744 Forum

Apron => Accessories => Topic started by: Mark on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:05

Title: PSX.NET
Post by: Mark on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:05
Hello all!

There have been hints on this forum about an elusive piece of software to be released and I'm happy to announce that an initial version is available. Behold; PSX.NET.

PSX.NET is a modular software. There is a core PSX.NET application and add-on modules which usually equate to additional tabs appearing in the UI.

Main application

Lead developer: Mark
Latest version: 1.0.0
Full name: PSX.NET
PSX.NET is the core application that loads and hosts the modules. It's main purpose by itself is to connect to PSX and dispatch the PSX messages to any interested modules. It is the first tab in the user interface.


Lead developer: Triple7
Latest version: 1.1.0
Full name: PSX.NET.Module.Doors
The doors module allows you individually select doors and hatches to open/close or arm/disarm, plus quick
configuration buttons. It also has an automatic setting to mimic the actions of cabin crew and ground staff in
preparing the aircraft during operations.

Ground Services
Lead developer: Triple7
Latest version: 1.0.0
Module name: PSX.NET.Module.GroundServices
The ground services module allows you to control some of the actions performed by the ground staff, loading,
fuelling, pushback, connections and de-icing.


System requirements:
-Windows 7/8/10
- .NET 4.5.1

- Download PSX.NET, extract it to the desired location.
- Download all desired modules, do not extract them.
- Run PSX.NET.
- Use the 'Install/update module' button in the user interface to select the module .zip file and click 'Open' to install it.
Note: The 'Install/update module' button is only active when PSX.NET is disconnected from PSX.


PSX.NET 1.0.0 (https://github.com/macaba/PSX.NET-Binaries/raw/master/PSX.NET/PSX.NET%201.0.0.zip) - Latest

PSX.NET.Module.Doors 1.1.0 (https://github.com/macaba/PSX.NET-Binaries/raw/master/PSX.NET%20Modules/PSX.NET.Module.Doors/PSX.NET.Module.Doors%201.1.0.zip) - Latest

PSX.NET.Module.GroundServices 1.0.0 (https://github.com/macaba/PSX.NET-Binaries/raw/master/PSX.NET%20Modules/PSX.NET.Module.GroundServices/PSX.NET.Module.GroundServices%201.0.0.zip) - Latest


PSX.NET User Manual (Issue 1) (https://github.com/macaba/PSX.NET-Binaries/raw/master/Documentation/PSX.NET%20User%20Manual/PSX.NET%20User%20Manual%20(Issue%201).pdf) - Latest
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Hardy Heinlin on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:25

Thank you, gentlemen!
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:49
So looking forward to getting home from the salt mine and installing this suite. Many thanks for all your efforts! PSX is wonderful, but with smooth scenery visuals it becomes even more enthralling and captivating. Now we get to explore even more strata and nuances of full-flight simulation!

To confirm, does this latest version perform scenery generator coupling in addition to hosting the other modules?

With gratitude- C
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Mark on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:56
A picture from the ribbon cutting ceremony on the inaugural simfestuk PSX.NET 1.0.0 flight...!

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Mark on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:58
Quote from: cavaricooper on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:49
To confirm, does this latest version perform scenery generator coupling in addition to hosting the other modules?

No, PSX.NET is, and will always be, very separate to PSX.NET P3D ExternalSim (they're fundamentally incompatible things).
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:57

Mea Culpa. In that case will PSX.NET P3D be recognized as another module (PSX.NET.module P3D) or is that bit totally stand alone?

Also, will BAACARS and the discussed waypoint wind program (in the wings atm) become modules within PSX.NET?

May I just say that the "delay" factor in Doors, External Power/Air etc. will make things much more interesting.  I can fully see the need for a dedicated "instructor station" operator.

Best- C
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Gary Oliver on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 07:38

The boys have been begging me to turn bacars into psx.net already.  It will be done at some point

We were talking last night that we might add some automation into triggering the steps in psx doors.

