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PSX and IO Cards compatibility

Started by JP59, Wed, 8 Jan 2014 11:23

Blake H

That is cool, I just want to make sure I can make the twinkly LED works using open cockpit interface.

FSUIPC out of the question. Got it.
**** FSUIPC don't work with PSX for anyone else like myself trying to work this out. ****

I was reading the above attached doc for  Opencockpit appears to have a IOCP function IN/OUT.  I noted on the SIOC software there is a IOCP server Host in my case.

I have not used IOCP IN/OUT in opencockpit interface software only fsuipc IN/OUT.  I will have to have a play around with opencockpit as it appears to write and read ASCII text.

Anyone have any idea or comments with this topic?

If it works with opencockpit interface.  I will write a skeleton SIOC script immediately when PSX is released for everyone. You will only have to assign the device number and the in/out number.

Then I have a script for PSX using this IOCP server and FSUIPC for goofing around with different aircraft types using opencockpit



Quote99% of builder out there are using FSUIPC and offsets.

If you mean across all acft types, thats probably true -

As john said, as is well known,  PSX is a single acft type (with company variations) totally outside of the MSFS universe - so now we're talking about just the 744 crew - this would be about 20/25 of us worldwide? Correct me if I'm wrong - i don't think there are (at this time) more than that....

I believe a good percentage of these have already switched (those on the r&d team), and a good many are waiting for the release - i would venture a guess that a major % of 744'ers would switch to PSX eventually - and for the ones starting from scratch after release, the question of a switch does not arise -

I think John has said it all re the FSUIPC bit - there is no role FSUIPC will play in PSX - I/O vendors will find it relatively easy to write their own drivers for PSX (FDS, etc are already done, more in dev) - so i don't believe this platform will suffer for want of a FSUIPC to PSX bridge...

Elsewhere on this forum are details about all this, as well as the external visuals bridge between PSX and MSFS/XPLANE -

I personally am leaning towards Arduino for the GPIO part  -  

Did some searching for the PMDG v2, the release is a bit vague, sometime 2016...  can you share the link where the SDK is announced?


Blake H

There is flyboy, a product that was on the market. This was hacked offsets for PMDG 747 version 1.  The writer wasn't making enough money from his software. So I guest he pulled down the Flyboy web site. I have a copy if anyone wants flyboy747. Won't be a licensing issue now.  Also has a easy to use phidgets app ;)  

Pmdg 737NG NGX and 777 and soon 747v2, which I have seen a 2013 press release from a sim exhibition Q and A. Questions that were asked I have seen went up on a forum was what is the release date. PMDG stated soon after the 777 and will there be SDK, the answer was yes. They said 6 months after the 777. I know in reality it will be 3 times longer. This has been the case in the past with PMDG. You have to remember the 737 was the original building block and the 777 and 747 is built on from the 737. So we will see something very close to the 737, which is excellent in my opinion for what it is. So I guess we should see a good 747 too.

Anyway opencockpit for my aircraft systems takes ASCII through the IOCP servicer and FDS for my avionics, so I am equipped for PSX.

All the best with audrino how is you sim coming on, bet it is something else.  8)


So there is no official SDK for any of the PMDG aircraft? With a complete offset list?

Blake H

737 Ngx and 777 do have a SDK. The 747 v1 has an unofficial SDK flyboy747 and the 747v2 will have an official SDK.

The offical SDK is in the PMDG file from what I gather from forums. I have not used the offical SDK myself. I don't know much about it.

Blake H

Pmdg didn't want to give their original version offsets away. They believed there was no market for a SDK, in addition pmdg believed it would make their software vulnerable to copy. Their new version doesn't have this issue.  Pmdg now realise there is a large market for home cockpit builders.

Richard McDonald Woods

I have not heard any announcement or even talk by PMDG of the SDK being for cockpit builders.

The PMDG SDK will only enable other programs to access certain variables. It will not support any direct interfacing of external hardware.

Cheers, R
Cheers, Richard


Sliding off topic here, but....

