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PSX + X-Plane for scenery

Started by mikeindevon, Tue, 8 Jul 2014 17:57


Quote from: cdpohl on Wed,  8 Apr 2020 07:38
I've managed to network PSX and X-Plane 11 on my WIN10 PC. All seems fine, both programs run without stutters and their positions agree. I have, however, only one monitor attached to the PC, and now need to switch constantly between the two programs to enjoy x-plane's scenery. Is there a way where I can use the PSX display and X-plane's scenery concurrently. By that I mean, use the PSX cockpit display and x-plane's scenery in the same window without the switching process? I guess I need to split the window in two, or? Appreciate any help.

I do it this way:


Ther is a little program calls TurboTop which allows to hold one window always on top. Would be good to let stay XP11 on top when you are clicking in the PSX Screen. I have no link available yet, just do a search...



I find that compressing the Xplane window to half the screen distorts the vertical movement.

I use Xplane at full screen (but still windowed) and adjust the view with the right mouse button so that the horizon is 3/4 way up the screen. Then I just put PSX in the lower half of the screen, on top of Xplane. Hope that makes sense.

You can save an Xplane view by hitting Ctrl+Numpad(x) once you're satisfied with the view. In Xplane 10, just hit that numpad number to recall the view. For some unnacountable reason, in Xplane 11 you have to hit numpad(x+1) to get the same view. Or, if you like, hit Ctrl+Numpad(x-1) to save it.

For instance, I use numpad 5 for my default ahead view. In Xplane 10 I save it by using Ctrl+Numpad(5), but in Xplane 11, I use Ctrl+Numpad(4)

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

I think we talked about the idea below before; but I don't recall it.

We know semi-transparency is extremely expensive on the CPU/GPU as it essentially needs to calculate more than twice the pixels to arrive at the solution.

However Windows native has also a feature somewhere in its GUI stack to declare a colour fully transparent. I once used this to drop the background out of windows so that they became like glass, with ink painted on the glass and becoming useful to make overlays on a radar display. This was cheap on the CPU.

If Java in the mean time has introduced this feature, too, it could be possible to drop the complete painting inside the windshield frame out of PSX so that whatever is under PSX shines through. If Java has it. Just stop painting the windshield entirely, replace it by an unused colour, and declare that colour transparent. If.



Hello to everyone! I'm new to the forum and PSX in general, but I'm trying to learn as I love complex aircrafts :D
I saw down the forum that someone had the same issue as me - the plane hovers 2m above ground, has absolutely no animations and no lights. The rest works fine - it flies fantastically but doesn't feed elevation data to PSX i think as I had some instances of plane in x plane on runway and still 5-10ft agl in PSX, but those are minor deatils.
I've put the sim directory in the cfg file, connected through main and boost (i'm running PSX and Xplane on the same pc), in Xview preferences activated animations, lights, comms and boost... I saw a screenshot down the forum of someone with all animations active, so I think it can be corrected? X plane 11.43
PS - are there news about someone thinking about making an interface with MSFS2020?


Thanks to all who responded so swiftly to my request for help. A great community.


Through experimenting I discovered the issue: in X-plane flight configuration just leave the "start with engines running" option on.


Quote from: dzmitryry on Wed,  8 Apr 2020 19:59
the plane hovers 2m above ground, has absolutely no animations and no lights.

Make sure the check boxes are ticked for Animations Active and Animate Lights in the Xview settings.

Sometimes hovering off the ground is caused by forcing XP11 to slew to the PSX aircraft position.  To avoid this my start up procedure is to load PSX first at the departure airport, then start XP11 at the same departure airport.


Quote from: Dirk Schepmann on Sun,  5 Apr 2020 13:09

is the AFV standalone still required?

The reasons I use AFV with xSquawkBox is that if you have the AFV standalone client working in PSX mode by changing the ClientConfig.xml, you can set it to work off the PSX PTT key.  Refer

I understand Gary has plans for a PSX vatsim client which will avoid all this nonsense with multiple daisy chained apps (and hopefully the groundspeed issue)

Sadly I've never been able to see vatsim traffic injected into PSX TCAS via xView


--->The reasons I use AFV with xSquawkBox is that if you have the AFV standalone client working in PSX mode by changing the ClientConfig.xml, you can set it to work off the PSX PTT key.  Refer<--

Dear Hammerstan, I tried this using AFV on a second computer, did not get it to work, are you on a one computer system?