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Mark on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 10:41
Hi all,

The initial release of the PSX.NET User Manual has been added to the 1st post in this thread. Thanks to Triple7 for this.

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 10:45
Gary/Mark et al-

As a beneficiary of the teams collective benevolence, I would just like to say thanks.  Hardy's PSX has inspired so many talented people to strive to make the experience even better in toto.

Yesterday, I flew PSX networked across 3 machines-

PSX.NET P3D provided scenery generation
PSX.NET provided additional routing capability for the DOORS and GROUND SERVICES modules
PSX BAACARS worked performance
PSXonMCP2 allowed for HW EICAS, MCP & RCP
PSX Remote allowed for 2 iPad CDUs
PSX Aloft sent ASN waypoint winds above FL200
AdaptPSX sent my receipt printer my BAACARS output
CMC-PSX monitored the flight
FiFli provided the FO extras & trolley dolly

While a long way from Cranebank, and Chris' and your 'decks, how could I be anything but grateful? 

I look forward to a long, educational and inspiring future with the PSX ecosystem!

Best- C

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: kiek on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 13:42
Hi C,

You even forgot one add-on: add real time / real life traffic with PSXseeconTraffic (http://www.lekseecon.nl/PSXseeconTraffic.html) ...  :)

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:18

I hope to benefit from your work when I get to a point in life where a full flight deck is possible. For now I fly on VATSIM so I have not used your software.  I am grateful for your work and look forward to utilizing it!

Best- Carl
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Sat, 30 Jul 2016 22:23

While probably not a necessity for Gary's sim, would it be possible to add a tick box for pause at TOD to PSX.NET?  For those of us who cannot always continuously remain present on long-haul simulations this would be a helpful feature. Even better (if it isn't too greedy) would be an option of TOD or TOD-50 or TOD-100.

While I try to time arrivals appropriately, sometimes life gets in the way (a bit distressing after 12-13 hrs) and a pause would be much appreciated.

Thanks for your consideration.  Either way, I remain obliged.

Best- C

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: kiek on Sun, 31 Jul 2016 09:00

When I start EZVID (http://www.ezvid.com) (a screen recorder) while I'm flying in a networked configuration, my PSX jumps (instantly) from the sky to the ground and the Connection Status Router -> P3D becomes unknown...

Selecting Reset in P3D brings everything back to normal.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Mark on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 08:40
Quote from: cavaricooper on Sat, 30 Jul 2016 22:23
While probably not a necessity for Gary's sim, would it be possible to add a tick box for pause at TOD to PSX.NET?

Sure - any ideas how I calculate arrival at TOD? I'm not wanting to spend too much time on this but if there is a good bit of documentation on this then it'll take me a few minutes to add in.
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Mark on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 08:45
Quote from: kiek on Sun, 31 Jul 2016 09:00
When I start EZVID (http://www.ezvid.com) (a screen recorder) while I'm flying in a networked configuration, my PSX jumps (instantly) from the sky to the ground and the Connection Status Router -> P3D becomes unknown...

Selecting Reset in P3D brings everything back to normal.

Any ideas?

You're on the wrong thread but I'll respond here - that's very unusual, the only thing I can think of is that EZVID is interfering with the TCP messaging between the router and P3D ExternalSim, either by using the same port, or by (this is a very wild guess) somehow causing windows firewall to start blocking packets (perhaps if the parent thread ID changes).

Perhaps try using 'SysInternals Process Monitor' and seeing if the thread stack changes when you start EZVID? It's a bit of a guess.
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Hardy Heinlin on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 09:33
T/D data:

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: kiek on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 12:07
Quote from: Mark on Mon,  1 Aug 2016 08:45
Quote from: kiek on Sun, 31 Jul 2016 09:00
When I start EZVID (http://www.ezvid.com) (a screen recorder) while I'm flying in a networked configuration, my PSX jumps (instantly) from the sky to the ground and the Connection Status Router -> P3D becomes unknown...

