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747-400 reading suggestion

Started by Matt Sheil, Sat, 14 Jun 2014 22:34

Matt Sheil
If you wish to do some pre reading of the 747-400 prior to release of PSX I would recommend Mike Rays 747 training manual.
We'll worth the money and a humorous approach to learning the aircraft.


Hi there,

this is to notify all readers to keep your hands off this website (! I actually decided to purchase the download version of Mike Ray's B747 Simulator and Checkride as pdf. The transaction was completed via paypal and I paid 19.95USD. I received a mail with the instruction how to download the pdf. So far so good. I downloaded the pdf and opened it - but its password protected. Ok, so where to find the password? In the mail it states "Your file and access code should be displayed. Codes for opening the products are also displayed by selecting the picture icon for the product and are in the "OVERVIEW" section. Until further notice ... even if you have already received your download, once your purchase has been verified, a backup copy of the file will be forwarded to your e-mail address using the on-line ftp ""." This cryptic description is already confusing enough. But I have no clue how to find the password.

So I sent multiple mails to Mike Ray directly and to the customer contact reply at all! What a lousy service! I will now contact Paypal to ask for full refund...

So, just avoid Its either a scam or the site is down but they still collect money... :x



You can find the password directly on the website. Under product description---overview.
It begings with HUGE...
I have purchased also the pdf and it works as expected.



I converse with Mike often and he is NOT scamming anything.  He is a decent and honorable pilot with a world of experience to share.  Please contact him at mikeray (AT) for direct assistance.  You will find him kind and helpful.  Perhaps you can let the world know that once your issue is resolved!

Best- Carl
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


I second that.

Mike is definitely not a scammer. My PDF copy works fine, and the hard copy version (which I have too) is great.

He has published articles for flight simmers for years in magazines and gives out free Spanish language translations of some of them on his site. Do not worry, your issue will get resolved.

- Stekeller

Jeroen D

In the past I've conversed with Mike several times. I always found him very professional in how he dealt with the various products I bought of him and very amicable and knowledgable on aviation matters. He helped me with a number of complicated questions.



Hi All,

finally Mike replied to my mails and explained to me how to get the password. All clear now. I still think the purchase process is a bit confusing and there should be a better instruction on. Thanks for your comments! I did not mean to discredit Mike, just was disappointed to have paid without being able to read the file...



Glad it worked out!  I owe Mike a debt of systems understanding which you will come to understand after digesting his delectables- a few decades of experience in a few hundred pages.  He's the best.

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


I also have emailed Mike and he's a very nice guy and answers any questions.  The 747-400 and the 767 books are excellent.

Jeroen D

I had another look at this site, hadn't visited it for quite a while. I recall I also have a manual on Dispatch from Mike. I didn't see it on his site anymore. It was very interesting, provided lots of insights on the roles and responsibilities of dispatcher and pilot.

Anyway, still plenty of other interesting reads on his site.




This is a question to any of you who might have 747-400 FOM's and Bill Bulfers Big Boeing FMC guide.

Is it nescessary still to get Mike's handbooks mentioned above?


Best regards

Jeroen D

Quote from: FlygenringHi.

This is a question to any of you who might have 747-400 FOM's and Bill Bulfers Big Boeing FMC guide.

Is it nescessary still to get Mike's handbooks mentioned above?



Hi Kurt,

Depends I guess on what you want. If you just want to fly this thing and quickly built up some knowledge you could do without. I do have a somewhat different opinion/thoughts as well.

I have a whole bunch of 747-400 AOMs, from Boeing and from various carriers. And as many training manuals from as many different sources. I also own Bulfers guide and I have an original Honeywell FMC manual as well. And I have several of Mike's manuals.

Interestingly enough all these different Boeing Manuals do differ, whilst still describing the same plane. I'm not just talking about real different options that might exists between models as operated by different carriers. The same topic is described differently. Even the check list have some differences.

Personally I enjoy comparing all these differences. Not necessary, probably more nerdy and anal than anything else. But part of my interest in this plane is just understanding it to the best of my knowledge and that goes beyond just operating it. So I will buy, beg, borrow anything I can get my hands on.

Bulfers FMC guide is something else. It is without a shadow of doubt the most detailed, yet still very practical manual on the FMC in existence. All AOM will dedicate many pages to the FMC, but nothing comes close to Bulfer's guide. The official Honeywell guide is actually pretty pathetic, sort of a FMC guide for dummies!

Now Mike's books cover a lot of the same topic as in all of the above. But he does it very differently and he does it from a pilots point of view and based on his own experience and maybe some of his personal preferences. But it makes for very easy reading and understanding.

So is it necessary? Probably not. But is it a very welcome addition to the other sources, absolutely!

Some might not agree, but I would think that it helps to have a reasonable understanding of the 747 systems and how to operate them before diving into Mike's book. I think that would go a long way to get a better understanding and context of what Mike talks about.

Same goes for the various DVD's and maybe even Youtube video's of 744 cockpits. It just another sources of information, showing the same thing in a slightly different way, or sometimes something completely new.



Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for the insight :) - I took the plounge and just ordered the hardcopy version.

Lets see what arrives first, - PSX or the book  :P


Best regards


Hi Jeoren,

Do you have any recommendations for 747 AOM's?  When to Google for it you can get the B747-441 AOM from 2001. Is there a more updated version available?


Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Note that there is not "the" 747-400 AOM. These things differ per owner, fleet, and often even aircraft.


Hello all,

May I suggest, 'Handling the Big Jets: An Explanation of the Significant Difference in Flying Qualities Between Jet Transport Aeroplanes and Piston Engined Transport' by David P Davies. A classic by the lead BA pilot,I recall buying a copy in Heathrow summer 1973 and reading it,rather first read,across the pond. Very well written and worth the effort to find.



Jeroen D

Quote from: nicolasHi Jeoren,

Do you have any recommendations for 747 AOM's?  When to Google for it you can get the B747-441 AOM from 2001. Is there a more updated version available?

As per JeroenH's message there is a huge variety of different AOMs out there. From the Boeing one, to different carriers.

A good place to check is You might get lucky and find a more recent one. It still remains to be seen how different a 2001 AOM will be from a 2014 one.




Just received the physical 744 book and while waiting Mike sent me a free PDF copy in color :) Great service :)

Nice addition to all my other manuals, - it is light reading but a very funny and entertaining way of learning the 747-400 and i definitely recommend it for both newcomers and experienced 744 drivers.


Best regards


Quote from: FlygenringHi.

Just received the physical 744 book and while waiting Mike sent me a free PDF copy in color :) Great service :)

Nice addition to all my other manuals, - it is light reading but a very funny and entertaining way of learning the 747-400 and i definitely recommend it for both newcomers and experienced 744 drivers.



Do you have an index of what it covers?


Hi Godatum.

The manual gives a complete tour on the 744 cockpit with relevant procedures from a fully dark cockpit - power up - programming - taxi - takeoff - climb - decent - landing - missed approach - go around - taxi - shutdown... And much much more in between.

If there is one book that introduces you to every aspect of the 744 operation in an easy way then this is it in my opinion. It is definitely not exhaustive but is the perfect companion for experienced simmers stepping up to highend sims like PSX.


Best regards