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Simfest Dispatch and BACARS V7.0.8

Started by Gary Oliver, Mon, 3 Feb 2020 19:44


Will /Chicago /USA

Gary Oliver

BACARS has been updated..

Grab it here -

Change Log

-Fixed bug where performance data is not generated when at extremes of performance charts
-MACTOW Either comes from PSX or the MACTOW Entry if entered on Perf Print Out
-If Single Digit Assumed Temp Returned the Text is padded to display in the correct column
-Added Config File Entry DownloadVatsimATIS to allow disabling of VATSIM Data Download

-More stablity fixes
-Changed INIT DATA REQ Behaviour, can now uplink without entering a flight number.

Gary Oliver

V6.1.0 is available at

Change Log

-Resolved compatability issues with PSX 10.151/2 - Requires 10.152 or later.
-All Dates and Times are now relative to PSX Time and not real time.


Thanks Gary ... working perfectly here over a network with Hardys latest update.
Steve Bell
aka The CC

Markus Vitzethum

Hi Gary,

agree, works perfectly again.

While playing around (about to implement Hoppie ACARS network functions in my own ACARS), I notice a small issue with FREETEXT message across the Hoppie ACARS network.

When I leave the TO field empty (just boxes) and send the message (--> Summary --> Accept), BACARS is happily using the blank entry as the TO field for the Hoppie ACARS message. Even worse, it uses the PSX internal string of BBBBB (that is, "show 5 boxes on the CDU") as a valid TO address on the network.

I reckon there should be some check that prohibits sending messages with blank TO entries in BACARS and inhibit BBBBB as a TO entry for a Hoppie ACARS message.


Gary Oliver

Agreed Markus,

There's quite a bit of bbbb validation required across several bits of BACARS.  A nice Sunday afternoon activity :)


Markus Vitzethum

> There's quite a bit of bbbb validation required across several bits of BACARS.

Agreed. Frequently, my CDU ACARS subsystem code looks like this...  :-)

  Alternate := MCDUdataExchange.ICAO_Alternate;
  If (Alternate <> EditAlternate.Text) then
    If Alternate = 'bbbb' then Alternate := '';
    EditAlternate.Text := Alternate;

Gary Oliver

Markus Vitzethum

Yes, Object Pascal / Delphi - the programming language which works best for me.

Strictly speaking, FreePascal with the (open source) Lazarus IDE (hardly any difference to earlier Delphi IDEs)

Gary Oliver

BACARS V6.1.1 (M&M Edition) is now available fixing some issues found by Markus and Mariano.

Download from:

-Message now displayed if Hoppie Send Fails
-Error checking on Hoppie Destination Field
-Fixed error where card would display the incorrect time on a Performance request
-Fixed issue with Arrival message time format

Markus Vitzethum

> (M&M Edition)

Marvelous, thank you. I owe you a bag of M&M's chocoloate when we meet next time.  :D

Just another thought ... if I'm not wrong, the .msi installer overrides the config on every run of the update installation. So I usually save that file while updating. Can you possibly add an option to not install the config file? (The installer of vpilot is doing this.)


Gary Oliver


Correct the MSI is something I really need to fix so it doesn't override the config!



Hi Gary, I just tried entering VOGO to VOMM on but got an error "An error has occurred. This application may no longer respond until reloaded."


Good Day Gary. I finally started the overhaul of the Huge Guide to PSX.NET (also adding the new PSX.NET.MSFS Tools) and same Time updating the BACARS Manual to 6.1.1. Can you provide me with the List of the missing Codes of Performance Correction (Implemented in 6.0.7)? And is there a kind of Description, what those codes mean if enterd in BACARS or what they will change in your airplane? Thanks.

Gary Oliver

All users will need to redownload BACARS in order to be able to uplink data due to the server moves.

Sorry but 2015 Gary was very stupid and hard coded the server address to an AWS DNS record and not one I have control over.

Any problems please report back.




I'm struggling with BACARS behaving in an unexpected manner.  So I have BACARS and PSX.NET all running on the same computer with PSX Server and Boost.  Consequently, the IP is and the port is 10747.  I get PSX Connected, ACARS: Connected, PerfDB, and AltnDB as all green!  Great.

From there I go to ACARS in the CDU and select the INIT/PRES FLT option in the CDU. I put in my flight number from Simfest/Simbrief, in this case, BA2201 from YSSY-YBBN.  I then hit INIT DATA REQ.  At that point, the Crew Uplink, Route, Wind, and Plan turn yellow.  Then I get an error in the FMC saying NO DATA AVAIL.  The Crew Uplink, Route, Wind, and Plan turn red.  And strangely, I sometimes get a flightdeck printer notice with some other flight that isn't mine with a flight summary. Regardless, no flight plan information is loaded or downloaded.

I have double-checked my Hoppie information, including rerunning the registration process and Hoppie continues to email me my standard login.  I can successfully send a test message using the "ACARS: Connected" button.

I'm stumped.  I'm using the NG CDU and G-CIVZ. 

Thanks for any assistance. 


And one more thing, Simfest is stuck in a loop when planning where it brings up the Simbrief pop-up which prompts you to login, except that the Cookies Preferences dialog keeps interfering and preventing it from letting me login.  Thus, I used the Chrome inspector to open the Simbrief link directly.  The flight then finished planning and it shows up in Simfest in the Briefings tab.

Gary Oliver


If you are a 'discordist' jump on the Simfest discord and we can try and see whats occuring.

I can see the flight in the database, and it looks like everything BACARS needs for the uplink is there.



Gary Oliver

Update to 7.0.3 to fix Vatsim Clearence requests.

The Installer will no longer delete your configuration!


Hi Gary,
Is the link correct as it still points to 7.0.2?

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia