This thread is for the old version of PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM, Please visit,7196.msg77401.html for the latest version
PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM provides an ultra smooth link between PSX and MSFS which supports multiple MSFS instances as well as a single PC install.
Install Guide
Pre Req Download .NET6 Runtime (
1) Client Setup from Here (
2) Router Setup from Here (
3) MSFS Aircraft from Here (
Copy MSFS Aircraft to your MSFS Community Folder
Run Router and Client from Start Menu and Close them on the correct PC's
Edit the Configs Files which were created in your My Documents\PSX.NET Folders to point to the correct IPs.
The files will automatically update when there is an update.
More Info
Basically its the same architecture as External Sim but with a much easier config file and GUI. Hopefully the picture before spells it out. For those running on a single PC you can run all on a single PC.
You will notice the CameraZoom option in the config file... This along with a new version of Fly-Elise following the release of SU10 will allow multichannel warping for a 3 PC and projector setup.
I suggest locking the MSFS framerate at something sensible - in our case our projectors are 30hz and the FPS it limited to 30FPS.
Let us know how you get on.
Known Fixes
If you get a failed to load file error on load. Its probably missing C++ runtimes. Try This Installer (
We send data to the simconnect client at the same rate as boost, it doesn't need to be done at a high refresh as the client does the smoothing. If the client crashes and restarts try setting the PSX FPS to 60/3 to only send boost at 20hz.
If warping and blend goes wrong in turns - Enable Home Cockpit Mode in MSFS
Known Issues
Flaps Dont Move
Version History
Release Version 2.1.0
-WASM module updated to correct Altitude on VATSIM.
Release Version 2.0.0a
-Setup everything to make vPilot Altitude correct on VATSIM with a future release of vPilot (thanks Ross!).
-Pulling RAD ALT R CB will allow you to fly under bridges in MSFS without Fatale Damage.
-Updates for SU10.
-Completed SimObject router implementation.
(Ask for details if you want to sync MSFS traffic between multiple instances (I think I am the only one in the world using this?)
Beta Versions
Beta 5 - reliability improvements, handles simconnect errors better and PSXwon't fall through the floor when MSFS in menus. Stops ground speed going weird on MSFS error or closing.
Beta 4- Updates vPilot Transponder Mode and Ident
WASM Model Update - Fixed Issues With Lights being too dim
Beta 3 - Fixed Issue withs time jumping, Stopped PSX fatal damaging when MSFS closed, Gear Now Moves
Beta 1 - Reduced WASM Module to a 0.003ms per cycle, Improved Ground Handling, Fixed Crashes, Fixed Elevation Jumps
Alpha 1-9 - Versions Development
Thanks Gary and Mark.
Looking fwd to SU10 release to give this a try.
Excellent! Thanks a lot Gary and Mark!
- I was able to load the Model in MSFS
- I can start the MSFS Client, and it gets connected to MSFS (SU9)
The router however won't start. ( "PSX.NET.MSFS.Router.Winforms.exe", it's the only 'router' exe in that directory, but is that the right one?)
It keeps claiming that I need to install .NET. But installing .NET runtimes v5 and 6, x86 and x64, does not help. Tested on 2 Win 10 PC's, with the same result.
Quote from: joergalv on Mon, 19 Sep 2022 07:25It keeps claiming that I need to install .NET. But installing .NET runtimes v5 and 6, x86 and x64, does not help.
I ran into that problem too, but was able to get it running by installing .NET 5.0 from I'm not at my computer right now, but I'm almost certain the package I installed was SDK 5.0.408 for Windows (
And yes, "PSX.NET.MSFS.Router.Winforms.exe" is the router binary.
Amazing job by Gary and Mark! It does exactly what Gary says, and does it well. Smoooooth.
Unfortunately it makes vPilot even more confused than WidePSX does. So for now I can only use this for testing offline. Maybe Santa will bring a native PSX VATSIM client this year?
When using PSX.NET.Internal.WASM with vPilot: other VATSIM pilots reported me as "standing on your nosewheel at a 70 degree angle" and VatSpy always showed a groundspeed of 30-90 knots, both at the gate and in cruise. WidePSX is not exactly perfect with vPilot either, but there I only get the occasional "mate, your wheels are smoking" or "why is your 747 hovering?" :)
Thanks to several people testing over the last 12 hours or so we now have a list of things to fix before the next version.
Good to see people are seeing the super smooth updates we are too.
Issues List
-MSFS Variables not populated to support VATSIM flights - FIXED IN V3
-Binary Files Confusion - FIXED Single File EXE
-Option to Not Set Zoom Required for non multiview users - FIXED In Config File
-VHF Frequency Not Updated in MSFS
-Ground Speed Not Updated - FIXED In V3
-CTD When selecting airport is WASM Module Selected
-Runtime Prereqs need defining on initial post. - FIXED - Single EXE includes runtime libaries
-Decimal Seperator - FIXED in V3
-Multiple Copies Causes elevation problems
-Time Hold Function not working properly
EFB Auto Updates not working
Feature Wish List
-'Bodge' factor for heading and pitch for Visual Systems Alignment
-Animated Gear [/s[
-Disable MSFS Fullscreen gradient shader for 3 projector setups - Possibly EyeAdaption=0 - To be tested.
-Reset Weather Button
-Mode C in vPilot
-Close Data Error Message
-Read Ground Alt in the WASM Module rather than back in at a slow rate, may smooth slopey runways and taxiways out
New link posted for Alpha V2. It should no longer ask you to download any runtime libraries as these have now been published into the single EXE.
If you installed V1 please delete those directories and start fresh.
Quote from: macroflight on Mon, 19 Sep 2022 09:06... was SDK 5.0.408 for Windows ..
yes, installed the SDK, and got the router working. (seems already to be fixed anyway).
Very smooth, indeed!
I may add to the issue list though:
- Windows region set to Germany (where ',' is the decimal separator) made the MSFS AC end up orbiting planet earth. Changing the region settings to Great Britian helped.
- Taking off LEMD, the MSFS model did not follow the rotation, but 'jumped' into the air a couple of seconds later. I suspect the high RWY altitude is causing some issues with the initial sync.
Great start! Looking forward for the next versions to come.
Quote from: joergalv on Mon, 19 Sep 2022 13:56- Windows region set to Germany (where ',' is the decimal separator) made the MSFS AC end up orbiting planet earth. Changing the region settings to Great Britian helped.
This problem gets me every time :-) Will take a look.
Gary- thanks for you and your team's collective efforts on this. The smoothness factor is the reason I keep going back to PSX standalone. Excellent to hear of your progress. I remain obliged- C
Hi, tried the installation but unfortunately on msfs the view keeps on stalling above water or above earth.
Any idea what I could be doing wrong ?
The connection appears normal and is green on the exe file for both psx and msfs.
Quote from: anthony500 on Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:43Hi, tried the installation but unfortunately on msfs the view keeps on stalling above water or above earth.
Any idea what I could be doing wrong ?
The connection appears normal and is green on the exe file for both psx and msfs.
See post #7, is it probably your windows region settings.
Quote from: akatham on Tue, 20 Sep 2022 12:24See post #7, is it probably your windows region settings.
Thanks a lot this did the trick. Really impressed with this so smooth indeed.
Great work. Even I, a total newbie, managed to get it to fly.
I did manage to crash MSFS. I paused PSX for 10-15 sec, and when resuming the flight MSFS became unresponsive.
Alpha2 worked well for me. Still smooth. Now I'm just waiting for V3 :)
Hi Gary and team, thank you so much for this. Can't wait to try it out this weekend :D :D :D
As I mentioned to Nick in Discord, I use 1 PC with a 12900K @ 5GHz and 3090 across 3 4K TVs and get around 30-35 fps. I believe it'll be possible with the 4090 to only have 1 PC instead of 3 and get even better FPS.
One question, do you think using Fly Elise is better then MSFS Su10 multi-monitor?
MSFS SU10 Multi monitor support will not allow geometrically correct warping. However you might get something semi acceptable with TV's. Performance was woeful though on an i9 with 3080TI
The fly Elise guys put a post on the forum somewhere.
Watching with deep interest and looking forward to a stable MSFS... that with PSX will be a 744 driver's dream.
Now, imagine someone inserting PSX into a native 744 in MSFS. For those of us without a 1:1 flight deck, that in VR would be close indeed....
One can dream...
Well I have just updated all my visuals PC's to 2020, Locked the FPS at 30 and left them running for nearly 24 hours and not a single crash or stutter.
I think we might be there!
Alpha 4 is now available on the first post. Please let me know how you get on.
Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 14:28Watching with deep interest and looking forward to a stable MSFS... that with PSX will be a 744 driver's dream.
Now, imagine someone inserting PSX into a native 744 in MSFS. For those of us without a 1:1 flight deck, that in VR would be close indeed....
One can dream...
You know my feeling about MSFS. Do you thank that it will ever (in the near future) get to where I would move to the dark side? I've considered the new Xplane 12, but there appears to be little support for it's use in PSX. I'd hold out for a new P3d, but I'm starting to lose hope. 🤣 Since I'm a night freighter guy, I don't need a lot of bells and whistles, just smooth and reliable. :)
Tried the alpha 4, i still had to change my region settings from german to english in order to not spawn in orbit.
Also the view position is tilted
Forward view:
Right side view:
I tried the Offset fields in the router windows, but they don't change anything.
Edit: Going to the outside view it seems the plane itself is not level, nose gear high in the air.
Have you updated your WASM module too?
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 16:42Have you updated your WASM module too?
Yup, everything latest version. Also see my edit.
Looks quite funny in motion using the developer camera. Like a dog dragging its butt...
Also i got a short desync during taxiing, i turned but the msfs plane kept on going forward for a few secs until it snapped to the psx position.
So the level problem of the plane seems to be related to me using a previous alpha (the config files where already present, after deleting them the plane is level).
But now it is submerged halfway (up to the wings) in the ground.
Yes the model will be half submerged but the cockpit view will be fine.
Waiting on my modelling friend (the FS type, not fashion) to update the model for me. We needed to adjust the height to display correctly for vpilot. Sorry should have mentioned that...
Ok, thanks.
I have one feature request: would it be possible to set the initial position via msfs2020, the parking stands/gate positions are not the same between msfs and psx, so often you start in buildings etc.
The whole slave/primary thing is not used in my own sim as I dont use slew in MSFS with 3 instances.
I use Heading and Speed from the Aerodynamics page to slew around. (bit of a faff!)
Perhaps the answer is to have a pop up on the router to 'slew' PSX around like we would MSFS slew mode to get it on to a stand. Then some kind of ship off to a global stand database that matches MSFS scenery?
Leave it with me, its a problem we need to fix.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 21:19Akatham,
The whole slave/primary thing is not used in my own sim as I dont use slew in MSFS with 3 instances.
I use Heading and Speed from the Aerodynamics page to slew around. (bit of a faff!)
Perhaps the answer is to have a pop up on the router to 'slew' PSX around like we would MSFS slew mode to get it on to a stand. Then some kind of ship off to a global stand database that matches MSFS scenery?
Leave it with me, its a problem we need to fix.
I'm not sure if you could do it the same way WidePSX does and slave PSX to MSFS?
See other thread for the proper solution.
