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Gui for my PSX <-> MSFS link

Started by CHEDHKG, Tue, 1 Aug 2023 14:57


Hi gents,

Being a pure C hobbyist developer was not enough, I went even further down in abomination by learning rudimentary C++ to create a Windows 10 GUI for the pure console link I had created here: New scenery bridge tool between PSX and MSFS.

Jokes aside, this is a rudimentary GUI that works (at least on my machine) quite well. Again, it is a no frills application but that gets the job done.

There is no heavy file editing needed, and if you have PSX and MSFS on the same computer, no editing at all.

Just download the 7z archive, launch PSX and MSFS and run the exe.

Everything can be found at : Github Repository
And a direct link to the download page : Latest release

And for the curious, an screen capture of what it looks like:

GUI screenshot

Have fun !


Hi Ched,
Thank you, will try tonight.
Just to clarify, is this for all Aircrafts or just for Default 747-8



I guess it can be used for all aircraft.



Just update the GUI to connect MSFS to PSX, with some minor visual improvements on moving surfaces.


I tried but get the Error missing MSVCP140D.dll, VCRUNTIME140 1D.dll, ucrtbased.dll and VCRUNTIME140D.dll

What to do?


Does this work across a network - ie PSX on one PC, MSFS on another?

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers

The OP says that for this split use you need to lightly edit a file. I assume this means changing the IP address from "local PC" to "remote PSX PC" 192.168.x.y or similar.



yes, this works well on 2 different PCs
My PSX runs under linux and MSFS under Win10 on another PC.

Just need to change the .ini file accordingly.

If any issues, please let me know!



I still have the Error missing MSVCP140D.dll, VCRUNTIME140 1D.dll, ucrtbased.dll and VCRUNTIME140D.dll, could be a Windows 11 firewall problem?


Quote from: Torben on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:08I still have the Error missing MSVCP140D.dll, VCRUNTIME140 1D.dll, ucrtbased.dll and VCRUNTIME140D.dll, could be a Windows 11 firewall problem?


Those are Microsoft Dlls. I might know where this issue comes from. Send me a mail at:  and I will try to help you on this one.


Holger Wende

Quote from: Torben on Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:08I still have the Error missing MSVCP140D.dll, VCRUNTIME140 1D.dll, ucrtbased.dll and VCRUNTIME140D.dll, could be a Windows 11 firewall problem?

Just a quick guess:
Seems these are debug libraries installed together with e.g. Visual Studio Code.
Did you inadvertently execute a debug build instead of the official release? I recall having seen an PSXMSFS_DEBUG.exe.


Hi Holger,
Most probably yes.... this included debug info. I updated the downloads with non debug.
It should solve the issue


with this update the GUI open but when I click on connect MSFS freeze the same freezing with WidePSX and PSX.NET.WASM


I tested Holger's advice and that will work starting the MSFS connection with aircraft on ground will freeze, starting the MSFS connection with aircraft in air will work



On the ground, the MSFS 744 has to be powered up and not cold and dark. Does that work better?

Holger Wende

Hello Stephan,

I started to also look into your PSXMSFS app. First of all, it is working well :)
Now I have a few questions/observations:

My PSXMSFS.ini file:

But the GUI says
Log verbosity  INFO
and it shows the "Inhibit Crash Detection" box unticked.

Question 1:
Is "LOG_VERBSITY=3" equivalent to INFO or is this an issue with my setup?

17:06:41[+0.000s] Connecting to PSX main server on:
17:06:41[+0.000s] Connected to PSX main server.
17:06:41[+0.000s] Connecting to PSX boost server on:
17:06:41[+0.016s] Connected to PSX boost server.
17:06:41[+0.016s] Connected to MSFS.
17:06:41[+0.016s] This is PSXMSFS version: 20231121
17:06:41[+0.016s] Please disable all crash detection in MSFS
17:06:41[+0.047s] MSFS 11.0 (build 282174.999) Simconnect 11.0 (build 62651.3)
17:06:41[+0.047s] New situ loaded. Resetting some parameters...
17:06:41[+0.047s] Let's wait ten seconds to get everyone ready, shall we?
17:06:51[+10.094s] Resuming normal operations.
17:06:51[+10.110s] Below 300 ft AGL => using MSFS elevation.
17:08:50[+128.844s] Above 300 ft AGL => using PSX elevation.
17:14:43[+482.125s] Below 300 ft AGL => using MSFS elevation.

Question 2:
During some landings MSFS still seems to sink through the ground, but jumps back to the runway surface a moment later.
Your PSXMSFS GUI shows the "PSX Elevation inject to MSFS" box checked, which is consistent with the ini file.
I wonder whether I should rather untick elevation injection.
Do you have a recommendation when to use elevation injection and when not?

Thanks for all your effort and a happy New Year :)


Ref. question 1: With "LOG_VERBOSITY=1" in the ini File the GUI shows "Log verbosity  DEBUG" .
Ref. question 2: Also with "ELEV_INJECT=0" and the related check box unticked, during landing MSFS fell temporarily through the ground.


Quote from: Holger Wende on Mon,  1 Jan 2024 16:53Hello Stephan,


But the GUI says
Log verbosity  INFO
and it shows the "Inhibit Crash Detection" box unticked.

Question 1:
Is "LOG_VERBSITY=3" equivalent to INFO or is this an issue with my setup?

Hello Holger,

For question 1, that is correct. The levels of verbosity are:

For question 2 that is the most tricky part... Depending on the airports, the MSFS elevation is different from the PSX elevation, which leads to sometimes the MSFS plane sinking into the ground. However, once I get from PSX the information that the plane is on the ground, I use exclusively MSFS elevations => the planes goes back to normal in MSFS.

I have to continue working on that to find a proper solution to avoid this problem.
Note also that this does not happen in all airports (or at least not noticeable).




For those interested, posted new version of the GUI / DLL that properly allows to connect through network to MSFS (GUI on one machine and MSFS on another).

Please re-download the latest GUI and DLL




Thank you this is awesome.

Can it be made to work with XP12?

Many thanks again.... 8)