Selecting Reset in P3D brings everything back to normal.

Any ideas?

You're on the wrong thread but I'll respond here - that's very unusual, the only thing I can think of is that EZVID is interfering with the TCP messaging between the router and P3D ExternalSim, either by using the same port, or by (this is a very wild guess) somehow causing windows firewall to start blocking packets (perhaps if the parent thread ID changes).

Perhaps try using 'SysInternals Process Monitor' and seeing if the thread stack changes when you start EZVID? It's a bit of a guess.
For clarification: EZVID is running at the P3D machine, I asume it is not using any ports, nor changing firewall settings...

P.S sorry about taking the wrong thread
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 15:28

Fingers x'ed the thread HH points to will suffice.....


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: evaamo on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 18:33
Hi Hardy, I find Carl's suggestion would add value to PSX per se.

Would you consider adding to your nice-to-have feature list for future releases?

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Hardy Heinlin on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 18:51

We've discussed this already. Nope, I'm sorry. When I leave a PSX session in cruise and want to continue at T/D, I press Pause when I leave or even shutdown the computer, and when I return I simply make a direct-to to a route waypoint near the T/D and click the Time-jump button on the Time page. That has exactly the same effect because the time and fuel progress and step climb will be advanced automatically.

Besides, this is a feature invented by another software author, I think. I don't want to copy his idea (a very unusual idea).


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: evaamo on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 19:08
Fair enough, Hardy.

Thank you!
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Mon, 1 Aug 2016 19:26

I'm hoping that Hardy's pointer post will provide enough information to allow Mark to add it fairly painlessly..... Should he be able to allow for a box/button select of TOD, TOD-50, TOD-100 I'd be thrilled.

Hardy's idea about a pause and direct to would work....... it's just that I "like" the idea of real time flighting.... but sometimes that planned return in time for the TOD- 100 brief just doesn't work out... and then... disaster :)

Fingers x'ed!

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Wed, 14 Sep 2016 06:45
Hi Guys,
Just a quick one about PSX.NET. I have been trying it out and notice no connection with the door displays in hte lower EICAS. Is that a todo or to hard?


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Wed, 14 Sep 2016 10:48
Alex- are you allowing time for the scheduled delays?  It can be edited for shorter times...

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Michael Benson on Wed, 14 Sep 2016 20:27
Quote from: asboyd on Wed, 14 Sep 2016 06:45
I have been trying it out and notice no connection with the door displays in hte lower EICAS.

Hi Alex,

The lower EICAS synoptic, upper EICAS messages and PSX.Net visual should all display the same information.  Do you mean the synoptic is showing doors open/closed which is contrary to those that are open/closed in PSX.Net?  Do you have any images for me to look at?
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Wed, 14 Sep 2016 22:05
I loaded Situ: Basic On ground ILS aligned and then hit close all in PSX.Net
The attached image is the result. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32544587/Doors.jpg

Alex B
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Michael Benson on Thu, 15 Sep 2016 04:22
Morning Alex,

Aaah I see the issue, at the moment it's only coded for the passenger variant hence it doesn't know the 'extra' cargo doors exist.  Over the next couple of days I'll try and include a cargo option too.
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Thu, 15 Sep 2016 05:26
Ah I knew I had to be doing something wrong :)
I should stick with Tri-Lev PAX models.....

Alex B
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Michael Benson on Thu, 15 Sep 2016 07:09
No I should of probably been clearer - hopefully not long for a new version
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Thu, 15 Sep 2016 07:21
No Rush, so I fly with the hood up..... at least I don't have to run the aircon packs... :)

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Michael Benson on Wed, 21 Sep 2016 20:44
Hi Alex,

Sorry taking a little longer than expected, work keeps getting in the way.  The UI is done - just having to change the logic a little bit about which doors can open and when... hopefully get chance tomorrow  :D

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Wed, 21 Sep 2016 21:29
Your update is most appreciated!  I'm in the habit of carting toasters around the world, and as I can most often be found with a CV flight, I await your next update with great enthusiasm :)

Have you had any success in twisting Gary's arm to bring BAACARS into the PSX.NET fold?