Quote from: akatham on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 19:58... the parking stands/gate positions are not the same between msfs and psx ...
The lat/lon entry displayed on the Instructor's map allows more digits after the decimal to be entered than are displayed in the box after pressing the Enter key. You can enter 4 digits after the decimal even though just one digit will be shown.
If you are on a specific gate and you want to note its exact position to re-use this gate in a later session, you can do this:
1. Note the exact lat/lon displayed in MSFS and save the numbers in a text file, e.g.
N23 45.6789 E123 12.23452. When you need it again later, copy that
N23 45.6789 E123 12.2345 and paste it on
Instructor > Situation > Position in the
Aircraft position edit field
When pasted, the edit field indicates
N23 45.6789 E123 12.2345When the Enter key is pressed, the edit field indicates
N23 45.6 E123 12.2But that's just a rounded display. The actual aircraft position is now
N23 45.6789 E123 12.2345Regards,
(The original purpose of a gate database is not to get the exact coords of the gate, but to enter or confirm the IRS position in the FMC during IRS alignment. FMC coords and IRS alignment just need one digit after the decimal. Precise enough for IRS alignment, even though some nearby gates may have the same rounded coord values.)
Hi Gary, what are you using to sync MSFS weather and traffic across your PCs?
Weather is default MSFS live weather - works great for about 12 hours then stops. So we have Rex as a backup if that happens.
Traffic... currently working on it!
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 10:47Weather is default MSFS live weather - works great for about 12 hours then stops. So we have Rex as a backup if that happens.
Traffic... currently working on it!
Cool, does stuff like the clouds line up OK across the PCs?
I use the 3 digit resolution after the decimal place to line up the plane in P3D and MSFS. Once I save the situ I do not need to line it up again. You only need to line up the gate at a different airport, if you don't have a saved situ for that one.
Saving the info in text files helps if you have to reinstall for some reason and don't have a back up...
Alpha 9 posted. Fixes most of the remaining issues.
Thanks to Ross Carlson of vPilot fame for providing the source code for frequency changing.
One remaining issue is the model being stuck in the ground when looking externally.
This will be fixed when Johnny our modeller updates it.
Loving MSFS
Thats a great shot, I thought it was real.
I havent had a chance to try it yet, but what is the best way to project using flyelise? Single pc using nvidia surround or 3 seperate PC?
Beta 1 has been updated.
You will need to install the new WASM Aircraft into your MSFS community folder for it to function correctly if you are running previous versions.
Router XML will need the model offset setting to 4.7. Or you can remove the XML and restart the router to get the new defaults if you are upgrading from the Alpha versions.
Just did a preliminary test, it no longer crashes when you have the wasm aircraft selected while choosing your airport.
I still have to change my (windows)region settings for it to not spawn in orbit in msfs.
The external 3d model started with its gear extended, and immediately afterwards it got retracted (animation is working fine) while PSX still had the gear extended (cold and dark start).
I'll fix the decimal separator as soon as I can.
Gear needs sorting too, know it's not working right now
Hi Gary
first of all, thanks for all your efforts!
Will try out your connector today. In the file I found a file called MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe. What is it for?
Btw a suggestion: router and client setup files are both called setup.exe. I think it would make sense to call them c_setup and r_setup to distinguish them.
The layoutgenerator is used by me to create the package, I just left the EXE behind by mistake.
Good spot on the installers, it's an autogenerated file, I will have a look to see how to change them.
I've no chance to start a flight. As soon as I select the WASM model, I cannot start on a selected RWY in MSFS. I select RWY 29 in LOWW, then hit the FLY button. It starts with a quick expanding blue line on the bottom. But as the line comes to the last quarter it slows down dramatically and after that it get stuck.
Running on WIN 10 Pro 64bit, MSFS with SU10. Client two greens, and router seems to be ok as well ... showing Main and Boost numbers.
It sounds like its failing to compile the WASM module for some reason.
Could you try enabling developer mode in MSFS and using the options > WASM debugging option to see what it says as you load into the sim?
I will check this tomorrow and let you know the outcome!
For me the "getting stuck at loading after selecting starting position and hitting fly" is also tied to the region settings in windows.
If i have the router and client programs running while starting the flight in msfs and having the regional format set to to my local region, it hangs.
If the regional format is set to english (uk) it loads for me.
Oh! Well spotted.. I'll try and fix that
Quote from: akatham on Mon, 3 Oct 2022 17:41If the regional format is set to english (uk) it loads for me.
Thats a good point. I'm running the english version of WIN, but I guess region settings are for Austria. I will check this out tomorrow as well!
Hi Gary
on my system I had strange time actualisation. Long time nothing, then the moon and stars jump. I have to investigate further.
But it is smooooth :-) Thank you.
Hans: I had to change region stettings for both router and client computer to english version to get it work.
hope this helps.
If you restart the router it will update to Beta 2 and this fixes the time jump problem.
well, changing my Region to EN did the trick! But some troubles here ...
After starting MSFS, the background hangar (screen where to select the World Map menue) the WASM model turns upside down immediately. It's cosmetics, but just to let you know.
As soon MSFS is set up, I'm not sitting in the cockpit, but in the gear wheel well, seeing the retracted gear. Then MSFS circles around my plane.
Regardless which situ is loaded, I'm not in the cockpit. How to get the cockpit view?
Is the WASM model now ready for the lights? All the light switches from PSX does not have any effect in MSFS.
When I try to end the flight in MSFS (ESC and Yes to main menu) it takes minutes until I'm back in the hangar menu.
THX and cheers
Sounds like you are using the old WASM aircraft - Make sure you download the latest one - Updated Yesterday.
Nope, it's the version from yesterday (with the included MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe).
Today router and client did autoupdate to beta 2.
Hi Gary,
thank you very much.
I can confirm Time update now every minute (which still gives noticable sky movements)
LDG lights work, but only other A/C and scenery obstacles are enlighted. Ground does not seem to be affected.
RWY turnoff lights dito, but compared to the LDG lights other A/C and scenery obstacles are much brighter enlighted. Ground seems to be marginally affected.
Taxy lights no response.
I have difficulties to save camera position
Yes I need to have a think about how to do the time Sync properly... MSFS only supports Minute Injection not Seconds... Leave it with me.
Taxi Lights wern't added as BA dont have them... I will add it to the list though for you.
Lights do have some effect here, but I think a revisit is required, on the list....
I think I have fixed the time sync... restart your client and check it updates to Beta 2.
The first sync will cause a jump but after that the seconds will stay in sync... no jumpy moon and stars for me now.
Thanks again for everyone who's helping test the MSFS modules, I hope my development process of getting it to everyone to test and making lots of updates is okay with everyone.
New Aircraft ( Here ( now fixes the dim lights.
Note it has been renamed to PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM for clarity so the .internal one can be removed from your community folder.
PS: If anyone wants to make some external camera entries in the cameras.cfg please feed them back for inclusion. Same with Liveries.
Thanks Gary, will check it out later.
Hopefully this time I will end up IN the cockpit ;)
If you get stuck drop into the simfest discord and we can chat further... Macroflight on the forum has had alot of success too.
Hi Gary,
Time ist now working.
Lights are much better now, although it feels like there is a very bright flashlight lying on the ground and extremely brightly illuminating the ridges. Its a little bit difficult to describe.
Camara position is still a factor. But I remember there was a similar challenge with the Posky 747.
Keep up good work and thank you very much.
did you have to change any settings to start in cockpit view?
Even with the new WASM, when I start a flight (on ground with parked plane) the view starts outside, orbiting around the plane. All the keys for slew, view change are not working as well.
No idea what cause this ...
It seems, as it depends on the location where to start. If I try to start from LOWW WASM model sets me outside the cockpit. Trying exactly the same from LZIB I'm in the cockpit.
First I set PSX to airport RWY (lets say LOWW / 29) then start MSFS and setup a flight from LOWW / 29 as well.
Perhaps one of you guys can try this to validate if it's WASM or my setup.
THX & cheers
Hi Hans,
I know it does not belong to this topic, but what happened to your website?
Is it down by purpose or just some internet problem?
Servus Robert (LOWW)
I always set my MSFS startup airport to KEB and then the WASM module will do a slew and a reload of scenery on first connection and don't tend to have any issues.
Could you try this?
Hi Hans,
I never experienced an "outside view" at MSFS start. Only the typical phenomena like orbiting, sinking or acrobatics in the hangar.
The last tests I made in EDDF. Sometimes the a/c starts on water or somewhere else, but as soon as the router is connected, the a/c is where it is supposed to be.
Quote from: Robert Staudinger on Thu, 6 Oct 2022 16:27... but what happened to your website?
Servus Robert (LOWW)
Hi Robert,
thx for notifying! But yep, my site is down on purpose.
Lack of time to keep the site up to date frequently is the main reason!
I switched over to facebook, and published lot of my well known pictures there. I also uploaded some new ones, showing my sim to date. B747Sim (
Servus Hans
Gary, Peter
thanks for you inputs!
I did some testing: same "outside" effect happens in KEB. Why it does not in LZIB ... no idea.
But the reason seem to be the order, in which you start MSFS, router and client.
Here are two different scenarios / starting order and results:
Scenario 1 - NOT working:
- Booting PC
- Autostart PSX - situ LOWW 29
- Autostart PSX.NET Router
- Autostart PSX.NET Client
- Autostart MSFS
- World Menu - select LOWW 29
- Click "FLY" button
- Click "READY TO FLY" button --------> (will not appear in Scenario 2!!!!)
- MSFS WASM is in "outside" view
Scenario 2 - working:
- Booting PC
- Autostart PSX - situ LOWW 29
- Autostart MSFS
- World Menu - select LOWW 29
- Click "FLY" button --------> (NO "READY TO FLY" dialog here!!!!)
- MSFS WASM is over water but in cockpit view
- Start PSX.NET Router
- Start PSX.NET Client
- MSFS is repositioned and still in cockpit view
Additional info:
As soon as MSFS quits (on purpose or crash) PSX instantly accelerated its GS, even when standing on apron with GS 0 before.
I think this should be fixed. If MSFS crashes midflight, it should not affect PSX, giving us the chance to continue the flight while restarting MSFS.
Pls ask if you've additional questions!
Quote from: B747-400 on Fri, 7 Oct 2022 10:52Hi Robert,
thx for notifying! But yep, my site is down on purpose.
Lack of time to keep the site up to date frequently is the main reason!
I switched over to facebook, and published lot of my well known pictures there. I also uploaded some new ones, showing my sim to date. B747Sim (
Servus Hans
I checked out your Facebook page and your sim. WOW, very nice. 😎
Hi Hans,
this is really wierd.
I have a slightly different setup, as I could not install the PSX router on the PSX main PC as this is still a Win7 PC. So I installed the router on an third PC (Win10) which I normally use for work and refer the router PC to the IP of the PSX PC. This setup works for me.
Starting up PCs and run software (sequence does not matter here)
1. Run PXC client
2. Run MSFS. As the PSX Model seems to be established in MSFS I only choose the departure airport and go.
A/C mostly appears on water.
1. Run PSX
Additional PC
1. Run PSX router
A/C connects and shows PSX position.
Thats it.
