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PSX + X-Plane for scenery

Started by mikeindevon, Tue, 8 Jul 2014 17:57


This Precision Simulator should be:  The main server - is ON


My selection is "This Precision Simulator should be:  The main server" - is ON



I don't have a mac to hand at the moment so it is difficult to diagnose your problem.  Shouldn't the plugin be called mac.xpl?  Again I am not sure, but I don't think you need the /64 directory on  the mac.  If you go into the x-plane menu plugins, you should see XView there.  If not, it hasn't loaded properly.


Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: B747Pilot on Mon, 14 Aug 2017 18:01
My selection is "This Precision Simulator should be:  The main server" - is ON

That's correct, but it's not the whole story. You also need to click the "Start" button on Network > Main.

On Network > Main
Click "The main server"
Click "Start" (the large start button)

On Network > Boost
Click "Start" (the small start button)


Hi Hardy.

Thanks for a real good simulator, outstanding.

I have a genuine PSX and X-Plane 11
I have installed Xcode for mac.
I have installed XView for mac in    X-Plane 11/Resourses/plugin/XView/mac.xpl
I have started the main server
I have started the boost

Still, nothing


Can you see XView in the list of plugins? See rightmost of the X-Plane menus: File ... etc. If it is not there then it hasn't loaded properly and we will need to sort that.



Quote from: mikeindevon on Mon, 14 Aug 2017 10:20
Hi B747Pilot,

If you go to you will find all you need for XView there.  It provides viuals for PSX using X-Plane.  The documentation will tell you how to set it up and I am sure any questions will be answered here by me or somebody else.  Make sure you select the Mac version to download.

XView was developed for Windows.  I converted it to Mac but it hasn't had the extensive use that the Windows version has had.  To get it to run, you need to install Apple's XCode on your machine.  It's free.



Please just delete this reply.

I don't understand why his not answer to only my reply and this. :(


Best Regards,



Hi Mike

Yes I can, and there I find Settings and About.
Now in my X-Plane 11 the aircraft is gone, I only see senarios outside the aircraft. And it is erratic and close down every 30 sec


It is intentional that you don't see the cockpit inside as that is provided by PSX. If you really want to you can select it from the X-Plane view menu, where you can also select external views of the aicraft - eg "chase".  Make sure you select PSX Plane as the aircraft.

If the software is crashing, I will try and run the mac version here and see what is going on.


Go into the XView settings and make sure extrapolation is turned off.

If that doesn't solve the problem, go into PSX Preferences, Basic and adjust the "Frame rate limit - FPS" to the left to get lower values.



Hi B747Pilot,

I have tried Mac XView with XP11 and I believe that the code is working.  Both XP11 (including XView) and PSX run satisfactorily separately.  However, on my low-end Mac they don't run together.

My Mac is a Mini and was bought solely for building the OSX version of the software.  It has an i7 processor with just 2 cores.  When I run both simulators, XP11 takes over most of the CPU and PSX is only able to achieve a frame rate of around 4fps with the CPU resources remaining.  This gives an erratic behaviour like you describe and it is impossible to fly.

Check the frame rate that you are achieving with PSX in the top left corner of the screen to see if this is your problem.  If it is, then there are a number of options.  You can run PSX on a separate machine, using the most powerful machine for XP as PSX doesn't use so many resources.  I can help you with the network settings for that if necessary.  The second machine could be a PC. 

Alternatively you can download a demo copy of XP10 and try that.  With this both sims run satisfactorily on my Mac.

XP11 has been developed to maximise performance by using all the available cores, whereas the older versions typically used one or two cores.  This has not been a problem with Windows, as the user can set the processor affinity to limit the number of cores a particular application has access to.  As I understand it, this is not possible with OSX - somebody please correct me if I am wrong.

Please let me know how you get on.



Some info on PSX Plane with XP11.

PSX Plane is a modification of the default 747 from XP10.  The mods allow PSX to animate many external features of the aircraft.  The 747 in XP11 is a very different animal to the XP10 version.  In particular, much of the logic of the plane is written in Lua, a scripting language.  An example of the sort of logic implemented in Lua might be you can't illuminate lights if there is no electricity.

This logic fights with that coded into PSX Plane and for example prevents the landing lights working.  There is a workaround until the next version of PSX Plane.

Go into the XP plugins menu and disable XLua.  The landing lights now work, although the switches are transposed. 


Peter Lang

Hi Mike,

just a question to the COMMs. In the XView plugin, the COMM animation box is checked, (in the cfg file: DO_COMMS = TRUE) but there is no action at the XP 11 COMMs to be seen. They simply read 111.70 and do not change

Is this a known issue, or did I do something wrong? As far I rememeber in XP10 the COMM animation worked.

The landing/ taxy etc. lights work, except the strobe lights, even with no electrical power on in the model.



Hi Peter,

As far as I can see, the COM simulation is working as before.  The COM1 frequency within X-Plane is changing correctly.  You won't see this on any cockpit drawn by X-Plane as these cockpits are disabled by XView to avoid conflicts with PSX.  What use this COM1 setting can be put to depends on other software.

It sounds like you are using the stock 747 from XP11.  Many of the animations available with PSX Plane do not work properly with this new aircraft.  PSX Plane seems to work perfectly well with XP11.  The only thing missing is some of the new fuselage reflections introduced with the new enhanced illumination effects. You can find PSX Plane at  With this aircraft the external lights certainly go out if you turn the electrics off in PSX.

I am going through the implementation of the XP11 stock 747 with the aim of making it suitable for working with XView.  The technology of this new plane is quite different from that in XP10 and earlier versions, so it is a lot of work.



Just to be sure, beacons and strobe lights don't work on XP11 with PSX Plane, but all other lights are working well.
Is it normal, do you find the same result ?


Peter Lang

Hi Mike,

thanks for your input. I used the PSX model from XP 10. Will download the new one and report.

Beacons also do not work. Will check with the new model.


Peter Lang

Hi Mike,

there seems no difference to the old PSX Plane file. File size is the same as from 2014 and everything else also the same. Animations work, lights work (see below). But no comms...

When you check "Prep Electrical Systems for Boarding" under "Flight" menu, lower, both beacons and wing strobes will work.



Hi Peter,

Can you clarify for me what exactly you saw with respect to comms in XP10 that you don't see now in XP11.

With regard to the beacons, it always works properly for me and I don't have to prep electrical systems in XP.  Can you explain how to get the PSX Plane into a state where it is necessary to prep the electrics to get the beacons to work.  Then I can investigate what is going on.



Hi Peter and Mike,

With your feedback and advice, I've found in XP when I load a plane, option "Start with engine running" was not checked.
With this option checked it works well

Thanks to both of you



About "ground speed", did you found a way to fill it in XP ? This is the only missing feature to be able to flight Online with all informations needed.

Thank you