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PSX + X-Plane for scenery

Started by mikeindevon, Tue, 8 Jul 2014 17:57


Hi Peter,

Can you give me a route to fly where you see this. How long before you see this? I presume that you are flying straight and level. I will have a look in a couple of weeks - hols at the moment. It is hard to see why XView would cause this as it just takes the angles from the boost server and passes them to X-Plane in the appropriate format. I would need to replicate it and take a data dump to see what is happening.


Peter Lang

Hi Mike,

I positioned PSX about 70 - 80 NM west of GCTS at FL200 to perform an ILS RWY 08 (without route except dep. and arrival route). It was approximately at or short after passing GCGM when it happened. It was night and I only saw the lights of La Gomera and Teneriffe moving. The clouds (XEnviro) did not seem to be affected.

Before this I performed some traffic circuits at MMMX, then climbed out to FL 200 and repositioned PSX.

The next time when I have this issue I will load the latest autosave.situ and see if I can reproduce this for myself. Maybe it is also a good idea to stop the time between these events.

As mentioned in XP-10 this event occurred rather often (as far as I recall this was already mentioned here). For XP-11 I cannot make a solid satement, as I did not fly so much the last weeks with the sim.

Hope this helps


EDIT: found the thread:
and here on the same thread page 17


Sorry for not being in the sequence of the lasts posts in this thread, but I wonder in XView could be used with no flight dynamics model at all running on x-plane ?

In P3D this is possible, and used by PSX.NET, but in X-Plane the least we can have is 1 flight model per frame. Maybe we could ask Austin to implement NILL Flight models per frame... Or does Xview in any way use the calculations performed by X-Plane's FDM engine ?


IIRC, XView already disables X-Planes flight model (sim/operation/override/override_planepath[0]), so whatever flight models per frame is set to, shouldn't make a difference for XView.

However, that setting is also relevant for AI aircraft, which are not controlled through PSX. So if you want to use X-Planes ai planes, you shouldn't set this to 0 even if it was possible.


Yes Mathias,

indeed that answers my question - that particular dataref being used means XView completely overrides the flight path calculations by X-Plane.

I never use AI aircraft, at least in X-Plane where it is a real burden for the processor :-/

Thanks for the enlightenment !


There is some good news on the problem of supplying groundspeed and other data to X-Plane to assist with interfacing to virtual airlines.  I have filed bug reports to LR about this over several years and never had a reply. But today I posted a comment on Ben's blog and got a favourable response. (

What I need now is a list of the data that the ATC guys need.  As I am not an expert in this area, could someone start a thread here that can be used to build up the list of all the data items needed.  I don't want to go back to Ben and find later that I have missed something vital.

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

zOMG that is a long time ago...

I believe it is mostly lat, lon, and 2992/1013 altitude. Basically what a transponder would give you. Ground speed is injected as well because the timing-sensitive nature of determining ground speed from blip motion does not work very well over the internet. Transponder code, basic aircraft model (jet/prop/number of engines), refined model, livery, flight number, and probably limited attitude/heading data. I believe there was space for details like lights, gear, flaps, but those were always optional.

Mike: mail me, I have something for you.



Found this doc... this is the TCAS data that the online client gets from aircraft in the vicinity.

callsign The callsign of the plane, guaranteed unique and usually extremely constant.

engines Number of engines on the plane, for visual generators.

model Basic plane model, such as "helicopter" or "jet".

lat Latitude in degrees.decimal_degrees.

lon Longitude in degrees.decimal_degrees.

alt True altitude MSL in feet.

spd Ground speed in knots.

pbh Pitch, bank, and heading encoded in a single 32-bits integer. The fields are encoded in Microsoft Flight Simulator units, 10 bits pitch, then 10 bits bank, then 10 bits heading, and the two least significant bits are zero.


I can only speak for Pilotedge, as I don't fly on Vatsim or Ivao. According to the staff, there were only two issues when flying on PE with XView:

- No groundspeed
- Transponder stuck on IDENT

I don't know if you already fixed the IDENT issue, it's been some updates ago since I tried PSX/Xview with PE.


Hi, guys.

I tested xp11 and psx with success. What a wonderful program this is.

However when I try to fly xp11 alone again, my joystick is not working. XP11 still recognize my joystick, only hat switch is working. not throttle, pitch and roll. feels like xp11 is in slew mode (?). And also I discovered some keystrokes also not working for examples "B" key for brakes.

Could someone tell me solutions please?




I know this issue.
Actually, disabling the plugin in X-plane menu doesn't work.
You have to rename or remove the Xview file in the plugin folder before starting X-plane.



Hi, Bastien.

I followed your instructions. Now joystick working perfectly!!
Thank you very much.




I am trying to download Xview but I keep getting an authentication failed message, did the login credentials change?

Thanks in advance



Once you get the site up just click the links on the right hand side. I did not need the login.

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Hi Alex,

I guess I'm confused, I was trying to use ftp to download the files according to the login info below, there is no site I can get to.  Has the procedure changed to download the files?  Thanks.

QuoteThe XView User Guide is now available at 

Username :
Password  : 747Pilot

The software will be loaded in the same place later in July.


Hardy Heinlin

Hi Mark,

it's this www site:

However, the site is currently displaying this:

QuoteError displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: The MySQL adapter mysqli is not available




Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


In P3D its possible to display 6 digit lat and long so that we can sync the aircraft and psx's position if we use an internal pushback program - GSX or better pushback. Does anyone know how to display this info in XP11? I want to try switch models for pushback as the PSX one has me going all over the place.


Thanks for the link Alex, that worked!


Although most of the time I prefer to use PSX standalone, I couldn't avoid trying it with the latest XP11 release ( 11.10 beta 3 and going... )

The Visuals Sim is suffering multiple updates on various fronts, and is even more smooth and stable than it was when released so, setting the # of flight models perf fram to the minimal ( 1 ), setting Sounds to OFF, and using this PSX-744 I am able to run XP11 and PSX in the best possible way for my rig:

- Instead of running XP11 in full-screen mode and then having to load yet another program for window shaping ( borderless gamming ) I simply set XP11 to run in windowed mode, create a layout for PSX where NUMPAD 4 set's the lower part of the screen with a display of them line including the PFD, ND, upper EICAS and gear, and fill the rest of the screen with XP11.

- Instead of using "Always on Top" or the like, I simply bring my cursor to the PSX window and click there to make it active.

This way I run both sims only and it works very well, with fluid XP11 and PSX in my old i5 2500...


Quote from: jcomm on Mon, 16 Oct 2017 14:18
- Instead of running XP11 in full-screen mode and then having to load yet another program for window shaping ( borderless gamming ) I simply set XP11 to run in windowed mode, create a layout for PSX where NUMPAD 4 set's the lower part of the screen with a display of them line including the PFD, ND, upper EICAS and gear, and fill the rest of the screen with XP11.

- Instead of using "Always on Top" or the like, I simply bring my cursor to the PSX window and click there to make it active.

This way I run both sims only and it works very well, with fluid XP11 and PSX in my old i5 2500...

Similar to this ?

My setup on page 3 is of course for t/o and landing.

Images are a 'what if I land the Jumbo in Zante' - from an approach that for the main, referring to VORs.

- Carl