I also experienced the GS abnormality. Mainly in the beginning after restart when MSFS crashed
Quote from: Bluestar on Fri, 7 Oct 2022 15:46I checked out your Facebook page and your sim. WOW, very nice. 😎
Thx :)
Quote from: Peter Lang on Fri, 7 Oct 2022 17:46... I have a slightly different setup, ...
Hi Peter,
thanks for your information!
I'm always intended to configure my PCs to unattended startups. At the moment this is not possible with MSFS ... it's a shame, that there is still no command-line option to start the sim with a predefined .FLT or .PLN.
It's OK, if we have to start MSFS, router and client in a specific order. But we need to know for sure to build a reliable setup!
I'm thinking of writing a script with AHK. The script executes the necessary key-strokes in MSFS to load a predefined .PLN at the time MSFS is starting up.
Let's see, what Gary is replying to my thread.
There is a hidden option in the MSFS client which will enter the sim and click fly now for you.
Along side manage weather and some other useful things.
At the moment I'm still developing but expect the EFB or Gate finder apps to have the buttons to do this remotely.
I'm looking at the other issues which as I said I don't experience. I just boot everything up, click a button to move the mouse and off we go flying.
Hi Gary,
thx, sounds great - I assumed, that you do some internal clicks ... 8)
Hopefully my two scenarios are a bit of help for you. I will go for the working scenario 2 for the time being.
Simply let me know, if I should do more testing for you.
Perhaps (again) it has to do with local settings: my Win 10 Pro is the US EN version. Region set to UK, but time-zone is Austria (for correct time setting)
Beta 5 will auto update and should fix some stability issues, especially with the GS and falling through the floor.
Hallo Hans,
thx and is it someday possible to visit or fly your setup?
Servus Robert
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sun, 9 Oct 2022 15:23Beta 5 will auto update and should fix some stability issues, especially with the GS and falling through the floor.
THX Gary, reconnecting after MSFS restart midflight without any problems too!!
Hallo Robert,
should be possible, once everything is up and running as smooth as I expect it!
Hallo Hans,
thx and will wait patiently.
Servus Robert
Needed to change regional settings for decimal sign, and restart the PC in order not to end up in space.
Hopefully some upcoming beta will fix this :)
Hopefully :)
How long will it be before a PSX/MSFS novice like me will be able to get this up and running?
I'm going to hold off on going to the dark side with MSFS until you give the word.
Just did my first full flight on Vatsim. I was worried that altitude might not show correctly with the ATC, but it seemed to work just fine.
I struggle with PSX positioning of the gates/stands to correspond with MSFS scenery.
Is there any possibility to send only initial position to PSX from MSFS?
Your work is astounding, Gary. Full modelling of 747 combined with MSFS graphics! And no more worries about FPS in MSFS :)
I solved this problem another way...,6864.0.html
This positions accurately on to every single gate in your MSFS without faffing with Slave and Master modes.
Thank you, Gary! GateFinder works perfect.
I see an "option" <PublishTraffic>False</PublishTraffic> in the PSX.NET.MSFS.Client. If I set it to True, will it inject Vatsim traffic?
Also, what are following used for, in the PSX.NET.MSFS.Route? Any relevance for flying on Vatsim?
Quote from: Aleks on Fri, 14 Oct 2022 09:36Thank you, Gary! GateFinder works perfect.
I second that! It does, providing the system running it has the region set to UK number format. ;D
I remain hopeful though. :)
P.S.: The region setting is only relevant for the systems running the Client and/or GateFinder. The Router doesn't seem to be affected.
P.S.P.S: My MSFS PC is used for other things as well, why I just can't let the region set permanently to UK format.
Hi Gary,
did a flight from LOWW to LOWS via LOXZ today. No chance, MSFS freezes up permanently once overhead the mountains right before LOXZ. I tried that multiple times. It freezes a second after reconnecting after MSFS was terminated, restarted/reconnected.
Then, I changed to another aircraft and bridge, restart/reconnected - no problems at all. Flight could be finished.
PSX is not affected - only MSFS.
MSFS crashed when using smooth injector and vpilot.
Flytampa EKCH, all setup nicely. Inserted delivery frequency 19.9, and when I switched it to active MSFS froze.
Ah ha!!
I bet you guys getting crashes are running MSFS at either unlimited frame rates or more than 30?
I changed some logic which is fine for us running at 30FPS but any more and its probably spamming PSX with too many updates.
I have changed this and will push an update shortly...
Uuhh, you got me ... I did not limit the fps ... :(
Thx for updating - will try this and the fps limittion as well!
Definitely my fault - I remember when I wrote the bit of code I said to myself 'I must do this properly later'...
Big update has been pushed which includes a lot of cleaning up Mark kindly did this weekend in preparation for releasing traffic syncing between MSFS instances.
Note: config file for client now moves to a PSX.NET subfolder in my documents and should be automatically update, router will follow later.
Gary, correct. I am also running MSFS with unlimited fps.
Does the upcoming update also require limiting the fps?
Nope all fixed on the update you will get next time you open it. Unlimited frame rates now supported
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 17 Oct 2022 21:11Nope all fixed on the update you will get next time you open it. Unlimited frame rates now supported
ha ha well,
tolerated :-D
The latest update broke everything for me. :)
The aircraft position in MSFS is now always in the initial "middle of the ocean" position, even after starting the router and client. But there is a connection between MSFS and PSX. PSX time, landing lights, etc are propagated to MSFS. And MSFS altitude seems to reach PSX, for the PSX position shifts slightly when I start the client, and PSX says "eighty knots" once.
I've tried deleting the config files, no change. I'm using a single PC and the default port numbers with no router, so the default config should work, right? The order in which I start PSX, MSFS, client and router does not seem to matter.
- Reboot PC
- Remove router and client config files
- Start PSX and MSFS
- In PSX, load "Basic 004 - Cleared for takeoff.situ"
- MSFS: World Map > PSX.NET aircraft, departure airport KEB, Fly
- Wait for MSFS to be ready, then click Ready To Fly
- Start router. It seems to be connected to PSX, the Main Server and Boost Server counters are ticking up
- Start client. I get an "eighty knots" message from PSX, and the PSX position seems to shift a little (VSI needle moves). But the MSFS position is still in the middle of the ocean
- The router now shows "Primary MSFS:ASTIS" and "Elevation: 0.11m" (the number varies but is never more than 0.5m)
- The client "UserObject Link" and "MSFS Link" indicators are green, the "SimObject Link" indicator is grey. "Status: Idle", "SimObjects: 0, router messages: 0"
- If I change the PSX "Simulated UTC daytime" slider, the time in MSFS changes (at least the sun moves)
- If I turn on/off the landing lights, that is seen in MSFS
- If I do a takeoff "blind", PSX seems to work normally
Same as Macroflight, PSX places aircraft below the surface, which shows as water.
For me "SimObject Link disabled" is showing and is in grey.
Noticed that client config does not contain anymore the IP adress, but perhaps it has no impact.
Tried to revert regional settings to Norway (i.e. ",") just to check if it is of any relevance, which it was not. However, it stays in water vs. space which it did before with "," :)
Apologies, it seems I must have missed something in last nights testing. Got a meeting this morning then I'll get this sorted.
The down side of auto updates :(
Please redownload the WASM Module (noting the different name from before) and copy to your Community folder to regain functionality.
Sorry again. I will make the updates optional next time!
Using the latest WASM module (the zip file contains the plane in a nested folder, "Wasm package for MSFS" \ "PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM" so MSFS only recognizes the plane if you put the directly into the community folder) the plane spawns upside down, halfway submerged so that the cockpit is under ground.
Quote from: akatham on Tue, 18 Oct 2022 13:35Using the latest WASM module (the zip file contains the plane in a nested folder, "Wasm package for MSFS" \ "PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM" so MSFS only recognizes the plane if you put the directly into the community folder) the plane spawns upside down, halfway submerged so that the cockpit is under ground.
I got the same result (and I just sent a more detailed report directly to Gary).
It doesn't even help to start with PSX airborne, then the MSFS position and heading is set correctly, but the altitude is wrong, and the MSFS plane is not under control of PSX, it just continues along some random path until it crashes into the ground or water, then it's stuck there until the client is restarted.
By putting the folder named "PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM" into the Community folder, MSFS recognized the PSX plane without problems.
However, spawning at EGLL gave jumping plane, callouts "80" until it settled to this psychodelic view :)
Also, any further changes to PSX' position (from EGLL to ENGM), using Find gate, did not move MSFS. Or at least, the view stayed the same as in the attached picture.
( (
Problem Solved... Please update your WASM Module from the link in the front page and then the new 'any FPS' version will work. I had compiled an MSFS SU11 version by mistake and released it - which of course works for me but not you guys running SU10.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Tue, 18 Oct 2022 14:30I recommend redownloading the client after uninstalling it from the link on the first post of this thread and roll back to the old WASM file (link updated)
The above instructions restored a working sim for me. Thanks Gary!
Please note that you need to manually uninstall the client (using the normal Windows "Add or remove programs") before installing it again, otherwise it will not work.
Thank you, Gary! Now it spawned correctly.
Off to check if it will freeze PSX with fps unlimited :)
I reinstalled the Client as recommended, but the new 'clean' Client config does not include any entries to put the IP Adress of the PSX/Router PC. The Config file of the previous version was deleted during the uninstall, so I don't know what entries are to be added to the Client config.
Workaround: Router and Client on the MSFS/Client PC, and changing the PSX-PC Addresses in the router config accordingly.
It should have a setting called <UserObjectRouterIP> - This is the MSFS.Router Address.
SimObject Router is for later on when we do traffic sync in multiple PC settings. Mine looks like this :-
We tried to follow the MSFS Conventions of :-
UserObject = The User Aircraft, aka the moving of the plane around the earth
SimObject = All other traffic, people, vehicles that need syncing between multiple MSFS instances.
Happy to accept suggestions for better wording?
Just had PSX freeze again, with the latest updates, while taxiing at EHAM on Vatsim.
But I did not change UserObjectRouterIP to correct IP. This might have been the cause?
Off to test again.
I wonder if it's BACARS?
I send addon= messages which the sim stack router I use uses for all my addons to talk to each other. The simstack router won't forward these to PSX.
What will PSX try and do if it receives a string in the format of addon=blah;;;;blah?
I don't get these freezes.
Yes, I am using BACARS and PSXCDU remote (app on ipad).
On other note, tried to change IP on UserObjectRouterIP and ended up in ocean. Reverted to default and spawned correctly.
And if it has any importance, I do not have NG FMC.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Tue, 18 Oct 2022 18:44It should have a setting called <UserObjectRouterIP> - This is the MSFS.Router Address.
sorted! Thanks a lot!
Tried again, but PSX froze during taxi to 36L at EHAM.
Used following, in addition to smooth injector with latest updates:
- PSX CDU remote app
- vPilot
- Gate finder
MSFS is with SU11 beta.
PSX is the latest version, without NG FMC.
PSX frames set to 73, MSFS set to 100% monitor refresh rate (60 fps).
Can you try with just the MSFS link on its own?
I think there were reports of the psxcdu app causing freezing before.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Tue, 18 Oct 2022 19:35What will PSX try and do if it receives a string in the format of addon=blah;;;;blah?
