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VisualPSX versions

Started by Garry Richards, Thu, 6 Jun 2013 04:50

Garry Richards

Hi all,

Development of VisualPSX for FSX and Prepar3d is keeping pace with PSX and has almost reached beta stage.

Like other developers from the PS1 days, life has moved on for me and my time for software development is limited. For this reason I will not be able to produce a version of VisualPSX for FS2004 / FS9. If anyone is still using FS2004 and you want to continue with a Microsoft scenery generator then you will need either FSX, updated to SP2, or Prepar3d. VisualPSX is written for FSX but works with P3D just as well.

VisualPSX is superior to my earlier VisualPS1 for FS9. It cannot be compared to my VisualPS1 for FSX which is very buggy. (Had I realised how buggy I would not have released it.)

I have removed the ancillary functions from VisualPSX and separate applications still have to be developed for traffic and weather injection into PSX and for Squawkbox communications with PSX.

I am also working on linking the Aerosoft MCP to PSX and Matt Sheil's motion platform to PSX.

Hardy is doing a magnificent job with PSX. It will not disappoint!




Hi Garry,
Thank you for your efforts on our behalf to increase the future enjoyment of PSX.

I for one will be extremely disappointed if your product is only going to be available for FSX.

On the forums of sim aviation matters, it had become apparent that FS9 is much more popular than FSX.  There is, and was, a general agreement that there are far more products of add on  sceneries  etc for FS4.   (many of which I have invested in)

These are superior to what Microsoft produced for either FSX  and FS4.

The general thought has been that FSX is too cartoonish, which I would be inclined to strongly agree with.

Anyway as you know I am in the autumn of my life so will disappointingly have to accept the inevitable!


Derek Adam

Garry Richards

Hi Derek,

Thank you for your kind words.

Quote from: Derek AdamOn the forums of sim aviation matters, it had become apparent that FS9 is much more popular than FSX.

An AVSIM survey last year suggested that about 95% of respondents use either FS9 or FSX and of that 95% about 80% use FSX while only 20% use FS9. I guess it comes down to personal preference in the end. For instance I don't find FSX cartoonish and like its scenery better than FS9, but I don't have much addon scenery for either.

Quote from: Derek AdamAnyway as you know I am in the autumn of my life so will disappointingly have to accept the inevitable!
I turned 70 this year, so I guess I am still in late summer.  :lol:



Richard McDonald Woods

I am a strong convert to FSX and DX10. Some of the newer sceneries are just of fantastic quality.

FS9, in my books, is of a bygone age. The remaining users are becoming very much the minority and I can understand developers of all newer software saying that they can no longer justify the investment in FS9-based software development.
Cheers, Richard


Quote from: Garry Richardsseparate applications still have to be developed for traffic and weather injection into PSX and for Squawkbox communications with PSX.


This is all great news.

As an aside - would you ever consider developing applications to enable PSX to interact with FSINN (VATSIM) & IvAp (IVAO)? - both of these applications (in their own separate ways) are superior (performance) when compared to Squawkbox.

With regard to 'weather injection' I am assuming this includes applications such as Activesky 2012 (apologies if I am asking the obvious).


Steve Bell
aka The CC

Garry Richards

Hi Steve,

I'm not intending to develop apps other than the ones you mentioned, but PSX has been designed from the start to be developer friendly, so once it's released I expect that other developers will be able to produce useful addons for it.

My weather app will be similar to the one I had in VisualPS1. It will send weather data from FSX to PSX, but will not be aware of how the FSX weather is being generated or enhanced. So PSX will still get the benefits of ActiveSky improvements to FSX weather.




Thank you for your reply Garry.

I guess I will have to live with the fact that I was born in the dark ages and the world has moved on since then!

As I said I am well into the autumn of my life and it may well be that I will not see the final product of PSX, so any requests that I make would be unnecessary.

The time is near when my wife and I  will have to move to a smaller abode, and as a result  the projected image in front of my sim will disappear. In fact the sim will disappear .  

Oh well, I have had so much pleasure from it.

Golf and PS 1.3 have increased my ongoing enjoyment of life since I retired 12 years ago.

Regards to all my friends on this forum

Derek Adam