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PSX + X-Plane for scenery

Started by mikeindevon, Tue, 8 Jul 2014 17:57


Quote from: jcomm on Sun,  3 Mar 2019 13:33
Confirmed that indeed it was never possible to resize the window of XP10 / 11 to, say, half screen... Instead I had to make the PSX window, in one of the layouts, small enough to fit the bottom of the screen bellow it...
Hmmm, not sure that's necessary as long as the PSX window is on top. Then adjust the X-plane view (eye position and FOV) to your liking.  :)




it seems all is working very well...
For best results, I set up with 2 PC.
Only problem happens when I desire to fly with Xplane alone.
No keyboard commands seem to be transmitted to the plane.
I tried to deactivate XView in plug-in menu, but the result is the same and the only solution seems to delete xview folder from the plug-in folder and all become as before.
Is there another way?

In any case, thank you to the developper and above all to HH.

Gary Oliver

Not an x-plane ist but...

I hear if you put the plugin inside the aircrafts plugin folder rather than the main one, it only runs when you have the 747 active.



Quote from: Gary Oliver on Wed,  6 Mar 2019 11:32
Not an x-plane ist but...

I hear if you put the plugin inside the aircrafts plugin folder rather than the main one, it only runs when you have the 747 active.


I can confirm this is true. I just leave xview in the plugins folder of the aircraft using it.

Christian Wiegand

Is there any known effort for a new xview Version for PSX and XP11?

Someone mentioned a while ago to think about opening a request on a programmer platform.

Thank you all


Is there still no way to use x-plane as a scenery generator with the ability of 3rd party softwares (IVAO, VATSIM etc) able to read altitude and gs data?


Hello everyone,

I am coming late to the game for XView mode.  I have searched all 34 pages of this thread and found varying links to the download.  The website appears like it doesn't work any more.  I have downloaded the files from Alex B.'s DropBox folder (thanks Alex for hosting these files);  however, I am not certain that these are the most current.

Mike D. has not posted in some time.

First, is the link active any more?  If not, what is the "official" source for the XView program and users guide.

Second, is the XView program still being updated to stay current with PSX?  If not, then I may move directly to P3D for scenery insertion.


Richard Boll
Wichita KS


Alex's files are the most current.

I've seen a few mentions some months ago about the author being working on an update for XP11, but no release yet.

This XView is still usable with XP11, at least the last time I used XP some 3 months ago.

It's still, IMO, the best visuals coupling for PSX.


Thanks Jcomm!

I'm going to give it a try!



The XP 747 can be also used to place the plugin inside it's folder, instead of on the default general plugins folder of the XP 11 install.

This way the XView plugin only get's active when you load that 747, which is good if you also use XP 11 as a flight simulator and not only as a PSX Visuals Simulator.


Hey guys.

Would like to try using the XP11 with PSX as well. Where can I find alex's dropbox link?



I have finally got to a point with PSX working well with XP11 + Ortho4XP scenery in a full sized sim

Some VODs on my


Short video of approach into FACT


Quote from: Hammerstan on Sat, 22 Jun 2019 00:19
I have finally got to a point with PSX working well with XP11 + Ortho4XP scenery in a full sized sim

Some VODs on my


Short video of approach into FACT

Amazing ... my issue with the Xview is that it doesn't report speed and altitude properly to online clients.



Is possible get the xpl 32 bits? My computer is slowly and need to use with XPlane 9

Thank you a lot!
B737 TCI
B777 TCI
B747 GSI


Dear all,
I have decided to purchase X-Plane for two reasons. One was to try to use ZIBO mod (B737 - freeware addon that his quite good) and most importantly to use it as scenery generator for PSX.

Coming from P3D/FSX, I have to say that I am quite impressed by the X-Plane. Sloping runways, visuals, handling, and ease of use are very good. It is quite hard to go back to P3D (PMDG and Majestic products).

Nonetheless, I would like to ask those that have successfully installed the XView, if my procedure is correct.

I have downloaded the XView and PSX Plane.
The PSX Plane is in the following directory:
X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Extra Aircraft

I have also placed the XView into:
X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Extra Aircraft\PSX Plane\plugins

Finally, I have placed following files into main X-Plane directory:
XView Debug.txt

Once I start X-Plane, should I load C172 first and then PSX Plane? And final question, how do I "start" XView? Via Plugins selector?

Thank for your help!



you did the right placing of the various components, as far as I can recall.

XView should start whenever you:

1) Have started PSX with the Main and Boost servers up;

2) You have then started XP11, and picked the XView 744, which will activate the plugin you placed inside it's plugins folder, and not on the main XP11 plugins folder - this is the correct procedure if you just want to start XView when you pick that aircraft;

You do not need to start with any other airplane. Start with the XView 744.

I don't recall how I used to get the best results when using PSX and XP. I somehow recall that starting PSX and placing your aircraft where you want it is the best choice, and then, with PSX running and visuals required, start XP. I used to do it just before pushback, then turn XP off after initial level, and restart it back at TOD.

XP and PSX have a problem, both... They do not correctly show the proper lighting based on geographical position and date. Sometimes it's pitch dark on both XP and PSX when there's still a lot of daylight IRL... FSX and P3D do a much better job, not to mention that they have precise Moon phase and ephmeris...

You do have to at least edit the "xview.cfg" in the main XP11 folder to set your preferences ( avoid the interpolation function in XP11 ) and the IP address, which can be set to if you're using all in the same PC.


Dear jcomm,

thank you for your response. I started PSX and placed loaded it with my default setup (EDDK, cold and dark).
Then I loaded X-Plane. The X-Plane took some time, and when it loaded, following occurred:
- The plane is doing 360* flips, in a middle of the ocean
- Frame rates (Boost): are about 7, going down to 1
- eventually, plane is in a space

It is strange as I have done everything as stated and my preferences follow my internal setup.
It does not matter if my IP is selected as or (host address data from the Instructor's window).

I have not given up on this, yet.