PSX will ignore this message and keep operating normally.
It just shouldn't be flooded with injections at a rate higher than the CPU can handle.
I've now spent two hours trying to make PSX freeze up. PSX won. :)
- nvidia control panel: defaults, except: fixed refresh (60 Hz monitor) and vsync: use 3D application setting
- Latest WASM, client and router
- No simrouter
- All my PSX addons active: PSX.NET, BACARS, Aeromap, PSXSound, IOS CDU app, Gatefinder
- Various MSFS settings (vsync on/off, low graphics, ultra graphics)
- PSX at 73 or 60/20
- PSX time acceleration (here I can get all CPUs to be 100% busy, but PSX still keeps going and seems fins after I go back to 1x)
- 1h flight EHAM 36L - ESSA (with some time acceleration here and there)
- Spending 15 minutes just taxiing around ESSA and EHAM, including doing donuts all over Holland at 8x time acceleration :)
I did see a few PSX freezes with earlier versions of PSX.NET.MSFS during normal flights through. I.e my setup was not immune to them. Maybe one per two flights or something like that.
Has anyone seen freeze with the latest client/router when using SU10? If not, I could try to upgrade to SU11 beta and repeat the same testing.
Sincere apologies, Gary!
Seems like Remote PSX CDU was indeeed the cause of freezes.
So far, all good when not using Remote PSX CDU.
Perhaps PSX CDU was freezing the PSX as I am using same iPad for Simbrief charts and PSX CDU. When you mentioned that PSX CDU can cause freezem, I found a thread where it was mentioned that when it loses focus it might cause freeze.
I will try using separate iPad only for PSX CDU to see if it will crash PSX again :)
Are there any alternative solutions for remote CDU on iPad?
Well for me that is good news!
I always use sim stack switch for protecting PSX from addons hanging. I don't know if there's a free router or switch available now days?
I will dare to say that we can conclude that PSX CDU remote was causing freezes of PSX.
I even tried to run PSX CDU remote on a separate iPad, without losing focus on it, and I guess it froze MSFS this time.
Gary, any plans to show Vatsim traffic on ND?
And thank you for your excellent work! It is amazing now to fly PSX with buttersmooth MSFS. I dare to even crank up settings in MSFS :)
Quote from: Aleks on Wed, 19 Oct 2022 09:47Gary, any plans to show Vatsim traffic on ND?
I don't know if Gary has other plans, but PSX.NET.vPilot works for me with PSX.NET.MSFS. Other VATSIM traffic shows up on the PSX ND (TCAS) display.
Remember that you need to:
- Have the PSX.NET.vPilot plugin installed in vPilot
- In PSX, set traffic to External (this is loaded with the situ, so easy to miss this setting)
- Turn on TCAS in the sim (TA/RA + have TFC shown on ND)
Thank you!
Was not aware og the vPilot plugin.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Wed, 19 Oct 2022 07:46I always use sim stack switch for protecting PSX from addons hanging. I don't know if there's a free router or switch available now days?
Does this still work?
Quote from: Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers on Wed, 19 Oct 2022 11:54Does this still work?
I am using it to protect PSX from my own badly written addon, so it works fine... ;D
Hello Gary,
I was highly interested to use your solution, to have the Aerowinx 744 cockpit displayed in MSFS. Thus, I installed all recommended software modules.
Then, when I select the ″PSX.NET″ aircraft in my MSFS hangar, a BAW 744 appears, however laying on its back. Then, when I continue and select the departure airport (KEB, as adviced), the same aircraft appears, now laying in the water. And when selecting the aircraft to fly, only the airport and takeoff runway that I had selected in PSX appears. So, nowhere a cockpit display of the 744 is presented.
The PSX.NET.MSFS client shows UserObject Link and MSFS Link both in green, SimOject Link in grey.
What did I do wrong? Do I need to adjust MSFS settings?
Do you have any cockpit screenshot of your solution available?
Hopefully you find time to help me.
Thanks a lot in advance, best regards, Eric
Quote from: Eric Volmer on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 09:34Hello Gary,
I was highly interested you use your solution, to have the Aerowinx 744 cockpit displayed in MSFS.
So, nowhere a cockpit display of the 744 is presented.
PSX.NET.MSFS will not give you Aerowinx/PSX instruments in the MSFS cockpit, it will actually not give you a virtual cockpit at all, just a basic external model.
I use a large display with as much of the PSX cockpit as I can fit while having everything a reasonable size, and a separate display for a fullscreen MSFS:
I've also tried having MSFS on the top half of the screen and the most useful PSX instruments in a window covering the bottom half. has some examples of what you can do with PSX that I found useful as inspiration.
Thank you very much for your reply!
I obviously did misunderstand the concept of Gary's solution.
Everything is now clear to me.
Also, thanks for the fotograph of your equipment setup, I really appreciated.
Best regards,
MSFS freeze is back (NOT PSX). PSX was freezing, most likely due to PSX CDU Remote. However, I am experiencing MSFS freeze/crash, which never ocured before when not using "PSX" WASM aircraft. Could it be since I am now using PSX Traffic DLL for vPilot?
Tried updating and rolling back video driver, just to check, but same result.
It happens randomly. Sometimes within 5 min, or like now after an hour.
I found how to fix the weird 'not in the aircraft but flying around it' problem...
MSFS > General Options > Accessibility > Skip Pre Flight Cinematics = Yes
Tried now full flights with MSFS addons - PMDG, MD82, FBW A32x. No MSFS crash while flying on Vatsim.
If I try with PSX WASM aircraft it now usually crash on every flight.
Might be something at my place, but I start to suspect PSX WASM module as cause.
Any other reports of MSFS crash, using PSX WASM aircraft?
Had it running for 12 hours yesterday on VATSIM, zero crashes.
The day before 8 hours, no issues here.
I've had exactly one MSFS crash in the last 2 weeks in maybe 30h of using PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM), and that was when I was stressing everything as much as possible, and it happened when I was switching back and forth between different MSFS graphics settings, so I won't try to blame that on WASM. :)
- MSFS and PSX on a single PC, MSFS SU10
- MSFS locked to 30 (sometimes 60) fps using vsync using MSFS (not nvidia control panel)
- Not using the CDU IOS app
- Not using PSX.NET
- Using Gatefinder, PSXSound, BACARS
Is the aircraft link from 1st page still the one to use?
I will try to install everything from start.
I might have found the cause for MSFS crashes. And, as expected, it is on my PC.
I think it had to do with the settings on the Radeon Software, under Tuning tab.
I am running an AMD 6800XT and have enabled tuning. It was always rock solid, until I started to run MSFS in parallel with PSX. It seems that running MSFS with Java program, would cause temp spike on the GPU, which would lead to driver crash, thus crashing the MSFS as well.
By ramping up the fan setting, and not allowing the GPU junction and Core temp to go above 60C, I managed to carry out three flights with PSX on Vatsim without crashing.
This post is for those that might experience MSFS crash and search this forum :)
Gary, thank you for your patience and great work.
Hi guys,
Is it just on my set-up or do you also see the runway upside down in PSX when connecting the attached situ file on MSFS+PSX.NET ?
LFPG situ file (
PS: Congrats Gary for this module, works nicely !
what's the present status?
After some days with another bridge, I re connected with PSX.NET again.
First, router and client did some updates to client 1.2 and router 1.1.
No info in the version history!
Client and router connected. What means the gray "SimObject Link Disabled"?
Despite the facts that both are "connected", MSFS remains over water - no positioning at the desired airport. This worked so far before the update ...
Do we have to upgrade WASM as well?
Yep WASM module update required.
Ignore SimObject Link... that's for traffic sync between MSFS instances.
Decimal seperator still a problem, version updates due to two weeks before WF so updating loads of stuff to support my sim.
Updates to follow when I get time, but for now sorry, WF takes priority.
Quote from: CHEDHKG on Tue, 25 Oct 2022 14:35Is it just on my set-up or do you also see the runway upside down in PSX when connecting the attached situ file on MSFS+PSX.NET ?
When loading that situ, my aircraft appears quite high (30m?) above the runway, then drops down and bounces a bit before settling into a stable position. But it does not flip over.
To some extent that always happen, but LFPG 27R takeoff (I get the same behaviour if I just load any situ and then use the Position tab: "Move Aircraft" to "27R Takeoff") is unusually "bad" in this respect. Maybe there's a bigger difference between the PSX runway threshold elevation and the MSFS one?
I suggest checking that you're using the latest WASM module (from the first post in this thread). Note: the WASM plane does not auto-update like the router and client does. With older versions of the WASM plane it would sometimes flip over for me.
Thanks macroflight,
But I guess I already have the latest WASM modules installed (just did a fresh install today).
And to be more specific, the plane does not flip, but in PSX it appears the I am under the runway, as if the plane was buried in the ground with the runway a few feet above
Please note that the update I just had to push requires a new WASM aircraft to be installed or you will just sit bobbing in the sea. Please download from the link.
I wanted to avoid pushing breaking changes but its 1 week til world flight and we need to get our sim working properly.
Bobbing in water, with updated PSX WASM aircraft (zipped file size 4,954,865 bytes)
Deleted cfg files in documents, let them rebuild, inserted correct IPs. Double checked that regional setting is set for "." decimal separator. Still bobbing in water, and got "FATAL DAMAGE" in PSX when the plane dropped in the sea :)
Quote from: Aleks on Sun, 30 Oct 2022 19:42Bobbing in water, with updated PSX WASM aircraft (zipped file size 4,954,865 bytes)
I was also bobbing in the water with the latest router/client + WASM (same size as you) this afternoon. And the client showed a red "UserObject Link Disconnected" Tried deleting the config files - no change. But after a reboot of the computer everything is fine. No clue what the original problem was.
EDIT: It (Null Island + UserObject Link Disconnected) happened again, and I figure out what the problem was: the boost server in PSX had stopped. After starting it again from the instructor Network tab, everything was fine.
We are seeing it randomly dumping us on Null Island too... currently trying to work out whats going on.
If you find yourself at null island and restarting the router/client didn't fix it, it seems a full restart of MSFS is required (or at least - Esc -> Restart didn't work for me, but I didn't try coming fully out into the main menu).
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sun, 30 Oct 2022 20:35We are seeing it randomly dumping us on Null Island too... currently trying to work out whats going on.
Not sure if that can help, but in my scenery generator, I had the same issue which took me long time to find out the cause as it happened randomly:
I was using the non thread safe C library function "strtok" to parse a string in two different threads.
99% of the time there was no issue, until both threads called strtok at the same time, leading to some amusing situations...
Having disabled the cinematic mode in accessibility I have found that it can break ground altitude injections - so you fly through the ground.
Did you ever work out any more details about what causes the behavior?
Banging my head against a brick wall here...
Quote from: B747-400 on Thu, 6 Oct 2022 15:44Hi,
It seems, as it depends on the location where to start. If I try to start from LOWW WASM model sets me outside the cockpit. Trying exactly the same from LZIB I'm in the cockpit.
First I set PSX to airport RWY (lets say LOWW / 29) then start MSFS and setup a flight from LOWW / 29 as well.
Perhaps one of you guys can try this to validate if it's WASM or my setup.