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Thu, 22 Sep 2016 00:25
It is looking good. Really appreciate your hard work.

Alex B 8)
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Gary Oliver on Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:16
Quote from: cavaricooper on Wed, 21 Sep 2016 21:29
Have you had any success in twisting Gary's arm to bring BAACARS into the PSX.NET fold?

Oh don't start him off again!

I have been working on V3 which is a much simplified BACARS to remove all the overlaps with the PSX.NET stuff.

It won't be in PSX.NET this version round but who knows in the future.

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:21

Superb news- Ta!

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Flex on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 15:55
I've just downloaded the newest PSX.NET from the PSXaddons site. When I try to start it up i get an unhandled UI exception error. Ideas?

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: kev32b on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 15:54

I have download psx.net and get error in relation to sandbox mode when trying to run

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Mark on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 15:59
I'm in the process of making a proper installer to fix the last 2 posts.
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 21:53
Hi Mark,
Just downloaded the latest from the PSXAddon site but cannot locate the modules (doors and Ground services).
Could you let me know if there are links to them somewhere else?

Alex B
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 22:27
Mark forget my last post...

However I tested the latest version and if a I configure the doors for the passenger ER to use Entry 1L, Aft Cargo Fwd Cargo and Bulk as a boarding config, when I click boarding the timers flash between seconds and finished. Also 1L entry does not open, the others do...

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: cavaricooper on Wed, 22 Feb 2017 00:23
Mark/Gary et al-

Could I please ask about the following (your workload permitting)-

1). Could Push be followed by Pull... ATM there is no ability for pull or a second push, following the initial push.
2). Is there a way to save the path for the Wx folder so it doesn't need to be chosen each time?
3). BACARS integration....

No hurry, no pressure- just thoughts to consider when your to-dos permit latitude...

Thanks again for all you do for us!

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Michael Benson on Thu, 2 Mar 2017 23:03

Sorry for my tardiness in replying, it's been a little hectic recently.

Quote from: asboyd on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 22:27
However I tested the latest version and if a I configure the doors for the passenger ER to use Entry 1L, Aft Cargo Fwd Cargo and Bulk as a boarding config, when I click boarding the timers flash between seconds and finished. Also 1L entry does not open, the others do...

You shouldn't get any timers when selecting Boarding - it just instantaneously sets the configuration you have in the settings.  The only buttons that start timers are the auto buttons (Doors Auto/Man and On Stand).

Can you confirm exactly the steps you go through to get to the problem you're finding.  I am at the moment rewriting the auto logic anyway to make it more robust and user friendly so I may inadvertently fix it anyway :S

Quote from: cavaricooper on Wed, 22 Feb 2017 00:23
1). Could Push be followed by Pull... ATM there is no ability for pull or a second push, following the initial push.
2). Is there a way to save the path for the Wx folder so it doesn't need to be chosen each time?

1 - I am not sure what version we have uploaded at the moment, but the current one allows you to push and pull at will.  I'll have a word with Mark about running another release.

2 - I think I've fixed that a while ago, but shall check before release.
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Fri, 3 Mar 2017 00:14
G'day Mark.
I have grabbed some screen captures of what is happening after I configure the PSX app.
The MainPage is the srtartup.
The Config I have set to Boarding.
When I start PSXNet and am using the situ I have included the StartupDoors happens.
The timers countdown then I sometimes get error messages saying some doors are open and should be closed..

Here is a link to the zip file in my dropbox containing the files.
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: JRBarrett on Fri, 3 Mar 2017 13:06
Quote from: Triple7 on Thu,  2 Mar 2017 23:03

1 - I am not sure what version we have uploaded at the moment, but the current one allows you to push and pull at will.  I'll have a word with Mark about running another release.

The link to PSX.NET in the first post of this thread appears to point at Version 1.0.0 of the software from several months ago. Is there an alternate link to obtain the latest version?

