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Another unable to connect psx p3d via visualpsx

Started by perukarlsen, Wed, 5 Apr 2017 10:29


Hello. I am currently setting up a PC for instructional use with psx v10, P3d v2.5 and want to use Visual psx as a scenery generator.
I have followed the instructions with Visual psx but I am not able to make it work.
We use one very powerfull computer where PSX, P3D and Visual PSX are installed.
PSX runs one server and two Clients (on the same computer) for setting up 4 monitors.

If i follow the instructions and
start P3D first and PSX after, PSX will not start a server. It only starts 3 Clients. It is impossible to start a server when P3D is running.
But if I start VisualPSX it finds the scenery files but is not able to Connect to any PSX server (since there are none).

If I start PSX first then it starts with one server and two Clients correctly. Then I start P3D. When I start Visualpsx it can't Connect to anything (Client is boost server).

IP adress is since it's only one computer.

Now I am stuck. Can't find any good solution and have searched all over internett but I am not able to find someone with the same problem.

Is it a firewall issue or some ports that get blocked? I have no idea.

We are running W7.

Hope anybody can help me with this.
QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones

Hardy Heinlin


I can't comment on how to use add-ons, but regarding the PSX start procedure I can assure you that this is completely independent from add-ons. The way PSX starts simply depends on how you start PSX -- it doesn't matter what kind of add-ons are waiting for PSX.

I guess you are using two different methods or files to start PSX, and you probably think you are always using the same method.

Are you using AerowinxNetStart.jar?

Welcome to the forum!



I'll have to check tomorrow when i'm back at work.
I have made the ini file so that it starts three instances of aerowinx.
Is it different jar files called aerowinw.jar and aerowinxnetstart.jar? And is there a difference?
Thank you for helping me
QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones

Hardy Heinlin

When AerowinxNetStart.jar starts multiple PSX instances, each instance needs its dedicated pref file (each pref file has to have a different file name). A pref file stores the settings of the Preferences page, e.g. USB, Audio, network settings etc. that is used by the instance which is loading these preferences.

If you use 3 instances, be sure that you have 3 different pref files: 2 for the clients, 1 for the server.

You may want to take a look at this step-by-step tutorial:

Is this of some help?




Aerowinx psx works perfect. I have all the layout and prefs set up like I want to.
As long as only psx runs everything is correct.
Problem starts when I want to use visualpsx to make prepare3d and aerowinx work together.
We want a more realistic scenery.

QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones

Hardy Heinlin

So you have 2 PSX clients and 1 PSX server running, and then you start your add-ons. And the add-ons don't connect to the PSX server?


Thats correct.
Tried setting one of the psx clients as boost server but no response.
QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones

Hardy Heinlin

You may try this: Use one PSX instance both as main server and boost server. Then link your add-on with that PSX instance.


Tried that earlier today. Started one instance of psx. Not sure if it was main server and boost server (didn't think I could run main server as boost server). I'll have to check again tomorrow.
QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones

Hardy Heinlin

If the VisualPSX instructions say you should start P3D first and PSX thereafter, I think you should do it like this.

The question is: Why do you get 3 PSX clients when you do it like this?


Ok I try to explain better.
Our computer runs 5 monitors. (One computer)
We start 3 instances of psx.
Number 1 is main server and shows the main flightdeck on two monitors.
Number 2 is a client and shows eicas on another monitor
Number 3 is a client and shows overhead panel on one monitor.
Last monitor is for instructor and has no client running on it.

Thats why we have 3 clients (1 server, 2 clients).
In addition we want to connect prepare3d via visualpsx.
If we start p3d first, then psx starts up 3 clients but no one of them is server anymore (and it is impossible to turn it on as server).
If we start psx first, then it starts up correctly.
But either way, visualpsx can't connect p3d to psx.
QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones

Hardy Heinlin

If a PSX instance is unable to be a server at a specific address, this means another server is already running at that address.

Maybe, when you start VisualPSX, another program is automatically started that acts as a server? Unfortunately I'm not the developer of VisualPSX and don't know what the program does or requires.

QuoteThats why we have 3 clients (1 server, 2 clients).

I don't understand this sentence. Are you saying "3 clients = 1 server + 2 clients"? An instance can be either a main client or a main server, not both at a time. Did you mean to say "3 instances = 1 main server + 2 main clients"? (The boost server is an extra feature that can be activated on top of any PSX instance).


3 instances (1 server, 2 clients) is correct.
Since aerowinx linked to visualpsx as a addon i thought it was straight forward to get it working.
Sadly there is no forum or help/faq for visualpsx.
I am stuck hopeing for someone that knows the program and have ideas on how to get it working.
I will continue to look for solutions and try everything.
Thank you so far :)
QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones

Hardy Heinlin

Instead of VisualPSX you may also try this add-on:

Perhaps it's time to update the Add-on web page ...


Unfortunately the PSX extension is for P3D V3...
I will see if I can get PSX to run on my main P3D V2.5 pc, as I normally use a separate scenery PC for good frame rates and will advise on my results today (Sydney time currently 06:22) although my machines are running Win 10 64 bit....

Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


OK, sorry to take so long (now 07:35  ::) )
I have tried a single client, single server setup using one PC and it all works.
First VisualPSX/TrafficPsx
Here is a copy of my config for the SimConnect.cfg file in the VisualPSX directory
My VisualPSX.cfg file
My TrafficPSX.cfg file
Then there is my PSX config.
I used the default AerowinxNetStart.jar file and added the boost server
I have supplied a link to a zip file containing the preferences screen shots of my config...
As you can see the only thing I changed from the default is the boost server.

Be aware that VisualPSX needs P3D running, not sitting at the flight menu screen, VisualPSX may need to have the IP addresses changed in the app itself, I had to change the address  to manually even though I had changed the CFG file. PSX may take a couple of seconds to start both server and boost so monitor the status of VisualPSX...
I am using version 5898 of VisualPSX, V2.5 of P3D and 10.1.2 of PSX.

The frame rates on P3D take a good hit when all is running on one machine and due to the multiple screens you may find the displays are a little laggy and may stutter a bit. I am using an AMD 8 core with 64G of ram and a 4 Gb Nvidia card driving 3 displays.
Hope this helps.
By the way I am assuming you have got your network card connected to a switch to enable the IP stack (sorry that is the IT side of me coming out)

Alex B
Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Thank you. I will be testing a little today.
But tomorrow we start our easter holiday, so I will be away for a week.
I will come back and tell how it goes With Our setup later.
Cheers :D
QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones


A little extra info.
if I start P3D first, and PSX after. PSX says it could not listen on port 10747 (and that's why it want start a server, only Clients)
If I start PSX first (1 server starts, and 2 Clients) and then P3D, Boost server says it can't listen on port 10749 (and that's why Visual psx can't Connect to boost server).
So it look's that it is some problem with ports or something.
Search goes on....
QM Part-147/66
Instructor Part-66
RC-instructor planes/drones


I'll have a closer look at the SimConnect info for P3D. It could be you have the simconnect using the same ports (which are different by default).
Let me check it out and update you.

Alex B
Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia

Hardy Heinlin

"PSX says it could not listen on port 10747"

This means another server is already running on port 10747.

"If I start PSX first (1 server starts, and 2 Clients) and then P3D, Boost server says it can't listen on port 10749"

This means another server is already running on port 10749.

There can be only one server on a port. Maybe you have an add-on that acts as a server, or another PSX main server or boost server is already started by that add-on and hidden in the background.