THX & cheers
I can reliability work around it by clicking somewhere on the map > Set as Departure > Fly Now
PS: New WASM module for reliability fixes
main issue here, was the order in which I start the programs (posting #65 (,6860.msg74154.html#msg74154))
Switching off the accessibility did not have huge impact on my experience, except circling around the acft. But tbh: I did not do plenty of flights in the meantime, so hard do tell.
I'll download latest WASM and test flight with my son in the afternoon. Perhaps I've new conclusions in the evening hrs.
All good with latest updates, Gary.
Thank you!
Since yesterday VatSpy (and shows me with ground speed zero (or near zero, I've seen 0-10 knots).
Router 1.2
Client 1.99
Latest WASM from this thread (SHA1 hash of d18be5c6cd8ecf4c68ef26359a41ff3044821f11)
vPilot 3.4.7 (tried with and without PSX.NET.vPilot plugin and with and without the -rvztx 1 option)
Has anyone else seen this?
Quote from: macroflight on Tue, 1 Nov 2022 18:20Since yesterday VatSpy (and shows me with ground speed zero (or near zero, I've seen 0-10 knots).
Router 1.2
Client 1.99
Latest WASM from this thread (SHA1 hash of d18be5c6cd8ecf4c68ef26359a41ff3044821f11)
vPilot 3.4.7 (tried with and without PSX.NET.vPilot plugin and with and without the -rvztx 1 option)
Has anyone else seen this?
Saw the same, but refreshing the browser ( it updated to correct GS. SU11 with latest beta update.
updated to latest WASM and router / bridge.
First I recognized, I have to click "Ready to fly" again.
Flight was uneventful, but landing did not worked well.
I had no 50, 40, 30 ... callouts. Then, instead of touchdown, my plane submerged below ground. But not only the visual, PSX as well. No crashing ... but I had to stop anyway.
I documented with some screenshots and a saved .situ file as well.
Same happened with another flight. After switching to another flight model and bridge, it worked.
Here's the docu zip-file: docu (
Do you have cinematic disabled in accessibility mode? This is a symptom of the workaround I had to make.
Quote from: B747-400 on Tue, 1 Nov 2022 19:50Gary,
updated to latest WASM and router / bridge.
First I recognized, I have to click "Ready to fly" again.
Flight was uneventful, but landing did not worked well.
I had no 50, 40, 30 ... callouts. Then, instead of touchdown, my plane submerged below ground. But not only the visual, PSX as well. No crashing ... but I had to stop anyway.
I documented with some screenshots and a saved .situ file as well.
Same happened with another flight. After switching to another flight model and bridge, it worked.
Here's the docu zip-file: docu (
Quote from: Aleks on Tue, 1 Nov 2022 19:07Saw the same, but refreshing the browser ( it updated to correct GS. SU11 with latest beta update.
For me it's actually the opposite. I just realized that if I connect to VATSIM WHILE MSFS is loading (with PSX at 5000ft and 300 kts GS) and then reload VatSpy, I can actually see my flight with the correct ground speed for a short while, but as soon as MSFS has finished loading, VATSIM ground speed drops to zero.
Quote from: B747-400 on Tue, 1 Nov 2022 19:50Here's the docu zip-file: docu (
I did my best to fall through the world using your situ, but no luck.
When I load the situ, the plane is at the end of rw 26 at 130 knots, more or less on the runway but with the main gears sunk a foot or two into the tarmac.
When I enable motion, the plane bounces around a bit, but settles down on the ground and proceeds across the landscape at 130 knots. It goes up and down the hills, until it finally becomes airborne again, flies for a bit and then crashes with FATAL DAMAGE. But it never falls through the ground.
I tried the same thing with both the default scenery and (in case that one had any big holes in it).
I then reloaded the situ, and after the initial bounce pulled the aircraft into the air again, made a circuit and landed on rw26. I got the expected callouts, and landed normally without falling through the world.
(SU10 without any addons except the scenery for LOXZ)
Just did flight on Vatsim and controller commented that my speed was junping from 0-1kt to actual.
"Skip Pre-Flight Cinematics" are "ON".
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Tue, 1 Nov 2022 19:55Do you have cinematic disabled in accessibility mode? This is a symptom of the workaround I had to make.
thx for checking out. Indeed, I'm running a scenery in LOXZ, as I do on all of the other airports I'm flying from/to as well.
As I needed some seconds to save the .situ file, I advanced to the end of rwy - but no chance for me to see :(
Btw., same happens in LOWI thereafter. Also, I could not reposition the acft to EDDM ... down under as well.
Running SU10 here as well. Really strange ...
Quote from: macroflight on Tue, 1 Nov 2022 21:00I did my best to fall through the world using your situ, but no luck.
This is definitely the same issue I had... can we chat on discord after WF to confirm...
However try clicking somewhere on the map and starting your flight "airborne 200ft" in MSFS and the problem will go away.
Of course!
I hope all goes fine with WF!
Quote from: Aleks on Tue, 1 Nov 2022 21:18Just did flight on Vatsim and controller commented that my speed was junping from 0-1kt to actual.
Here are some screenshots that show how the internal MSFS ground speed matches the PSX one (in this case 440 kts) while MSFS is loading, but drops to zero once loading is complete.
The internal MSFS ground speed seems to always match the ground speed that I can see in VATSIM.
I have tried to vary everything I could think of that might affect this: MSFS frame rate and vsync, PSX FPS, the order in which I start things, ... still no groundspeed except for those few seconds while MSFS is loading.
I managed to get by groundspeed back by using duct tape (Python) and brute force... Hopefully this is good enough for Worldflight.
By taking the true groundspeed from PSX(*), and then injecting it into MSFS(**) at a very high rate(***), the MSFS ground speed is correct most if the time, and vPilot will then pickup the correct ground speed most of the time, which is probably good enough.
(*) using Hoppie's Python module
(**) using the SimConnect PyPi module
(***) since PSX.NET.MSFS sets it back to zero
Okay we will add that the the client today then.
Going to try Gary's excellent work today. What are the startup steps, there seems to be a lot of different ways mentioned?
Prereqs: MSFS > General Options > Accessibility > Skip Pre Flight Cinematics = Yes
1/ Start PSX.MSFS client
2/ Start MSFS, select the PSX plane model and dep airport, and go.
3/ Start PSX.MSFS server
4/ Run PSX.NET.GateFinder to choose a position.
Latest instructions... DO NOT set Skip Cinematics... bad things happen with radalt... Instead when you start a flight in MSFS click the map and select departure so it spawns slightly in the air.
Basically start it all in any order, its all reliable now.
Just a suggestion: The router and client update themselves and are versioned, just the WASM plane itself is not.
Would it be possible to add a version number to it so that it is possible to check wether we are on the latest update?
Thanks Gary!
I tried loading but the plane in MSFS is still in the ocean. Client v1.99a. UserObject link connected and MSFS link connected. SimObject link disabled. Status says OK. X: 1057 Y:308
Router v1.4. PSX Main Server and Boost numbers are changing.
Fixed it by updating the WASM model :)
Quote from: akatham on Sat, 5 Nov 2022 17:18Just a suggestion: The router and client update themselves and are versioned, just the WASM plane itself is not.
I have a plan to get the updates to also update the WASM files.
starting to setup this very promising stuff.
My results are:
getting just 29-30 fps in PSX
on client 1.99a the button Simobject LinkDisabled grey. What is wrong please?
Gary, if I may ask, could you look into the altitude reported to MSFS/vPilot. I experienced up to 1300' discrepancy vs. PSX :)
Quote from: Captain_Crow on Fri, 11 Nov 2022 09:08getting just 29-30 fps in PSX
on client 1.99a the button Simobject LinkDisabled grey. What is wrong please?
PSX FPS: if you're using a single-PC setup (like me), make sure your PSX window has focus. When MSFS has focus I sometimes see FPS drops. I suspect this is because windows prioritizes the focused application.
Another advice that has been given is to limit MSFS to a suitable fps (e.g 30 or 60), and PSX to 60/3 (i.e boost server running at 20Hz).
Regarding the Simobject Link button: I think that's only used when you run multiple MSFS instances (like Simfest does). For a single-PC setup it should be grey.
Thx macro, step by step i explore the stuff.
Question: How to setup the outside views to have them fix.
height of Cockpit view and direction into the straight forward view.
Do you have an idea ?
Quote from: macroflight on Fri, 11 Nov 2022 14:46and PSX to 60/2 (i.e boost server running at 20Hz).
"60/2" means boost server at
30 Hz (boost output in every 2nd frame).
20 Hz select "60/3" (boost output in every 3rd frame).
Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Fri, 11 Nov 2022 16:32"60/2" means boost server at 30 Hz (boost output in every 2nd frame).
Yes it is. I meant 60/3 (at least that's worked well for me). I've edited my original post. Thanks for catching this Hardy!
Quote from: Captain_Crow on Fri, 11 Nov 2022 15:26Thx macro, step by step i explore the stuff.
Question: How to setup the outside views to have them fix.
height of Cockpit view and direction into the straight forward view.
Do you have an idea ?
My very unscientific approach (from memory, I might have left something out, please ask if something is unclear):
Move the initial view (using the standard MSFS keyboard) around to look forward at a suitable eye height, then save it as a custom view in MSFS (Ctrl-Alt-1). Then look 90 degrees left (using the mouse) and save that as custom view 2. Repeat at 90 degrees right and save as custom view 3.
To help find the 90 degree right and left position I just parked on a runway, that helped with finding the alignment, I didn't find anywhere where you could set the exact rotation angle of the camera.
If you have problems finding a good eye height, park in front of a terminal, switch to drone cam, fly the drone into the cabin to where the captain's eyes should be and take a screenshot. You can then try to adjust the normal cockpit view to match the screenshot.
I also adjusted the zoom level (if you enable the camera controls you can see the exact zoom level) of these custom views to match my screen size and distance to the screen. was very helpful.
I use a hat switch on my joystick (in MSFS) to switch between the three custom views (left, forward, right). All other buttons and axes on my joystick, throttle and pedals are unmapped in MSFS to make sure they're only seen by PSX.
Macroflight, any tips on how to make injector "memorize" the set Zoom percentage? I tried editing the default settings in the Client.cfg:
and changed them to True and 75, but upon loading the MSFS the zoom is same as in default values.
Me again,
everything is running well so far, but I can´t get any vatsim traffic into PSX Nav display.
Inserted the .dll into the plugin folder changed thi to the program folder, no difference...
Quote from: Aleks on Fri, 11 Nov 2022 19:46Macroflight, any tips on how to make injector "memorize" the set Zoom percentage?
I haven't changed those from the defaults, I just change and save the MSFS view (which has a zoom setting).
Quote from: Captain_Crow on Sat, 12 Nov 2022 10:31Me again,
everything is running well so far, but I can´t get any vatsim traffic into PSX Nav display.
Inserted the .dll into the plugin folder changed thi to the program folder, no difference...
Did you «unblock» the DLL?
Hi Aleks,
i can´t find a unblock click in my system...
Quote from: Captain_Crow on Sat, 12 Nov 2022 14:48Hi Aleks,
i can´t find a unblock click in my system...
Steff, check this
Quote from: Captain_Crow on Sat, 12 Nov 2022 10:31Me again,
everything is running well so far, but I can´t get any vatsim traffic into PSX Nav display.
