XP11)! No messing around and does exactly what it says it will! Even works with XP "runway follows terrain" without any problems.

There is an oddity though - the 747 in X-Plane has the turn center located behind the aircraft model, which makes taxiing on the ground interesting. Very minor detail.



how do you arrange the weather implementation between XP11 and PSX, especially the upper winds ?




PSX can use XVew ( optional ) to inject weather into XP11.

The only components that really matter are cloud coverage, precipitation, TS... because the rest is run by PSX itself, XP working only as a World Visuals Simulator.

There is no way that I know to do the feed in the opposite direction.


My PSX & X-plane 11 elevations don't match up. Any fix to this?



Quote from: Toga on Sat,  4 Nov 2017 16:03
My PSX & X-plane 11 elevations don't match up. Any fix to this?


If you're referring to that irritating bump and " eighty feet ... " aural, in cycle when you load one of the sims in a visuals - fdm/ systems combination, you usually get rid of that by loading psx 1st, then xp11...

But, honestly, for many reasons my solution is even better - I totally gave up on trying to use a visuals generator for PSX. Either FSX / P3D or XP impose, IMHO, so many limitations, in smoothness and perception of the true fluidity of PSX's "feel of flight" and response to commands / power / weather effects when used standalone, that unless someone comes up with a customized scenery generator for it, the best way is by far to use it alone.


I don't disagree however currently it's the only way to fly on PE or VATSIM.



Quote from: jcomm on Mon,  6 Nov 2017 07:45

But, honestly, for many reasons my solution is even better - I totally gave up on trying to use a visuals generator for PSX. Either FSX / P3D or XP impose, IMHO, so many limitations, in smoothness and perception of the true fluidity of PSX's "feel of flight" and response to commands / power / weather effects when used standalone, that unless someone comes up with a customized scenery generator for it, the best way is by far to use it alone.

Fortunately, while our brains are screaming for visual food (like Xplane of FSX, etc) our brains are quite capable to visualize what we are missing (in most cases). Frame rate that PSX alone achieves canot be in no way replaced - at least for me.

Hardy can you explain how did you invented tiny red dots on the ground (blue ones are gate positions i know), they in my brain sometimes  coincide with mayor roads , landmarks (in user manual you are mentioning "other objects") ?

best regards


Hardy Heinlin

The red lights are airport beacons, on the towers, taken from the internal database of VHF com radio station coordinates. Some station database coordinates are located on runways instead on buildings, therefore PSX fades them out when they are within a certain distance.




Just an idea - can switching on the windscreen wipers in PSX, switch on the wipers in the virtual cockpit in X-Plane ?
- Carl

Dennis B

Quote from: mikeindevon on Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:00
The full software package is now up on my server (details of login above).
Please let me know of any issues.

Hey Mike,

unfortunately I'm getting an FTP 530 error when trying to login to the server. Is it still up and running?



Quote from: Dennis B on Thu,  7 Dec 2017 16:07
Quote from: mikeindevon on Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:00
The full software package is now up on my server (details of login above).
Please let me know of any issues.

Hey Mike,

unfortunately I'm getting an FTP 530 error when trying to login to the server. Is it still up and running?


Hi Dennis, just go to for the files, no need to login


Dennis B

Hey John, just tested it out, and I'm straightly overwhelmed. Following the installation instructions, XView was working right "out of the box". And the aircraft detail work is just awesome. with working landing and logo lights and a great landing gear animation. Thanks for your efforts!

BTW, I could not find the mentioned "installation package" mentioned in the User Guide. Rather there's only the win.xpl respective win0.xpl hiding under "Downloads" on your website.

Luckily, I still had the .cfg file of a (previous?) version of XView and put it to work.

Best regards