My set up has Xsquawkbox + AFV both on the same PC (one less thing to worry about).  I assume to work off a remote PC the IP address of the XP11 PC needs to be specified in Simulator Settings under AFV Settings.

I currently only have PSX VHF L linked to AFV Com1.  Is there a way/has anyone been able to link a second PSX radio (eg VFR R) to AFV Com2 to enable receiving of two frequencies simultaneously? 


Hi Hammerstan,
my question was a bit missleading.
I just wanted to know if you could arrange the PTT on the psx computer when using AfV on a remote one.
The pro for using AFV on a remote is, you have just the ATC in your hedphones not the hole sound including PSX sound.
But it seems not to go with setup a joystick button on the main computer...


Gary Oliver

Multiple com radios will come in the standalone for PSX when we can split out to two different audio stacks.


Brilliant Gary

Quote from: Captain_Crow on Sat, 11 Apr 2020 08:40
I just wanted to know if you could arrange the PTT on the psx computer when using AfV on a remote one.
The pro for using AFV on a remote is, you have just the ATC in your hedphones not the hole sound including PSX sound.
But it seems not to go with setup a joystick button on the main computer...

This still should be achievable as you map AFV to both the XP11 IP address and to PSX via the \AudioForVATSIM\ClientConfig.xml file <SimulatorIpAddress>.

Alternatively, run a second instance of PSX on your AFV PC (ie headphone PC) turning off all the PSX sounds other than those you want to come through your headset (eg Headphone Captain).  Your joystick which activates the PTT key can still be mapped to PSX on your main PC.  The second instance of PSX on the AFV PC will still activate on the PTT key.

I achieve something similar with two instances of PSX dedicated to running sounds - one for speaker sounds, one for headset sounds (AFV, pushback truck comms, PSX co-pilot callouts). 


Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sat, 11 Apr 2020 10:21
Multiple com radios will come in the standalone for PSX when we can split out to two different audio stacks.

I'm curious Gary, will the standalone AFV for PSX allow PSX to inject vatsim traffic back into the scenery generator, therefore for multi-PC setups will we be able to see traffic across all PC/monitors sourced from PSX.  [My multi-PC XP11 setup only has vatsim traffic on the xsquawkbox enabled PC]


An interesting video someone sent me tday - PSX + XP11:


I understand fuel is cheap these days but still gear down and flaps 30 ~15nm out at 3700' AGL?   :)
Avi Adin


Anyone tried Xview with Vulkan yet?

I used to get 18-20fps running Xplane 11 as visuals for PSX, using Xview.

This was before Vulkan.

I'm now getting 30-40fps, which is great, except this is without Xview. As soon as I load Xview into the Resources/Plugins folder, or add it to the Plugins folder in an individual aircraft, my fps crash to 1 - 2.

Anyone else tried with Vulkan yet?




I did try it and it was very smooth, more than before.

My GPU is Nvidia - GTX 960 4GB, so far from top...

Make sure you set the PSX refresh rate to 60 / 2.

Also don't forget to:

- disable real weather in XP if you opted to inject it using XView;
- disable real time in XP if you opted for setting time through XView;


>>>>>>>Update: Did a clean install of Xplane 11 and it now works - am guessing there was a plugin Vulkan didn;t like. Still a little unstable and sensitive to start order (seems to like XP11 started first then PSX), but making progress!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Thanks for responding.

My RW weather and time were disabled anyway. I had PSX on 73fps but have now changed it to 60/2

No luck unfortunately.

I'll try running both on the same machine and see if that makes any difference.

Edit - nope - no difference. If anything slightly worse - less than one frame per second.

The effect is right across the computer - mouse moves incredibly slowly even if outside the X-plane window.

For info, if anyone can help|:

Windows 10 64bit
AMD FX8350 4ghz 8 core
32Gb RAM
Geforce GTX960