Inserted the .dll into the plugin folder changed thi to the program folder, no difference...
If I recall correctly, this dll is sensitive to the windows region settings (decimal separator '.' vs ',') . You might want to change your windows region setting to English(Great Britain), and see if that helps.
Quote from: Aleks on Sat, 12 Nov 2022 17:13Steff, check this
Sorry but I can not see this clickspot on my system.
I might just have found the bottom of the request/priority list ;D
Anyway. Is there something like a paintkit available for the MSFS Aircraft?
When loading MSFS, the "PSX" aircraft is always upside down in the home screen. Also, I am unable to zoom out and look at plane from outside view - I am stuck in the lower belly looking into main landing gears.
Anyone with same problem, or any clue on what did I mess up?
Quote from: Aleks on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 19:59When loading MSFS, the "PSX" aircraft is always upside down in the home screen.
Same here, I find it kind of funny though ;D
Quote from: Aleks on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 19:59Also, I am unable to zoom out and look at plane from outside view - I am stuck in the lower belly looking into main landing gears.
Just in the hangar or when a flight has been started/loaded?
I use a PS3 controller clone to switch to drone view and navigate around which works perfectly fine. Which outside view is causing the issue?
Quote from: Aleks on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 19:59Also, I am unable to zoom out and look at plane from outside view - I am stuck in the lower belly looking into main landing gears.
Anyone with same problem, or any clue on what did I mess up?
I am in the same situation...with the mouse I can zoom in or out and move (turn) the view, but I am always in the lower belly of the plane.
Thankfully, the plane is not upside down.
Quote from: Takayoshi Sasano on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 21:24Same here, I find it kind of funny though ;D Just in the hangar or when a flight has been started/loaded?
I use a PS3 controller clone to switch to drone view and navigate around which works perfectly fine. Which outside view is causing the issue?
I am just simply stuck in the lower belly, when in external view. Drone camera, etc. is simply not moving.
No big deal, just strange :)
I assume Gary is taking a break after worldflight. I will dare to politely ask for an update to show correctly altitude on Vatsim.
Slightly annoying to get a TCAS RA due to altitude error between PSX and Vatsim traffic :)
Hi Gary, this is weird - PSX was working perfectly with MSFS and all of a sudden every time I rotate on take-off MSFS gives the error message "You overstressed the aircraft and caused critical damage". I am given the choice of restarting (in which case I get the same message when rotating next) or return to Main Menu. PSX in the meantime continues to run as normal. It does this on every take-off regardless of which airfield the aircraft is positioned at. Any idea of what I can try?
Quote from: Wardie on Sat, 3 Dec 2022 15:06Hi Gary, this is weird - PSX was working perfectly with MSFS and all of a sudden every time I rotate on take-off MSFS gives the error message "You overstressed the aircraft and caused critical damage". I am given the choice of restarting (in which case I get the same message when rotating next) or return to Main Menu. PSX in the meantime continues to run as normal. It does this on every take-off regardless of which airfield the aircraft is positioned at. Any idea of what I can try?
Disable MSFSs damage system. It is bad, anyway.
Quote from: akatham on Sat, 3 Dec 2022 15:19Disable MSFSs damage system. It is bad, anyway.
This ^^^
Quote from: Aleks on Thu, 1 Dec 2022 21:46I assume Gary is taking a break after worldflight. I will dare to politely ask for an update to show correctly altitude on Vatsim.
Slightly annoying to get a TCAS RA due to altitude error between PSX and Vatsim traffic :)
After I found out that another World Flight team started a drinking game whenever they head 'yes its a PSX to MSFS problem' when ATC queried out altitude its gone to the top of my list.
Thanks Guys, that did the trick! :)
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sat, 3 Dec 2022 15:50After I found out that another World Flight team started a drinking game whenever they head 'yes its a PSX to MSFS problem' when ATC queried out altitude its gone to the top of my list.
I'm flying on Vatsim right now off of the Pacific Northwest coast. Live Weather is enabled. PSX indicated altitude is FL350. Looking at MSFS simvars, "Plane altitude" (i.e. true altitude) is indeed 35,010 feet, but both "pressure altitude" and "indicated altitude" are 36,250 feet, and that is what is being sent to Vatsim by VPilot.
I just turned Live Weather off, making the MSFS atmosphere ISA, and now all three MSFS simvars are the same at 35,010 feet. Since I will be entering crowded airspace for my descent and landing at KLAX, I will leave Live Weather off, since doing so does solve the problem - but I miss the clouds.
In a native MSFS aircraft with Live Weather active and a non-ISA atmosphere, indicated and pressure altitude are the same, and should match the altimeter when at the flight levels, and it is true altitude which varies with non-standard pressure/temperature (as it does in a real aircraft).
This is exactly what I'm trying to solve...
Always works fine without live weather (minus a few hundred feet in current released version)
Im in conversation with Ross Carlson to see if we can do something
There was/is a problem regarding altimeters with the PMDG DC-6 as well, I don't know if this could be related/helpful in any way:
Gary et al,
I believe that starting SU10 (or 11; when weather model was updated), MSFS causes problems not only for us, PSX users, but for all (on VATSIM).
For example, prior to weather model update, all planes were always showing "correct" FL (no delta). However now, when you scroll at, reported FLs vary (delta is sometimes 200', sometimes 300', sometimes they are spot on).
My experience is that if you are +/- 300', it is normal (for now). Previously, I had issues, where my FL was dramatically different (e.g. FL370, but reporting FL353).
Quote from: Aleks on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 19:59When loading MSFS, the "PSX" aircraft is always upside down in the home screen.
Just had a closer look at the files, seems as if the tumbling has to do with the aircraft definitions around weight distribution/CG. So this should be fixable, I'm just looking for some reference to
steal look for correct data.
Please let me know how you get on, its been something I have been meaning to take a look at since we started the project.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 5 Dec 2022 14:34Please let me know how you get on, its been something I have been meaning to take a look at since we started the project.
I just boldly copied the flight_model.cfg from the 747-400 ported from FSX as a first test - no tumbling anymore in the hangar/home screen.
Is it ok to attach/post the file content here?
Interesting by the way: the Salty mod 747-8i for MSFS seems to rely on that exact file as well ;D
// correction: of course it does since it is a mod of the default 747-8i by Asobo. But: they seem to rely on the old FSX model.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 5 Dec 2022 02:15JR,
This is exactly what I'm trying to solve...
Always works fine without live weather (minus a few hundred feet in current released version)
Im in conversation with Ross Carlson to see if we can do something
I did some more experimenting with the SDK simvarwatch utility.
AFAIK, when VPilot is used with MSFS, it transmits either the MSFS variable "indicated altitude" or "pressure altitude" to Vatsim for Mode C. PSX can have no direct control over either of those simvars, and they may be very different than the PSX values for those parameters when Live Weather is active.
It appears that when PSX.NET.WASM is used, the MSFS simvar "plane altitude" (i.e. true MSL altitude) will always match the PSX altimeter as long as the PSX baro is correctly set to current local pressure (or to STD above the transition level). There might be some disparities when operating at STD if the PSX upper atmosphere is far from ISA, but it is likely to be closer than the current situation.
Perhaps the simplest/easiest solution would be for Ross to add an option to the VPilot "settings" menu called something like "PSX Mode C". With that option active, VPilot would transmit the value of the simvar "plane altitude" to Vatsim for Mode C - otherwise it would transmit whatever it uses currently for MSFS (indicated or pressure altitude).
Thats exactly where I got to... I also have a fix to push which will make plane altitude and indicated altitude match perfectly to PSX.
vPilot currently uses pressure Altitude which is where the problem comes.
I have asked Ross if he will do as you suggested if the users aircraft in MSFS is PSX WASM. There is another fix which will fix the aircraft tipping on its nose using the same method.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 5 Dec 2022 15:48JR,
Thats exactly where I got to... I also have a fix to push which will make plane altitude and indicated altitude match perfectly to PSX.
vPilot currently uses pressure Altitude which is where the problem comes.
I have asked Ross if he will do as you suggested if the users aircraft in MSFS is PSX WASM. There is another fix which will fix the aircraft tipping on its nose using the same method.
Perhaps VPilot could automatically detect the presence of the PSX.WASM aircraft and change the output variable accordingly? Or - make it a user-selectable option via the setup menu.
Only problem with the latter is that if a normal MSFS user were to turn that option on by mistake, it would cause the aircraft altitude on Vatsim to be way off. But, it would not require VPilot to do any "aircraft model sensing".
In any case, I am thoroughly enjoying using your software with PSX - the smoothness is incredible!
Had a very successful chat with Ross around PSX and some changes to vpilot to fix this issue. As always he's been very supportive of our small community and making changes for us.
The release version 2.0 is now ready. You should receive an auto update on startup.
We had this version running for 7 days and 4 hours on 3 MSFS instances during World Flight without a restart or crash on any instances, so has been thoroughly tested.
This version auto updates the WASM module when the client updates. Please let me know if you get any errors however I have tested on Windows Store and Steam versions of MSFS.
Any issues post here or grab me on the Simfest Discord @
Release Version 2.0
-Setup everything to make vPilot Altitude correct on VATSIM with a future release of vPilot (thanks Ross!).
-Pulling RAD ALT R CB will allow you to fly under bridges in MSFS without Fatale Damage.
-Updates for SU10.
-Completed SimObject router implementation.
(Ask for details if you want to sync MSFS traffic between multiple instances (I think I am the only one in the world using this?)
Working like a charm. 8)
I tried the new version yesterday. The client and router auto-updated on first run as expected. I ran into a strange problem I have never seen before. I did a 3-hour flight from KLAX to KHSV. During taxi to the departure runway, on two occasions there was a sudden burst of buzzing, cracking static from the speaker, and the PSX frame rate dropped to almost zero, with an accompanying freeze/stutter in both PSX and MSFS. This lasted about 2 or 3 seconds, then recovered.
During the flight, this continued to happen at random times - maybe every 10 minutes or so. I went into the settings menu and changed the PSX frame rate to 60/3 to lessen the load on the boost server, but it made no difference.
I was not connected to Vatsim. I can't rule out that the stutter/freeze was occurring on the MSFS side, and reflecting back to PSX, but I have done many flights with the older version of the client and WASM module, and have never seen this problem before.
I did a subsequent flight just with MSFS alone, using the PMDG 737, and there were no pauses or stutters.
Since the freeze/stutter was accompanied by noise from the PSX sound system, one thing I will try on my next flight is to change the MSFS settings to mute MSFS sounds when its window does not have focus, just in case there was a conflict between the two sim's sound engines.
I run PSX and MSFS on a single computer, with MSFS on the primary (4K) monitor and PSX on the secondary monitor.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 15:13The release version 2.0 is now ready. You should receive an auto update on startup.
Thanks Gary!
I tried this on two flights yesterday. The only problem was that I didn't read the full "Altitude correct on VATSIM" sentence and got busted by ATC for flying 1000 ft too high. :) Oh well, back to Live Weather=off again until the next vPilot release.
Autoupdate worked perfectly.