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: tango4 on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 11:19
Hi Mark,

First in reply to the post above, the link can be found on the site www.psxaddons.com

Then, I come here for a question.
I am back to trying PSX running with P3D to take advantage of all the features the wonderful "British PSX Task Force" have implemented.
I am just unable to run the "Wind" module, and I don't know if I am doing something wrong.

What happens is that it looks like everything is working fine (I even get to the point in PSX.net where it is written: "Status: Wind data loaded" after I load them in PSX).
But the data are not correct. My feeling is that everything within PSX.net is working OK, but PSX somehow fails to "intercept" the data. So it looks like I find myself with data coming directly from PSX instead of data coming from the .wx file I generated using PFPX and AS16.

Any suggestion or help would be welcome.

Thanks again for the amazing work.

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: tango4 on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 12:46
I just saw a big bright light and figured it out !

I was generating a plan with PFPX that included sids and stars (so those waypoints were included in my .wx file)
But the PSX route plan did not include it, so there was a discrepancy.

Seems to be working like a charm now !

Sorry for the post above...


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: JRBarrett on Fri, 17 Mar 2017 18:19
Quote from: tango4 on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 11:19
Hi Mark,

First in reply to the post above, the link can be found on the site www.psxaddons.com

I thought I had read in a previous message that the developer did not support the version at www.psxaddons.com, because he "did not package it himself" (paraphrasing).

I have tried a fresh download of that version, but I get the .NET error relating to a "sandboxed" program, that others have reported.

Apparently it does work for some, but I can't get it to run on my machine. (I am running the most recent .NET framework 4.6.2). Per the suggestion of another user, I did try moving the files from the "debug" folder of the zip archive into a dedicated "PSX.NET" folder, and have tried running it both as administrator and as a regular user, but get the same error.

I'd love to try the new WINDS module, to compare it to PSXAloft, but I guess I will have to await a later version. Perhaps my .NET framework is TOO new, but I can't roll it back, as I need it for other software on my computer.
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Flex on Fri, 7 Apr 2017 10:54
I was just wondering if this issue has been resolved as i have been away for a little while.

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: GodAtum on Sat, 20 Jan 2018 15:06
Hi all, tried this with BACARS and Dispatcher, worked flawlessly together. Just a small feature request if I amy, please could you add door controls to the Ground Services CDU page?
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Gary Oliver on Sat, 20 Jan 2018 16:44

If you go into the PSX.NET preferences page there is a tick box to display the DOORS page on the CDU already.

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: HercMighty on Mon, 28 May 2018 02:55
Is there newer versions of PSX.NET that aren't listed on the first page of this thread? Also, is there a WX addon?
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: asboyd on Mon, 28 May 2018 03:10
Looks like the "psxaddons" web site above is no longer active.
So the first post has the only file unless someone else can link to a later one.

Alex B
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: farrokh747 on Mon, 28 May 2018 04:17
QuoteI have tried a fresh download of that version, but I get the .NET error relating to a "sandboxed" program, that others have reported.

Did you try right click and "unblock"   (before unzipping)

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: James H on Mon, 28 May 2018 07:11
Hi all,

I also had the sandboxing error when I first tried PSX.NET, but I discovered that was because I didn't follow the instructions properly. You must run PSX.NET alone first to install the modules, not just unzip and copy the individual module files into the modules folder like I did.

To quote:

- Download PSX.NET, extract it to the desired location.
- Download all desired modules, do not extract them.
- Run PSX.NET.
- Use the 'Install/update module' button in the user interface to select the module .zip file and click 'Open' to install it.
Note: The 'Install/update module' button is only active when PSX.NET is disconnected from PSX.

I hope that helps,

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: HercMighty on Mon, 28 May 2018 14:30
Quote from: James H on Mon, 28 May 2018 07:11
Hi all,

I also had the sandboxing error when I first tried PSX.NET, but I discovered that was because I didn't follow the instructions properly. You must run PSX.NET alone first to install the modules, not just unzip and copy the individual module files into the modules folder like I did.

