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VisualPS1 goes legacy!

Started by Garry Richards, Thu, 6 Oct 2011 06:26

Garry Richards

The very last update to the VisualPS1 software suite is now available from my web site. After this the code will be redeveloped into the VisualPSX suite.

This final update improves startup, shutdown and network monitoring.

Do inform me of any bugs you find so I can ensure they don't also occur in the VisualPSX suite.


John Davis PC

Thanks   eeerm   Tree ? :)


Where VisualPS1 and Broker can be downloaded nowadays?

Hardy Heinlin

Do you know what VisualPS1 is?


Well, if i'm sane, it's the app to make visual part via FS, same thing as VisualPSX, but for PS 1.3a?

Hardy Heinlin

Correct. I was asking because your question is unusual. There is no download link anymore, as far as I know.


If someone upload it somewhere, it would be nice. Especially with other required utils, like Broker. Thanks in advance!

Markus Vitzethum

It's not the latest build but this link should get you started:

The orginal program (Update version 4183) is archived on

The "Download VisualPS1 for FSX support package for new users" is still working in the Archive. Good luck!




Here is what i got on my side feel free to ask.....


Up There With The Best Of The Best...

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

I've put the original PS1.3 Broker back online. Many other PS1 utilities are still available but not back online as I try to weed out dead wood from my web site... but just ask.



Thank you very much, guys! There seem to be most of add-ons ever released.
A bit of off-topic. There was a book,  747-400PS1 User's Guide by Precision Manuals, it seem to be discontinued  years ago, at least it's impossible to find anything about it on their site. Where can i get it in digital form, pdf or something? I heard it was a good one.


Quote from: hokawk55 on Thu, 21 Jun 2018 17:37
Thank you very much, guys! There seem to be most of add-ons ever released.
A bit of off-topic. There was a book,  747-400PS1 User's Guide by Precision Manuals, it seem to be discontinued  years ago, at least it's impossible to find anything about it on their site. Where can i get it in digital form, pdf or something? I heard it was a good one.

You can get the PDF version here :

The original PS1 user guide was made by the guy who now own PMDG.... Mr.Randazzo.
The zip file you get is version 10 of that manual and this version is more "PMDG 747-400" oriented even if the basic documentation about 744 systems is basically the same as the original one.

Markus Vitzethum

Hello Aris,

not quite. It's indeed a 744 manual written by R. Randazzo's company but the PDF your link points to was written around 2005 (PMDG 747-400 release for FS9).

The question was about the "747-400PS1 User's Guide" by Precisionmanuals (later: PMDG), written as an add-on manual for PS1.0-1.2 in about 1997 or 1998. (I never owned it, though.) To my best knowledge, it was removed from sale in 2000 and not available ever since.

The internet web archive still has some details:
Quote from the original PMDG site from 2001:

"Precision Manuals Development Group was founded by Robert S. Randazzo, Senior Developer, in January, 1998.  Originally conceived as a small technical publishing company, PMDG's first product, the 747-400PS1 User's Guide was released in February of 1998.  This 300 page book was developed specifically to provide users of 747-400PS1 by Aerowinx with a detailed, educational guide to assist non-airline pilots in mastering the complexities of the Aerowinx's 747-400 CBT software.

Written to be used by pilots and non-pilots alike, the 747-400PS1 User's Guide was a popular handbook in the PS1 community until it was removed from availability in early 2000."



Hello Markus,
I must disagree with you.
I have one copy of the old 747-400PS1 User Guide (revision 1.3)  made by Mr. Randazzo, and while it is right that the version in my link above was "dedicated" to PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Sky, the only difference iare on chapter 7, where the cockpit display systems are shown differently between PS1.3 and PMDG 747-400 QOTS.
P.S1.3 had only one display option, while PMDG had cockpit where you can look around....hope you see what I mean.
The radio and transponder panels were different in those two programs.
The difference between the old version of this book and the pdf in the link above, are limited at these small differences...but I repeat, all the content it is exactly the same.
In the pdf from the link above, from chapter 1-1 TAKEOFF the books are exactly the same.
2 pages in total.
I can take pictures but I don't know how to post them here.

Hope this help.

Markus Vitzethum

Hello Aris,

I offer my sincere apologies. I was not aware of that and should have been more careful.

I am surprised to learn (yeah, should have read your post more closely) that the original 747 PS1 Users Guide by R. Randazzo and the PMDG 747-400 QOTS (FS9) manual are so close.

Best regards,


Quote from: Markus Vitzethum on Wed, 27 Jun 2018 07:29
Hello Aris,

I offer my sincere apologies. I was not aware of that and should have been more careful.

I am surprised to learn (yeah, should have read your post more closely) that the original 747 PS1 Users Guide by R. Randazzo and the PMDG 747-400 QOTS (FS9) manual are so close.

Best regards,

Hello Markus,
Absolutely no problem need to apologise.