(Not using Simrouter and only one MSFS instance, so have not tested those features)
I have performed three additional flights with no reoccurrence of the stuttering and sound distortion mentioned in my previous post. Not sure what the cause was.
wondering if it's possible to 'merge' your wonderful WASM-Module with another MSFS-native model,
and what steps I'd need to do to make this work?
I tried by pushing files and directories around, but had no success with this 'not so smart' trial & error approach.
Best regards
The trick is the panel folder... as long as that's the same it should all work.
Hi Gary,
I tried to copy the WASM panel folder to the default 747-8, but seems not enough to get the 747-8 work with WASM stuff. the plane does not follow PSX.
Stupid me ?
Best regards
I am not sure, but in the old days of FSX, there was something you had to adapt in the aircraft.cfg file, one of the files was linked to the panel, but I can not remember wich one... I try and look it up.
Danke Beat...
Gary, thank you!
I've been basically successful merging the Salty 747 with PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM.
There are issues (expected!) with animations (flaps, gear) I don't care about. Salty instruments in the VC don't work or give weird indications (also expected, and also ignored).
All I was aiming for, was to have my outside view 'framed' by the virtual cockpit. I got this.
I'm just to step out of the door for the weekend, but will place some instructions how to achieve this, during the course of next week.
P.S.: The aircraft.cfg is not involved, but the layout.json needs to have a reference for the WASM module.
Ah yes! There's a tool called layoutgenerator in the wasm aircraft folder.
If you drag a layout file over it in windows explorer it will generate one for you
Did Ross indicate when the vpilot update may arrive?
Quote from: joergalv on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 08:33I've been basically successful merging the Salty 747 with PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM.
Joerg, thanks for the info. Thasts good to know. Is the Salty 747 finally online again, or do you have the files from before they took it down? I always wanted to use that model, but was never able to find it online again...
Quote from: beat578 on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 14:14Joerg, thanks for the info. Thasts good to know. Is the Salty 747 finally online again, or do you have the files from before they took it down? I always wanted to use that model, but was never able to find it online again...
Did you try FlyByWire installer? I can see Salty 747 in there.
Ah my bad. Yes it's there. I confused it with the canadian mod 747-400, wish was amazing but has been pulled from
Below the steps I took to make this 'merge' work( **cough** I would not consider this to be a functional merge, but a dirty hack, and it was not tested very intensevely). I used the Salty-Mod because i'm not aware of any decent 747-400 model currently available for MSFS. This will most likely work with other models as well.
I was only aiming to have the wonderful smoothness of the PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM combined with the VC view in MSFS. Therefore I did not put any effort to mitigate the following limitations.
- Sounds: They are not touched at all. It's probably a good idea to completely mute MSFS.
- Gear: partly synced with PSX. If you want the gear to remain in the commanded position, the VC gear lever needs to be operated too.
- Flaps: I haven't seen them move at all when operated in PSX. Flap lever in the VC needs to be operated if you care about the flap position of the model.
- Lights: Looks like they are working the same as with the model that comes with the PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM client
- you name it if there are others I did not notice
The steps to take:
1. Make sure you have the PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM Client installed, and working with PSX.
2. If not done already, install the Salty 747 using the FlyBy Wire installer
3. Find both installations in your community folder.
4. Rename the "PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM" folder to something like "PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM.original". (Source from now on)
5. Make a copy of the "salty-747" folder, and rename the copy to "PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM" (Dest from now on)
6. I also renamed the "salty-747" folder to "salty-747.original" to make sure it is not active in MSFS.
7. Copy the file "WASM_Version_2.txt" from the Source to the Dest
8. Find the 'panel' subfolders, and copy both WASM-Files from the Source to the Dest 'panel' folder.
9. From the Source panel.cfg, copy the whole [VCockpit01] section, and add it as [VCockpit17] to the Dest panel.cfg, below the [VCockpit16] section.
size_mm = 10,10
pixel_size = 10,10
texture = $Screen_1
background_color = 0, 0, 255
htmlgauge00 = WasmInstrument/WasmInstrument.html?wasm_module=PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM.UserObject.wasm&wasm_gauge=wasm, 0,0,10,10
htmlgauge01 = WasmInstrument/WasmInstrument.html?wasm_module=PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM.SimObjects.wasm&wasm_gauge=wasm, 0,0,10,10
10. Modifying layout.json in the Dest folder, which needs to include a reference to the WASM Module.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 09:05Ah yes! There's a tool called layoutgenerator in the wasm aircraft folder.
If you drag a layout file over it in windows explorer it will generate one for you
Most likely the way to go, but when I generated a new layout.json with this method in the first place, the AC did not move for some reason. So, when this fails for you too, you can add the following manually, .
"path": "SimObjects\\Airplanes\\Salty_B747_8i\\panel\\PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM.UserObject.wasm",
"size": 988875,
"date": 133105803280000000
In MSFS this 'mod' will
not show up as PSX.NET in the aircraft selection dialog. You'll need to select the Salty B748 with Boeing House Livery (unfortunately easy to mix up with the default 748), unless you applied the above to another model/salty livery.
Not sure if future updates of the client will 'break' this mod, so it might be a good idea to copy the edited panel.cfg into a safe place.
Hope this works for those that like to try this 'merge'.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 15:13Completed SimObject router implementation.
(Ask for details if you want to sync MSFS traffic between multiple instances (I think I am the only one in the world using this?)
Yes Gary I'm interested in these steps, thanks for the development. I'm currently migrating my sim to use 3 instances of MSFS to drive 5x4k monitors. Currently vatsim traffic is only shown on the "vPilot" PC.
Hi Joerg,
I did all, I hope, what you described above. Salty don´t move.
where to put the json manually in ?
Hi Steff,
the layout.json file is in the directory "PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM" (i.e. the ex-'salty-747' folder, after renaming it). look for any entry referencing to the panel folder ( "SimObjects\\Airplanes\\Salty_B747_8i\\panel\\..."), and add
"path": "SimObjects\\Airplanes\\Salty_B747_8i\\panel\\PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM.UserObject.wasm",
"size": 988875,
"date": 133105803280000000
You might also want to try Gary's method, using the MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe, you'll find in Gary's Client package. Complete steps 1-9 first, and then copy the exe to the 'new' PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM folder. Then drag the layout.json file from that directory over the exe, which will create a new layout.json, containing all references to the WASM modules in the panel folder.
For both methods:
If the salty does not move in the first attempt, close MSSF completely, restart it and try again.
Hope that helps!
Hi Joerg,
Does this mod have possibility to remove Virtual Cockpit? I would like to keep only the externals from Slaty, but without VC.
Hi Aleks,
yes this is quite easy to accomplish, and is independent from any mod.
You'll only need to change 2 lines in the 'model.cfg' file ( => ..\PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM\SimObjects\Airplanes\Salty_B747_8i\model\model.CFG )
1. line 13: change 'withInterior_showExterior=true' => 'withInterior_showExterior=false'
2. line 17: delete everything after the '=', ie. 'interior=747_8I_INTERIOR.xml' => 'interior='
This will eliminate the VC.
But to be honest... the external model does not behave well with the mod.
You might be better to go with the 'factory' Salty and J.P.'s WidePSX, which is far more integrated with the MSFS model.
Of course you can remove the VC from the 'factory' Salty as well, if you like.
Users will receive an update to V2.1.0 which corrects altitude readout on VATSIM.
Macroflight and myself have done some extensive testing but please report back any issues.
Please note that TCAS targets may be a little off until a patch comes out in the vPilot plugin to fix it.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sun, 19 Feb 2023 17:51Users will receive an update to V2.1.0 which corrects altitude readout on VATSIM.
Macroflight and myself have done some extensive testing but please report back any issues.
Please note that TCAS targets may be a little off until a patch comes out in the vPilot plugin to fix it.
Flying right now on VATSIM, and my altitude on the network corresponds perfectly to my indicated (pressure) altitude at FL360. Thanks for your work fixing this!
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sun, 19 Feb 2023 17:51Users will receive an update to V2.1.0 which corrects altitude readout on VATSIM.
Macroflight and myself have done some extensive testing but please report back any issues.
Please note that TCAS targets may be a little off until a patch comes out in the vPilot plugin to fix it.
Gary- I'm still on 2.0 despite several restarts... any suggestions?
Ta mate!
Router v2 is fine, the client will be 2.1.0
Perfect! Ta- C
Do we still need to use "." as a decimal separator, or has this been fixed in the latest release?
While watching your Caribbean tour over the weekend I saw a couple of issues related to how your aircraft was being displayed on Vatsim while on the ground. I was not seeing any issues with the other aircraft. My setup is vPilot and P3dv5.3.
Gary (& Mark et al)-
I am writing to tell you that for the first time I have been truly satisfied with the PSX/Scenery link. Performance is no longer a limiting factor, and the fluidity and inertia that is experienced in stand-alone PSX directly translates into this experience. I have no idea what wizardry you have wrought- but it works!
This has been a LONG and arduous journey for many. I have repeatedly tried scenery generation before- each time going back to stand-alone PSX because of the negatives involved. The end goal has been elusive (for me at least) until now. I purposely left myself high on an approach into MIA and had to wrestle with her to get her down (we were stable at 500'). The exercise left me as depleted as PSX stand-alone ever has, with the added bonus of superlative MSFS visuals. There was no loss of "feel of flight" because of the scenery generator. If anything, the experience was much better in toto. Ta mates!
I remain obliged- as ever- C
PS- Jeroen- PSX Pushover still works flawlessly, ta! :)
Next time approaching Miami, pull up, go around -- nothing to see here.
Especially not during Spring Break.
Hoppie :-)
I went back to look at my first post in this thread, and it turns out it's been exactly six months since I had that "wow, this is smoooth" experience for the first time. Wizardry indeed. :)
There's just something about PSX, and especially with this little gem driving MSFS...
I'm almost embarrassed by all the unused P3D and MSFS addon planes on my disk that I never fly these days.
Is there a possibility of adding a freighter airframe to PSX.NET for us Freight Dogs? If so, CLX LX-VCV would do very nicely please!
Ta- C
Quote from: cavaricooper on Sun, 19 Mar 2023 18:40Gary-
Is there a possibility of adding a freighter airframe to PSX.NET for us Freight Dogs? If so, CLX LX-VCV would do very nicely please!
Ta- C
would you mind sharing your email address? I might have something for you as a quick fix.
Or are you on discord by chance?
sent and received... much obliged!
promised ages ago, here's my findings regarding liveries for PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM so far.
Directory structure inside the Community folder:
│ layout.json
│ manifest.json
│ MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe
│ └───texture
│ └───Airplanes
│ └───PSX JA8076
│ │ aircraft.cfg
│ │
│ ├───model.GE
│ │ FAIB_B7474_GE.MDL
│ │ model.cfg
│ │
│ └───texture.JA8076
│ texture.cfg
│ thumbnail.jpg
│ thumbnail_small.jpg
Please find the paintkit and required model files on this page:
Be sure to carefully read the documentation inside the .psd files of the paintkit.
Flatten image, result should be only one visible layer.
Save copy, choose "DDS - NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter (*.DDS;*.DDS)"
Leave everything as is, the only checkbox you need is "flip vertically"
-> BC7 is fine, results in a higher quality than BC3 and is perfectly usable in MSFS.
All Alpha Blending defaults are fine.