To quote:

- Download PSX.NET, extract it to the desired location.
- Download all desired modules, do not extract them.
- Run PSX.NET.
- Use the 'Install/update module' button in the user interface to select the module .zip file and click 'Open' to install it.
Note: The 'Install/update module' button is only active when PSX.NET is disconnected from PSX.

I hope that helps,


Ok, but it doesn't seem available anymore? Looks like PSX.NET, PSXAloft, are all no longer available?
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Gary Oliver on Mon, 28 May 2018 14:56
Ahh I didn't realise PSXAddons was on a seperate billing account... The website is backup and running now.
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: James H on Tue, 29 May 2018 01:08
Hi all,

I installed the newest version from www.psxaddons.com, but as others have reported, it won't run. It seems like it'll only run if you install the modules in the way Mark described on the first post of this topic. In order to get it to run:

1) Move all of the module .dll files out of the modules folder (PSX.NET\Debug\Modules) and into another temporary folder. Delete all of the setting .xml files in the settings folder (PSX.NET\Debug\Settings).
2) Run PSX.NET.exe as administrator. It should then run, but with no installed modules.
3) Zip each individual module .dll file into a separate .zip file in the same format as on Mark's first post of this topic. For example, put the PSX.NET.Module.Doors.dll file into a new folder called Modules, then zip that folder into a file called PSX.NET.Module.Doors 1.2.0.zip.
4) Using the Install/update module button in PSX.NET, select the PSX.NET.Module.Doors 1.2.0.zip file.
5) PSX.NET should then install the module and the doors tab should appear in the app.

I hope that helps,

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: farrokh747 on Tue, 29 May 2018 03:55
QuoteThe website is backup and running now.

Thanks Gary....

Is there any documentation on the winds/wxr/PSX.NET.Weather module? The manual available does not have anything on this (unless i missed it)


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Gary Oliver on Tue, 29 May 2018 11:26

The Winds uplink handling is now done by BACARS 4.0 and above so that modules in PSX.NET is obsolete.

The Weather module pulls P3D weather and injects the upper winds and temps into PSX.  There is a new version which does this by reading from the PSX.NET.ExternalSim Router in the same way as PSX Vibrate does, however I would use the old one for now.

You just need to setup your simconnect.cfg file to make this happen.

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: farrokh747 on Tue, 29 May 2018 15:31
QuoteYou just need to setup your simconnect.cfg file to make this happen.

thanks gary -

sorry, but which simconnect config file..?

the one is PSX.NET / Modules is:


is there another one in externalsim? or P3D

apologies for the confusion on my side

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: HercMighty on Tue, 29 May 2018 22:23

Thanks! Appreciate you hosting.

Can people share some info on the doors module? Wondering a few things:

1. Early Turnaround, anyone use and what configuration?
2. Just prior to push, anyone use and what configuration?
3. Push/Approach Stand, anyone use and what configuration?

Doors Auto/Man I understand, but the On Stand button I am not sure.

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: farrokh747 on Tue, 5 Jun 2018 10:48
Hi Gary -

one feature request     -    minimise on start option    -

cheers and thanks

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: GodAtum on Thu, 23 Aug 2018 08:00
Hi, I read in another post PSX.NET has Motu8 support. I guess that's for the cabin call functionality?
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: GodAtum on Mon, 19 Nov 2018 13:39
Wondering if you could add buttons into the CDU to pause time and load situation files?
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Swiso on Mon, 10 Dec 2018 18:18
A couple of questions :
What it mean (and what is it for) the "BANG" button below " Autoconnect and retry" on the PSX page ?
Could someone explain the " Pilots Call Panel" function ? What it should be the COM1 device that should be connected ? My printer ?

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers on Mon, 10 Dec 2018 23:57
Quote from: GodAtum on Mon, 19 Nov 2018 13:39
Wondering if you could add buttons into the CDU to pause time and load situation files?

