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PSX.NET P3D ExternalSim

Started by Mark, Fri, 17 Jun 2016 13:05


Hi Mark,
Quote from: Mark on Sun, 19 Jun 2016 22:30
- Potential fix for localisation
It looks to me that this fix is not working yet. I still have to select English (UK) in order to make it work.



Quote from: evaamo on Mon, 20 Jun 2016 01:48
This, I'm sure requires some Simconnect sorcery (which I'm certain is more or less the same when it comes to Flaps and Gear). Perhaps Mark will include exterior lights control in the future.


Quote from: kiek on Mon, 20 Jun 2016 08:21
It looks to me that this fix is not working yet. I still have to select English (UK) in order to make it work.

That's unfortunate. How about moving to the UK?  ;)



What is your localisation normally set to? I'll see if I can reproduce the problem here.


Quote from: Mark on Mon, 20 Jun 2016 09:36
That's unfortunate. How about moving to the UK?  ;)

My Format is Dutch (Netherlands)



PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim 1.7.1 now released. See post 1 of this thread for download link.

Change log:
- Fix for localisation

Note 1: Next release will hopefully address the following: Gear, Lights, Flaps, Engine throttle, AI traffic into PSX, PSX transponder into P3D, PSX VHFL into P3D.

This release is the first one that should work for you!


Thanks a lot. I confirm the localization fix is working now (German/Deutschland).


Ivo de Colfmaker


PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.dll  moved to F:\ preparV3\SimObjects\Airplanes\ b747_400
excerpt of aircraft.cfg file

title=Boeing 747-400 Paint1
ExternalSimID = {3E6B47E7-C706-4A10-BC88-6E7C199ED5A6}
ExternalSimData = 75, 75, 100
ExternalSimModule = PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.dll

performance="Cruise Speed\n0.85 Mach         565 mph         910 km\/h\n\nEngine options\nPratt & Whitney PW4062\nRolls-Royce RB211-524H\nGeneral Electric CF6-80C2B5F\n\nMaximum Range\n7,325 nm         13,570 km\n\nMaximum Certified Operating Altitude              45,100 ft          13,747 m\n\nFuel Capacity\n57,285 gal       216,840 L\n\nBasic Empty Weight\n394,088 lb    178,755 kg\n\nMax Gross Weight                        875,000 lb       396,893 kg\n\nLength\n231 ft, 10 in       70.6 m\n\nWingspan\n211 ft, 5 in         64.4 m\n\nHeight\n63 ft, 8 in         19.4 m\n\nSeating Typical 3-class configuration - 416\nTypical 2-class configuration - 524"
Category = externalsim

PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.xml  moved to C:\users\Public\Public Documents on P3D pc
PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.Router.xml moved to C:\users\Public\Public Documents on PSX pc

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Settings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Settings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

firewalls off
notation English
still no luck, running out of options here, it seems that the path to P3D is not found.

local network is with cables, is it possible that the port 10760 is not open? I do not know how to check that.

thanks for any help

A day at this forum is a day learned!

Ivo de Colfmaker

even with everything  on 1 machine, both PSX and P3D and default settings  as downloaded the path to and from the router to P3D is not found;
here is something very wrong.
A day at this forum is a day learned!


Hi, version 1.6.0 is working well for me, not so with both 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 which give me an error in P3D: while loading the aircraft the screen goes black and then I see this P3D error and have to quit




Quote from: Ivo de Colfmaker on Mon, 20 Jun 2016 20:27
even with everything  on 1 machine, both PSX and P3D and default settings  as downloaded the path to and from the router to P3D is not found;
here is something very wrong.

Have you checked what happens if you disable the Windows Firewall FOR YOUR PRIVATE NETWORK ONLY on that 1 machine (probably your P3D PC)?
Control Panel -> System & Security -> Windows Firewall -> Turn Windows Firewall On or Off

and then restart the router



i always find the time in P3D to be two hours ahaed of PSX simulated time.
This difference is the same as the difference between UTC and the time shown as PSX time on the Router (in my case PSX time in the router is 2 hours ahaed of UTC ( 1h Offset from UTC + 1h DST )

I can adjust the Simulated UTC daytime in PSX, PSX time in the Router will change accordingly. The 2h difference however remains.

This is with Version 1.7.1 and timesync enabled.

Edit: I did set my PC to another timezone and it seems as "PSX time in the Router = PSX simulated UTC + Offset from UTC + DST hour"

Ivo de Colfmaker

hi Joerg,
thanks for your help.
disabled the firewall for private network only  and I can now run it on  the same machine, on 2 machines still no joy.
is there any specific directory the router.exe has to be in ?
A day at this forum is a day learned!