I experienced some issues when creating/importing liveries other than the standard RR model, the ambient lighting on the fuselage didn't work at all. This results in a bright shining appearance at night.
The solution seemed to be these two files:
Opening them in Photoshop it turned out both were just a black square. After I copied and renamed them the lighting issue seemed to be resolved.
However sometimes exterior lighting plays funny games, I didn't dig deep enough to identify any root causes yet.
I hope this short documentation was helpful, please feel free to ask.
Whenever I try to view the aircraft from outside, it shows me in the middle of main wheel well.
Anyone with potential fix to this?
Thank you.
Use the drone camera. Move its position so you can see the plane. That's what I usually do.
Quote from: Aleks on Tue, 2 May 2023 08:28Whenever I try to view the aircraft from outside, it shows me in the middle of main wheel well.
Anyone with potential fix to this?
Thank you.
So, am I correct in thinking that there is no cockpit view with the window frames and glare shield?
If I'm wrong on this, please cold someone help me find that view. All I have at the moment is a plain forward view.
That's right. I'm not aware of a version with the cockpit view and window frames. I suspect this is because Gary has a full cockpit setup where the frames are real! I'm sure somebody could piece one together.
A 4K cockpit frame work would indeed be a welcome addition.
Today I fired up the sim for the first time in a few days, and I'm getting horrible stutters.
It looks as if the WASM plane is either changing speed or position rapidly or if the viewpoint is moving around.
It's most noticeable when looking left or right when airborne (i.e moving at speed).
If I kill the PSX.NET.MSFS client or router (i.e stop the data flow from PSX) the WASM plane will keep flying in the direction it was going when PSX disconnected, but the movement is now smooth.
Is anyone else seeing this?
Are you running the external view beta I sent you on discord or the public download? I noticed stutters in the beta too
If you ALSO did not have your PC running at all for a few days then it's Windows doing stuff to catch up. Downloading stuff, scanning files, updating things, ... It may stop in a few hours. My PC went red hot steaming when I connected it to the company VPN after about a week. Just Windows reading social media from its community.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Fri, 7 Jul 2023 20:48Are you running the external view beta I sent you on discord or the public download? I noticed stutters in the beta too
I did the brute-force approach and disabled all addons, lowered settings, reinstalled the PSX.NET.MSFS apps, ... Stutter seems to be gone now! I'll turn things back on one at a time and see if it comes back...
And Hoppie: no, the PC had been running other things in the last few days. Might have been something silly like a Steam background download though.
I have installed the PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM on my front projector screen and set that PC hostname to primary in the Router XML. Working great and very smooth. Its very interesting to still see P3D on the left and right projectors, the improvement to MSFS really shows. Fast loading, ect ect is amazing.
I have an issue with the (front) MSFS screen though.
Everything looks great on the ground, the horizon and runways pretty much matches P3D given the scenery differences.
However, when on final approach, the runway is very low under the nose and it feels like you are flying a 45deg glide slope. I have tried all sorts of zoom and camera setting to attempt to fix, but to no avail.
When in the air the angle to the runway looks far too steep.
Any thoughts on this please?,7076.40.html
Post #44
Hi Gary,
I know your model is not using the taxi-light. How can I activate it? I played around with the systems.cfg and managed to add some lightdef infos for left and right TaxiNose. But how to connect to the OVHD Taxi ON/OFF switch?
lightdefs are working fine when manually switched ON/OFF in MSFS Tools / User Lights.
Thx and cheers
Hi Gary,
can this be realised ourselves (prev. posting)?
I haven't had much time for hobbies the last month or so but when I do my project is going to be the external model so will ensure I take a look at what we did when I do for the taxi light too.
well, so I hope the lack of time is because of holidays ;)
thx for your info!
Hello Gary,
With PSXMSFSWASM last four days and nights I going with PSX and MSFS around the world:
It was 11 amazing Flights and 46 hours with Your product.
Thank you so much Gary and Hardy for this fantastic experience!
Quote from: B747-400 on Thu, 20 Jul 2023 19:51Gary,
well, so I hope the lack of time is because of holidays ;)
thx for your info!
Oh it was totally because of holidays :-)
Holidays are now over and we have rain forecast for the next two weeks in the UK. So Johnny and I have started work on a much more pleasing external model (with GSX integration from the still to be released EFB).
So my todo list is as follows :-
-Stop falling over in the hangar
-Nose Wheel
-Added Upper Beacon
-Sort Out External Cameras
-Taxi Light
-Nav Lights
-All Lights brighter
-Logo Light
-BA/QFA Livery RB211 Engines
-Cabin Lights
GSX Config File
Model Types
747-400 CF6 Engines
747-400 RB211 Engines
747-400 PW Engines
747-400F CF6 Engines
747-400F RB211 Engines
747-400F PW Engines
Singapore (9V-SFP)
Lufthansa (D-ABTK)
JAL (JA8076)
Cargolux (LX-VCV)
Atlas (N499MC)
UPS (B572UP, N573UP,N574UP)
IronMaiden (TFAAK)
Coming Soon
-Pushback tug on the nose wheel when PSX tug is connected
-Add additional Camera Views.
-Configurable MSFS click spots (Matt S)
-Elevator, Rudder, Ailerons (Needs model update)
-Doors Opening from PSX position (Needs model update)
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 24 Jul 2023 17:59All,
Holidays are now over and we have rain forecast for the next two weeks in the UK. So Johnny and I have started work on a much more pleasing external model (with GSX integration from the still to be released EFB).
So my todo list is as follows :-
-Stop falling over in the hangar
-Nose Wheel
-Elevator, Rudder, Ailerons
-Optional Taxi Light
-Doors Opening from PSX position
-Pushback tug on the nose wheel when PSX tug is connected
Anything else?
Logo light.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 24 Jul 2023 17:59All,
Holidays are now over and we have rain forecast for the next two weeks in the UK. So Johnny and I have started work on a much more pleasing external model (with GSX integration from the still to be released EFB).
So my todo list is as follows :-
-Stop falling over in the hangar
-Nose Wheel
-Elevator, Rudder, Ailerons
-Optional Taxi Light
-Doors Opening from PSX position
-Pushback tug on the nose wheel when PSX tug is connected
Anything else?
My only request would be a model in the Boeing house colour livery.
that list sounds excellent!
If we were able to add another livery on our own, that would be perfect!
Thx for all your efforts!
I'm trying to get PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM to work on my system. Everything seems to work OK except the Client will not upgrade to 2.1. Another issue is MSFS2020 shows PSX.NET.WASM_CVT_ not installed.
I have completed one flight from KDFW to KPHX on Vatsim without any issues except the altitude was not correct on Vatsim.
x-checked my versions ... Router still 2.0 and Client 2.0.2 - obviously same here ...
WASM shows two version files in PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM folder: WASM_Version_2 and ..._4.txt!
I did a clean install on a test-rig - mentioned PSX.NET.WASM_CVT_ missing as well.
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Mon, 24 Jul 2023 17:59All,
Holidays are now over and we have rain forecast for the next two weeks in the UK. So Johnny and I have started work on a much more pleasing external model (with GSX integration from the still to be released EFB).
So my todo list is as follows :-
-Stop falling over in the hangar
-Nose Wheel
-Elevator, Rudder, Ailerons
-Optional Taxi Light
-Doors Opening from PSX position
-Pushback tug on the nose wheel when PSX tug is connected
Anything else?
Please make default external view looking at the plane. Currently I am inside main gear well :)
Also it is hit and miss if the plane will end up on null-island or upside down beneath the ground.
Quote from: Aleks on Tue, 25 Jul 2023 21:14Please make default external view looking at the plane. Currently I am inside main gear well :)
Also it is hit and miss if the plane will end up on null-island or upside down beneath the ground.
Also fixed... cockpit view is in the right place and then there will be wing views and maybe some others.
Since I'm unable to update to 2.1 automatically, how do I update?
Hi all, Gary
As for me please could you send Scenery generator Traffic to PSX.
Quote from: Jelsomino on Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:20Hi all, Gary
As for me please could you send Scenery generator Traffic to PSX.
There's a plug-in for vpilot which does that for VATSIM traffic called we wrote which does that.
will the taxi, landing, turnoff, strobes, etc. lit up the ground in MSFS? Currently I feel like I am driving with a small torch, but perhaps they are weak in real life as well.
Yep! If you look at the todo list I posted a few comments ago we are making huge progress.
I will release it in the next week or so with new upgraded candles :-)
Gary- splendid news. A big thanks to you, Mark and all others involved!
That sounds excellent 8)
THX a lot!
How do we feel on auto updates? I previously enabled auto updating which was REALLY useful in the first developments of the WASM module as it allowed updates to be pushed to all my machines in my sim at once and to all of yours with the small risk of breaking something that worked.
The new 'Next Gen' WASM will be a separate installer which allows you to either join the journey of new world or leave you currently working sim as it is.
I was planning on then leaving the auto updater enabled with the nextgen WASM as I will be pushing updates at a much slower rate. Anyone who doesn't run the new installer will not receive any updates automatically.
Would people also interested in a 'non autoupdating' installer as well? I will then every now and then release a new installer here for people to update if they want but you wouldn't get the new features as they come out.
I would prefer a manual installation over the auto update - or the possibility to switch it off!
So, I can go back to the previous working version at any time, if anything goes wrong. Or, select the slot for an update according to my schedule.
Tbh: MSFS permanently looking for and mandatory execute auto-updates sucks enough :o ;)
Gary —- count me in for auto updates. Dan
I am in for auto updates, but please do not forget us that are using "," as decimal separator to avoid strange effects. :)
+1 for autoupdate.
I will issue both an Autoupdating and none auto updating installer then you guys can choose.
... ,,, ...
Excellent, thx for all your efforts! 8)
Any idea to why it is spawning, almost randomly, sometimes normally and sometimes upside down (beneath the surface)?
I have set "." as decimal separator and also tried ",", but it still is pure chance how it will spawn.
It starts, for a millisecond, on a correct position and then falls through the ground and goes inverted.
Bug or user error, no clue :)
I think its an issue with the client data area getting corrupted - again should be fixed in new version
Get your livery requests in too... we are releaing soon with the following :-
Boeing House
Thanks, Gary.
Livery wishes:
- Cargolux
Crossing fingers you will also look into some issues with the payload in Simfest vs. Simbrief, when using 747F.
the new Lufthansa livery would be great.
Thank you for everything you're doing on this.
Thank you Gary,
China Airlines would be great.
Thanks team,
For all pilots-musicians the "IRON MAIDEN" livery please ))
I am going to convert Texas Cargo to MSFS shortly. I painted it for the PMDG B744ERF in P3dv5. Hopefully the conversion to MSFS will be painless. 🤣
Would you be able to add Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific?
Not sure, but Stevens VA would be the top! ;D 8)
Knowing zilch of the underlying tech, how are these liveries added to a model? Is it a matter of finding the correct livery files that somebody already made and slapping them into the rendering engine, in other words basically add files to a packager?
Quote from: Gary Oliver on Wed, 2 Aug 2023 17:48Get your livery requests in too... we are releaing soon with the following :-
Boeing House
Air Canada
Please note that this thread is for the previous version of the WASM module and further information will be found in,7196.0.html