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WidePSX 2.5.9 : FSX, P3D and MSFS Compatible Scenery Generator Bridge

Started by JP59, Fri, 8 Dec 2017 16:17


Hello Ton,

You can use WidePSX over a network but if you plan to use it with the new MSFS it must be running on the MSFS computer.

You can do some testing if you want with the free trial version :

Best regards,

Ton van Bochove




So far testing is going really well 👍, just the limited internet connection leaves some ugly sights occasionally...



Just ran some tests and it all seems very smooth with (WidePSX)

Widepsx and MSFS 2020 as Scenery Generator...

I`m happy with the performance using the default 747-8

Thumbs up from me ... :-)

Thanks Jean-Philippe


Not sure if this is the right place to seek help.
I appreciate this is early days but just saw the video posted by 18hazelwood.
I've downloaded the trial version of WidePSX and successfully connected to both PSX and MSFS 2020.
Could not create a runways.csv file as Pete Dowson's forum says that is currently not possible for MSFS so I have used  a file created in my P5D installation and dropped that into the Wide PSX folder.
With both PSX (KSFO 28R / Takeoff) and MSFS (EGCC 23L) running, I start WidePSX and connect to both PSX and MSFS successfully.
Then I "Start scenery generator bridge". MSFS moves but upside down momentarily and then crashes. The MSFS logbook shows a flight from EGCC to KSFO with a 47 second duration!
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many Thanks.
Greetings from the mountains of Northern Thailand (VTCC),
Chris Stanley.


Hello Chris,

You must disable all crash detections in MSFS. The runways.csv is no longer necessary for use with MSFS 2020. I will update the user manual.

Thank you all for your kind words.

Best regards,


Greetings from the mountains of Northern Thailand (VTCC),
Chris Stanley.


For @Hazelwood
Hi Steve:
Great video. Wanted to PM you on the Aerowinx site but cannot.
I've got the trial version of WidePSX and got it working great but am having a real problem setting up to look good. I run a 3440x1440 monitor. I've got the trial set for MSFS on the 3440x1440 and PSX on another 25" monitor but want to try to get them both on the big monitor before contacting J-P again to by the registered version of Wide PSX.
I'd be really grateful if you could share the 9 Pack and how you set up MSFS to do this.
You can PM me here.
Many Thanks.
Greetings from the mountains of Northern Thailand (VTCC),
Chris Stanley.


Hi All,

I also wonder how you did it Steve, for my personal usage. Your video is great and I wonder how you figured out to display PSX and MSFS on the same screen. Maybe could you share the trick here ?

Best regards


Hi all,

I ran the MSFS in "Windowed mode" and then dragged it to cover just over half of my screen. (Resize if you like)

I then set up a new view in Aerowinx with borderless frames etc across the bottom on the MSFS window and saved it as a new 9 pack.

I have some tweaking to do still, but for my 1st test, I am more than happy, and it seems
to work with the default 747-8, although during takeoff the tail in MSFS scraps on the runway, but it is a much longer aircraft that the 747-model.

i7 7700k
RTX 2070 card
32GB Ram
30GB Download speed over wifi...


Anything to help our fantastic hobby..


Try to email now and I will willing send you my setting for the screen layout etc.

Kind regards

For @Hazelwood
Hi Steve:
Great video. Wanted to PM you on the Aerowinx site but cannot.
I've got the trial version of WidePSX and got it working great but am having a real problem setting up to look good. I run a 3440x1440 monitor. I've got the trial set for MSFS on the 3440x1440 and PSX on another 25" monitor but want to try to get them both on the big monitor before contacting J-P again to by the registered version of Wide PSX.
I'd be really grateful if you could share the 9 Pack and how you set up MSFS to do this.
You can PM me here.
Many Thanks.


What I forgot to add was:

As I have Aerowinx and MSFS on the same PC, I have unassigned all my Joysticks in MSFS.
I have assigned my joysticks etc to Aerowinx.

This is to avoid ANY conflicts between the two separate programmes.

Hope this helps.


Quote from: 18hazelwood on Tue, 22 Sep 2020 12:16

I then set up a new view in Aerowinx with borderless frames etc across the bottom on the MSFS window and saved it as a new 9 pack.

Sorry, but can't find "borderless frames" in the Manual. Help please!
Greetings from the mountains of Northern Thailand (VTCC),
Chris Stanley.


Many thanks Steve for the explanation. When looking at the video you don't seem to have performance drop when running MSFS in windowed mode, this is good new. Also one last question how do you move the eyepoint in order to display only the windshield view in the default 747-8 ? Is it a camera.cfg tweak ? This information may be very useful for the WidePSX community in order to set a nice windshield view and it would be very kind of you to share this explanation. Yeah the rear of the airplane drops under the runway during rotation. I will try to fix it but I already had a look and it is not something easy. However you should not notice when in cockpit view, which is the most important, WidePSX wise.

Kind regards


Create an autohotkey file: AllWaysOntop.ahk

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

^SPACE::  Winset, Alwaysontop, , A

This creates a process where any window in focus can be rendered always on top by hitting ctrl - spacebar.
Once the MSFS window is in place making it "alwaysontop" lets you move PSX into place under it. It remains under MSFS when you manipulate items with your mouse.

Still a work in progress but this is what I mean.

Hope this helps.
Greetings from the mountains of Northern Thailand (VTCC),
Chris Stanley.


Hi again,

No framerate drop as far as I can see, all very smooth indeed.
One new setting in MSFS under graphics is, low, medium high, refresh rate on glass cockpits ... I set this to low as I dont want to see the glass screens in cockpit.

Next to get the view, they are just general settings in the sim itself...arrows etc and one that moves up.. I am at work at this time but will look later and let you know the keystrokes etc.

Many thanks Steve for the explanation. When looking at the video you don't seem to have performance drop when running MSFS in windowed mode, this is good new. Also one last question how do you move the eyepoint in order to display only the windshield view in the default 747-8 ? Is it a camera.cfg tweak ? This information may be very useful for the WidePSX community in order to set a nice windshield view and it would be very kind of you to share this explanation. Yeah the rear of the airplane drops under the runway during rotation. I will try to fix it but I already had a look and it is not something easy. However you should not notice when in cockpit view, which is the most important, WidePSX wise.



I like your pic. I take it that is MSFS? It looks like it.
If so, how have you managed to get the wrap-round view?
It looks amazing. At the moment I have a 3-screen projector setup but I'm only using the Centre projector as MSFS doesn't do different view windows?


Hi all,

Further testing to show the menu from PSX and how it affects MSFS.

The next video being uploaded now is with me talking, showing what I have learnt so far...


Hi Steve,

Love your videos, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately #3 with voice has a lot of background noise and your explanations are very difficult to understand.

I wonder how you figure out to avoid the MSFS window to go on top of PSX when clicking in the MSFS window ?

Edit : sorry, got it now. You stopped the MSFS window just above the PSX one. Well done ;-)

PSX and MSFS are just the perfect mix !

Kind regards,