Just curious. With the current availability of good, affordable tablets, which are a magnificent addition to a sim to do all the previously 'from the instructor station' actions from the pilot's seat, why do we still ask for CDU extensions?

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: GodAtum on Tue, 11 Dec 2018 19:04
Quote from: Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers on Mon, 10 Dec 2018 23:57
Quote from: GodAtum on Mon, 19 Nov 2018 13:39
Wondering if you could add buttons into the CDU to pause time and load situation files?

Just curious. With the current availability of good, affordable tablets, which are a magnificent addition to a sim to do all the previously 'from the instructor station' actions from the pilot's seat, why do we still ask for CDU extensions?


I'm not sure what you mean, my ipads cannot run the instructor station?
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers on Wed, 12 Dec 2018 00:33
Oh but that can be fixed I'm sure. Any virtual desktop display should do it fine. I didn't try it but others will... anybody?

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Martin Baker on Thu, 11 Apr 2019 15:04
A question re this wonderful add-on. There are two auto buttons in the doors module, but they do not get replicated in the Centre CDU. Is there a way to trigger them without leaving PSX itself?


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: James H on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 04:40
Hi Gary,

Could I please resurrect farrokh747's question RE: the PSX.NET Weather module?

I can't for the life of me work out the IP address and port required for the P3D connection section of the module. I assume this is the same IP address that the P3D.ExternalSim.Router uses to talk to P3D, but I can't find what it is.

Do you know how to find the correct router IP and port?

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: James H on Fri, 19 Jul 2019 08:50
Disregard I worked it out, no SimConnect  ;D
Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: farrokh747 on Fri, 26 Jul 2019 05:01
HI James -

can you elaborate on how you got it working...?


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: James H on Fri, 26 Jul 2019 10:14
Hi Farrokh,

I used the instructions from the following site as a guide. It talks about Active Sky, but the process is the same.

I run Prepar3d on one computer, and on a separate computer I run PSX and PSX.NET. The following is how I setup my system. I'm quite a rookie when it comes to this, so some parts might be unnecessary.

1) I ran SimConnect.msi on both my Prepar3D and PSX computers. You can find SimConnect.msi at the following location:
C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib

2) I downloaded and installed the Prepar3d Software Development Kit on my Prepar3d computer. This is available on the Prepar3d website under the purchased downloads section. I only did this part because it includes a folder with some template files that you can use.

3) I copied the file SimConnect.ini
from Prepar3d computer:
C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK\config\SimConnect
to Prepar3d computer:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files

4) I copied the file SimConnect.xml
from Prepar3d computer:
C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK\config\SimConnect
to Prepar3d comptuer:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4

I then edited SimConnect.xml and changed the following sections:
<!-- Example Global (remote) IPv4 Server Configuration-->
<Port>MAKE UP A NUMBER (UP TO 65535)</Port>
<!-- Example Local Pipe Server Configuration-->

5) I moved SimConnect.cfg
from PSX and PSX.NET computer:
to PSX and PSX.NET computer:

If you use OneDrive (as I do), you need to put it in the following location instead:

I then edited this file so that the Address and Port values matched what I had written in SimConnect.xml

6) When I had PSX and Prepar3d running, I ran PSX.NET.

Under the Weather tab, I input the same Address and Port values as from SimConnect.xml and clicked the red 'Visual Sim Disconnected' button. It then connected.

I hope my explanation helps. Good luck :)

Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: farrokh747 on Fri, 26 Jul 2019 11:10
Thanks James!

ill give it a try.....


Title: Re: PSX.NET
Post by: Martin Baker on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 11:27
Sorry to be a pest, but does anyone know the answer to this?

Quote from: Martin B on Thu, 11 Apr 2019 15:04
A question re this wonderful add-on. There are two auto buttons in the doors module, but they do not get replicated in the Centre CDU. Is there a way to trigger them without leaving PSX itself?