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PSX.NET.MSFS.WASM - Smooth PSX to MSFS Scenery Link

Started by Gary Oliver, Sun, 18 Sep 2022 22:49


Tried the alpha 4, i still had to change my region settings from german to english in order to not spawn in orbit.
Also the view position is tilted

Forward view:

Right side view:

I tried the Offset fields in the router windows, but they don't change anything.

Edit: Going to the outside view it seems the plane itself is not level, nose gear high in the air.

Gary Oliver


Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 16:42Have you updated your WASM module too?

Yup, everything latest version. Also see my edit.

Looks quite funny in motion using the developer camera. Like a dog dragging its butt...

Also i got a short desync during taxiing, i turned but the msfs plane kept on going forward for a few secs until it snapped to the psx position.


So the level problem of the plane seems to be related to me using a previous alpha (the config files where already present, after deleting them the plane is level).

But now it is submerged halfway (up to the wings) in the ground.

Gary Oliver


Yes the model will be half submerged but the cockpit view will be fine.

Waiting on my modelling friend (the FS type, not fashion) to update the model for me.  We needed to adjust the height to display correctly for vpilot.  Sorry should have mentioned that...



Ok, thanks.

I have one feature request: would it be possible to set the initial position via msfs2020, the parking stands/gate positions are not the same between msfs and psx, so often you start in buildings etc.

Gary Oliver


The whole slave/primary thing is not used in my own sim as I dont use slew in MSFS with 3 instances.

I use Heading and Speed from the Aerodynamics page to slew around. (bit of a faff!)

Perhaps the answer is to have a pop up on the router to 'slew' PSX around like we would MSFS slew mode to get it on to a stand.  Then some kind of ship off to a global stand database that matches MSFS scenery?

Leave it with me, its a problem we need to fix.



Quote from: Gary Oliver on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 21:19Akatham,

The whole slave/primary thing is not used in my own sim as I dont use slew in MSFS with 3 instances.

I use Heading and Speed from the Aerodynamics page to slew around. (bit of a faff!)

Perhaps the answer is to have a pop up on the router to 'slew' PSX around like we would MSFS slew mode to get it on to a stand.  Then some kind of ship off to a global stand database that matches MSFS scenery?

Leave it with me, its a problem we need to fix.


I'm not sure if you could do it the same way WidePSX does and slave PSX to MSFS?

Gary Oliver

See other thread for the proper solution.

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: akatham on Sat, 24 Sep 2022 19:58... the parking stands/gate positions are not the same between msfs and psx ...

The lat/lon entry displayed on the Instructor's map allows more digits after the decimal to be entered than are displayed in the box after pressing the Enter key. You can enter 4 digits after the decimal even though just one digit will be shown.

If you are on a specific gate and you want to note its exact position to re-use this gate in a later session, you can do this:
1. Note the exact lat/lon displayed in MSFS and save the numbers in a text file, e.g. N23 45.6789 E123 12.2345
2. When you need it again later, copy that N23 45.6789 E123 12.2345 and paste it on Instructor > Situation > Position in the Aircraft position edit field

When pasted, the edit field indicates N23 45.6789 E123 12.2345
When the Enter key is pressed, the edit field indicates N23 45.6 E123 12.2
But that's just a rounded display. The actual aircraft position is now N23 45.6789 E123 12.2345



(The original purpose of a gate database is not to get the exact coords of the gate, but to enter or confirm the IRS position in the FMC during IRS alignment. FMC coords and IRS alignment just need one digit after the decimal. Precise enough for IRS alignment, even though some nearby gates may have the same rounded coord values.)


Hi Gary, what are you using to sync MSFS weather and traffic across your PCs?

Gary Oliver

Weather is default MSFS live weather - works great for about 12 hours then stops.  So we have Rex as a backup if that happens.

Traffic... currently working on it!


Quote from: Gary Oliver on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 10:47Weather is default MSFS live weather - works great for about 12 hours then stops.  So we have Rex as a backup if that happens.

Traffic... currently working on it!

Cool, does stuff like the clouds line up OK across the PCs?


I use the 3 digit resolution after the decimal place to line up the plane in P3D and MSFS. Once I save the situ I do not need to line it up again. You only need to line up the gate at a different airport, if you don't have a saved situ for that one.

Saving the info in text files helps if you have to reinstall for some reason and don't have a back up...

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Gary Oliver

Alpha 9 posted.  Fixes most of the remaining issues.

Thanks to Ross Carlson of vPilot fame for providing the source code for frequency changing.

One remaining issue is the model being stuck in the ground when looking externally.

This will be fixed when Johnny our modeller updates it.

Loving MSFS


Thats a great shot, I thought it was real.

I havent had a chance to try it yet, but what is the best way to project using flyelise? Single pc using nvidia surround or 3 seperate PC?

Gary Oliver

Beta 1 has been updated.

You will need to install the new WASM Aircraft into your MSFS community folder for it to function correctly if you are running previous versions.

Router XML will need the model offset setting to 4.7.  Or you can remove the XML and restart the router to get the new defaults if you are upgrading from the Alpha versions.


Just did a preliminary test, it no longer crashes when you have the wasm aircraft selected while choosing your airport.

I still have to change my (windows)region settings for it to not spawn in orbit in msfs.

The external 3d model started with its gear extended, and immediately afterwards it got retracted (animation is working fine) while PSX still had the gear extended (cold and dark start).

Gary Oliver

I'll fix the decimal separator as soon as I can.

Gear needs sorting too, know it's not working right now


Hi Gary

first of all, thanks for all your efforts!

Will try out your connector today. In the file I found a file called MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe. What is it for?

Btw a suggestion: router and client setup files are both called setup.exe. I think it would make sense to call them c_setup and r_setup to distinguish them.
