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PSX + X-Plane for scenery

Started by mikeindevon, Tue, 8 Jul 2014 17:57



I haven't found a way to poke groundspeed into XP and I have tried very hard.  It must be computed internally.  However, I have a version of XView that can output groundspeed in the dataref XView/groundspeed.


Peter Lang

Hi Mike,

Quote from: mikeindevon on Fri, 18 Aug 2017 23:58
Can you clarify for me what exactly you saw with respect to comms in XP10 that you don't see now in XP11.

In XP 10 as far as I recall, the following happend: When I changed the frequency in PSX the radio talk in XP stopped. Changing back it started again.
I cannot remember to look on the XP10 Comms.

In XP 11 I noticed, that there was no radio talk at all. After giving power to the aircraft (Prep Electrical Systems for Boarding) the radio talk on XP 11 starts. But it does not stop or change, when I change the frequency in PSX. In the XP 11 ATC menu the marked frequency does not change.

Quote from: mikeindevon on Fri, 18 Aug 2017 23:58

With regard to the beacons, it always works properly for me and I don't have to prep electrical systems in XP.  Can you explain how to get the PSX Plane into a state where it is necessary to prep the electrics to get the beacons to work.  Then I can investigate what is going on.

After each start of XP 11 nothing happens regarding the beacons and the strobes when I select the respective PSX switches. The other lights work when I switch them on in PSX. Only after checking Prep Electrical Systems for Boarding Beacon and Strobes can be switched on via PSX.

After restart of XP 11 the same. I have to check Prep Electrical Systems for Boarding again and then shitch off and on the PSX switches so get the beacons and strobes in XP 11 to work.



Thanks for that Peter, it gives me something to go on.  Mike



yesterday as I re-installed XP11.05 in my short of space SSD disk, to use * only * as a visuals generator for PSX, I went to the larkshayes site and downloaded:

.) "PSX Plane" ( very difficult to get a workable FTP session... but I eventually managed to... )
.) From "PSX Downloads" I get the chance to D/L "XView 64bit Version 3.0" and "XView 64 bit (lights 2.25) Version3a", and I don't know exactly which one I should use ? Also, the "PSX Pane" brings it's own "win.xpl", and I don't know if it's 3.0 or 3a fro above ?

I tested the setup in my i5, with XP11.05, using "Borderless Gamming Windows" and split my monitor display into the upper ( X-Plane ) and lower ( PSX ) areas. Was missing it :-)

What is strange is that most of the time when I start a new session I always get the "IRS 3 ..." EICAS message ? or something like that - have to check the exact message text...

Also, I had to disable the sound in XP or I will keep listening to a sound of the gear solenoid all of the time ( ? ) but looking from na outsider view the gear doesn't keep retracting / extending...

Ah!  Thanks you so MUCH for giving us this great plugin for free !!!


Quote from: mikeindevon on Sat, 19 Aug 2017 17:39

I haven't found a way to poke groundspeed into XP and I have tried very hard.  It must be computed internally.  However, I have a version of XView that can output groundspeed in the dataref XView/groundspeed.


Hello Mike,
Thanks for the reply and your work to find a solution.

I guess we will not be able to fly on IVAO network with this config (PSX / XP11 / X-IVAP) as long as this issue is not managed.

Perhaps someone has tried to connect PSX / XP11 on Vatsim network ? is it working with full transponder, speed/alt and tcas reporting ?



Hi Mike

When X-Plane 11 and PSX are running PSX show 1 frm in upper left corner.


Hi Mike
When using X-plane 10 frm is still 1


Hi B747Pilot,

Can you let me know what computer you have: make, model, cpu, ram and graphics card.



Hi Mike
iMac (Retina 5K, 27 inch, late 2015) 4 GHz Intel Core i7 memory 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3
graphics AMD Radeon R9 M395 2048 MB


Hi jcomm,

It is the top one, version 3.

LR introduced an error into the lighting in 10.5 and carried that forward to 11.  I reported it and they fixed it in 11, but probably not in 10.5, although I haven't tried it.  They had set a variable to integer rather than float.