Delete the 1.6.0 files:
to get 1.7.1 to work (1.7.1 only requires the PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.dll file)


Thanks for pointing out the time issue, the fix for this is now in the next version, not yet released.


Hi Ivo,

just to confirm it's the Firewall that is blocking traffic on your PSX PC as well. Leave the Firewall on the P3D PC disable for a moment and disable the Firewall (again: Private Network only) on your PSX PC as well.
Hope you can confirm it's working with 2 PC's now.

If that's the case, enable the Firwalls on both PC's again, and make sure
- there is no checkmark on "Block all incoming connections, including programs ..."
- there is a checkmark on "Notify if a new program is blocked" (or similar wording, i don't have the english control panel)

The next time you run the Router and P3D a window should pop up, telling you that the Firewall has detetced a new program which tries to communicate via the Network. This window will give you the option to allow or block the communication in your private / public network. You should then allow the communication in your private network.
P3D in fullscreen might hide this firewall notification window, so you better start P3D in windowed mode the first time after enabling the Firewall again.

Good Luck!

Quote from: Mark on Mon, 20 Jun 2016 22:08
Thanks for pointing out the time issue, the fix for this is now in the next version, not yet released.

Wow that was fast!! Excellent!

Chris Kilroy

I have nothing to contribute other than to say thanks again, Mark, for this addon and your continuing work to improve it!

I was entertaining the possibility that I'd eventually have to stop using PSX in favor of the upcoming PMDG 747 due to the inability to get smooth graphics using either P3D or XP10 as an IG (one really notices those stutters on a 7x24ft screen). I can now scrap those plans. My whole outlook on my sim going forward has changed.


Seems a bit of a shame this new app does not support earlier versions of P3D. I only have V2.5 and can only use visualPSX, but as it is all working at present I have no need to change... Time will tell :)
Alex Boyd... Sydney, Australia


Quote from: asboyd on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 06:46
Seems a bit of a shame this new app does not support earlier versions of P3D.

Have you tried it? I'm only saying I won't make any large effort to support earlier versions but it might work on earlier versions.


Quote from: Chris Kilroy on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 00:12
I was entertaining the possibility that I'd eventually have to stop using PSX in favor of the upcoming PMDG 747 due to the inability to get smooth graphics using either P3D or XP10 as an IG (one really notices those stutters on a 7x24ft screen). I can now scrap those plans. My whole outlook on my sim going forward has changed.

Thanks Chris!  ;D

Uhhh... considering not using PSX?!... sacrilege!
I'm not surprised you noticed the stutters with that large screen - the boost server data is not ideal for achieving smoothness. (Lots of technical reasons)
I have to do a decent amount of math on the boost server data to get the data required.
It's actually a testament to Hardy's coding that the boost server produces such clean and accurate data that I'm able to take a derivative of it (an operation that normally shows up a LOT of noise if the input data is not good) and still get clean data.

Chris Kilroy

Quote from: Mark on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 09:13I have to do a decent amount of math on the boost server data to get the data required.
It's actually a testament to Hardy's coding that the boost server produces such clean and accurate data that I'm able to take a derivative of it (an operation that normally shows up a LOT of noise if the input data is not good) and still get clean data.

Whatever math you're using, it's working! This setup is so stable that I don't see any (discernible, at least) lag between projector channels - even when doing things like swinging around a 90 degree taxiway corner at 20kts, which would have turned my projector seams using XP10/Xview into giant areas of mismatched blurriness. Honestly, even in the best multi-channel setups using Wideview, I've always noticed some degree of lag between the different image channels, especially when making sharp turns either in the air or on the ground; but not here.

Sorry to keep gushing, but I just can't get over how smoothly and flawlessly my visuals are working with your software.

BTW, if any of you guys want to waste 10 minutes of your life that you'll never get back, here's another little video I posted flying the RNP/visual approach to rwy 26 at Juneau, AK with ORBX scenery all around. Butter smooth! :


Just did a quick test today on my setup (psx server and p3d on the same computer, and two psx clients on a second one) and apart from the issues already mentioned in this forum, I was able to set it up in less than 15 minutes, and it is working silky smooth !
For the first time I am seriously considering using a scenery generator with PSX.
Many many many thanks for your exceptional work, and for sharing it with this community which keeps amazing me over and over.

Ps: if you want an example where an offset would be needed, try default situation departure from Hofu (can't remember the number). Even with Visual PSX I was never able to get this one correctly aligned.