The link for PMDG 744 and cockpit builders has been searched for high and low for years - i don't believe this exists - i could be wrong - some offset lists are floating around the net, but these are minimal...

Some (many) years ago, few of us were briefly in touch with Lefteris Kalamaras (ex PMDG, now with , but nothing came out of that either....  Flightsimlabs provides PMDG drivers for a few hardware products:

from what i can see, the flyboys people had a patch for indicator lights, announced in 2010 - they seem to be offline now -

Perhaps IP rights plays a part in all this -

anyway, back to Q values..... !

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Just to be sure, offsets (direct memory access with the invaded/raped program not knowing about that) are a gross hack and only can do relatively simple things. The only reason they are popular is that they were once the only way to get access to MSFS, and (yes) PS1.3 had its version as well (IPC). Many people now think that you need offsets to build hardware around a flight sim. Not true, of course.

The capacity to interface hardware to another sim if they both would just use offsets is marginal. This only works for simple stuff, like simple indicator lights.

Any serious cockpit needs supported access, such as SimConnect or PSX's Q system. These systems are incompatible but in the end you cannot hope for compatibility without a real worldwide standard. The general sims are not the right benchmark. CAN or ARINC may be a better choice, but these complicate the matter a lot and are of course not designed to cover everything. Real aircraft have lots of real wires and mechanics...

I completely agree with John that serious hardware vendors will go beyond plug and play support and will provide what serious cockpit builders need. And hey, if you can build a frame, panels, electrics, airco... You can learn to write software, too! It ain't rocket science.  :-)


Blake H

I am very sure 737 NGX and 777 have offsets list for uses with fsuipc the SDK has only been available since late 2013 when the 737ngx and 777 was released. Again located in the PMDG file in msfs if you have a licenced copy installed into your msfs.   ;)


I have a friend building his 737 using the 737ngx software he said the offsets work fine.

This will be incorporated in pmdg 747 v2 as announced at last years 2013 Europe sim exhibition

To answer back to the why pmdg never incorporated offsets list who really knows why.

Blake H

Flyboy is just for led but you can key macro for inputs


Out of curiosity, will anyone be releasing FDS interfaceIT config files?


The interfaces to the FDS line of SYS cards is in development and very easy to configure.  Documentation is planned to be available in time for the product release.



What about the encoders and digits ? Sys cards doesn't support them unfortunately...


Im also wondering if FDS legacy glare products will work with PSX. Granted the FDS G1 interface is old, however it still works flawlessly with PM. What is the probability of its drivers working in PSX?


Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

Unless somebody develops something for PSX, it won't work with PSX. PSX is not compatible with anything that exists for MSFS. However it is a lot easier to develop for PSX than to develop for any other simulator, and we expect many hardware vendors to move on it at a certain point.




The G1 board is a CP Flight board (I think) and not compatible with PSX as Jeroen indicated in the previous post.  The elements that have been integrated are the currently available units (MCP/EFIS/DSP and CDU)  Multi-channel radios to follow.




Quote from: Jeroen HoppenbrouwersYou need to write specific communication software that translates what SIOC needs in terms of hardware control to PSX network protocol. There's no way around that.
That's right. As a 'proof of  concept' I have developed psxseecon. It talks TCP/IP to the SIOC Server using the IOCP protocol, and it talks TCP/IP to the PSX Router via the PSX Network protocol. Here a screen shot of psxseecon acting as a bridge between both worlds.

psxseecon has been derived from my lekseecon program that connects the Level-D767 SDK with SIOC. What has to be developed now is a set of pre-defined SIOC variables mirroring / representing the Q variables of PSX.  That's a lot of work, but it can be done.

Hessel Oosten

So, MEGA good news !!!

Compatibility between Open Cockpits hardware (SIOC) and PSX.


Blake H

I am 80% through the sioc programming, using opencockpit it can be done!

Like Kiek using a communicator program. I have got the PSX emulator working!  

Blake :D