XView 3a was a version with a work-around for the problem.  Don't use it for 11, but you may need it for the later 10.x releases.

I am currently working on a new version of PSX Plane based on the XP11 model.  It's going to take a few days yet as this stuff is complicated.  If you open Exterior_wings2.obj from the version 11 aircraft in a text editor you will see why!  I haven't added it all up but there must be over 100,000 lines of code in the aircraft model.



Hi B747Pilot,

That sounds good enough.  It may be that there is some problem with the macs.  I assumed the fact that I couldn't run both PSX and X-Plane on the same machine was down to the fact that I had a bottom of the range mac.  It works fine on my PC.

Perhaps other mac users could comment on whether both PSX and X-Plane can run together on their machines.



I am using Flight Illusion hardware gauges in my sim which draws data directly from Xplane.

Using XView with PSX, the airspeed and altitude data is not being output by Xplane.  I've read in posts that there are some challenges with XView poking this data to XPlane.  Is this issue still being looked into (or can it be)?

Alternatively is anyone aware of a PSX to Flight Illusion software bridge? 


Hi Hammerstan,

X-Plane will use the position and angular data that XView feeds in from PSX rather than its own flight model if one sets the dataref  "sim/operation/override/override_planepath" to 1.  Obviously this needs to be done.  The problem is that this override disables all sorts of other X-Plane internals as well: such as airspeed, groundspeed, altitude, and probably others.

XView does know all these values so the only solution that I can see is for other devices or software that needs this information is either write an X-Plane plugin that talks to XView to get the data, or to get it directly from PSX.  Presumably Flight Illusion gauges talk to X-Plane via a plugin - it would be a simple, well fairly simple, job to get the necessary datarefs from me.  I would be happy to make the necessary mods to expose them - just a few lines of c++.

I can't see Laminar Research implementing a less draconian override any time soon.  Why don't you talk to Flight Illusion about it and see if we can make XView talk to their drivers.




thx for the explanation regarding the correct XView plugin to use with XP11.

Looking fwd for the upcoming PSX747 !



Thanks for your helpful response. 

I have been in contact with Flight Illusion at your suggestion.  While I would have considered it a quick fix at their end to convert their drivers that receive FSUIPC to PSX, they have no appetite to do this.

Their suggestion was that an interface could be built into PSX using their SDK as has been incorporated into Prosim and Sim-Avionics.


Hi Guys,

there was an unreplied question here about not switching the Freq´s from PSX to X-Plane. So on my side unfortunately. XP11 using. Any help ?




Still working on the problem with Xview on Mac with X-Plane 11.
I couldn't get the lights to work. All of a sudden they did!
Next session.... gone again.

I am trying to troubleshoot and see if the startup sequence of X-plane, PSX, Boost, Server or aircraft loading has to do anything with this erratic success story..


Ok, so I got it to work twice.
But no longer.  Something weird going on.

Again, the setup is: Xview for Mac on X-plane 11 for Mac.
I got it to work in two sessions, but I do not know why. As I restarted all, it didn't work anymore. I tried loading the default 747, switching the lights on and off in X-plane on the pannel and then load the Xview 747. No luck.

There seems to be a success sequence to it, that I can't figure out or reproduce.

When it works, all light switches out of PSX work in X-plane 11. Wonderfull stuff, the more frustrating not being able to reproduce it.

Peter Lang

Hi Mike,

yesterday I encountered again an old problem which I often had with XP-10 and now with XP-11.

When flying along a certain time in one direction the scenery suddenly "realigns". That means a sudden bank (~<1°) and pitch (~2-3°) correction. It feels as if the pitch and bank alignement sometimes is not actualized for some reasons and then there is a sudden correction with noticable bigger changes.

To say it with other words: the position is continuously updated (mostly rather smooth, sometimes with stuttering) but the pitch/bank attitude alignment sometimes seems to be "forgotten" so that this bigger sudden alignement is necessary.

During this sudden change, the PSX PFD does not move = no changes in pitch and bank indication.



Anybody running Xview and XP11 successfully on a Mac?