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PSX.NET P3D ExternalSim

Started by Mark, Fri, 17 Jun 2016 13:05


Ivo de Colfmaker

great video indeed; this looks awsome.
not much sleep tonight,
A day at this forum is a day learned!


Hey guys, if any of you is using the POSKY model (from the Megapack posted above), I found these values for the eyepoint to work pretty well:

eyepoint=64.8, -2.0, 10.9

Zoom .50


Enrique Vaamonde


Hi Mark,

great job! Fantastic Add-On.. 

Though i had the same problems like Ivo and Nico, but finaly got it working in a 2 PC setup.
No Network or Firewall issue. Seems the PC hosting PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.Router.exe is required to be localized to English (Great Britian). At least the Format section of the Contorl Panel -> Region.

Maybe something you could look into?

@Ivo, Nico, you might want to check your localization and report back?

Best regards, and thanks a lot for this great Add-On!



Hi Mark, I might have found a bug. For some reason, there's a time sync issue going on (which I only noted when it was time to fly a leg at night and P3D would be stuck in daylight).

As you can see, ExternalSim detects UTC time correctly from PSX but somehow fails to inject it correctly into P3D. Trying to modify the date/time directly in P3D (or checking the "GMT" box) doesn't work as the settings are quickly overridden by (I suppose!) ExternalSim.


Enrique Vaamonde


Quote from: joergalv on Sun, 19 Jun 2016 01:39
@Ivo, Nico, you might want to check your localization and report back?
I've changed the Time&Number formats at my BOTH computers to English(United Kingdom), and then the "Middle of the Ocean"problem indeed disappeared. However, I kept a reload every 3 seconds. I could get rid of that by also setting % road vehicles,% ships&ferries and %leisure boats to 0%!(AI aircraft were already at 0%).

The smoothness is awesome, thx again.

I hope/assume you will make your program work all over the world. I cannot let my format settings stay at English. It will give me al sorts of problems with decimal points and so on in other programs I use. There are 'locale' solutions for that in programming languages.


Ivo de Colfmaker

Hi Mark,
Thanks again to make this available to us.
i can not try the solution Joerg gave us untill maybe this evening.
i do know that in the beginning   the  same problem  occured with PSX bacars.
A day at this forum is a day learned!

Gary Oliver

Ah yes the  , vs . debate :-)

I managed to force the locale in a one liner in BACARS.  I'll pass on to Mark.



Congratulations Mark! This is a wonderful addon for our community.

Best regards and take care.

Up There With The Best Of The Best...


Quote from: evaamo on Sat, 18 Jun 2016 19:31
Ivo, I use the POSKY 744 Megapack that was mentioned in another thread:

Pack #5:
Pack #6:


Do you lights work with POSKY?

Ivo de Colfmaker

I set on both pc's location English (Great Britain)    still no luck.
decimal is point
So gonna give my settings in case I do something wrong.
Sorry for this long boring post.
PSX  pc nr1  ip = local network
P3D pc nr2   ip=

PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.Managed.dll  and
PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.Managed.Wrapper.dll  moved to P3D directory (F:\ preparV3)

PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.dll  moved to F:\ preparV3\SimObjects\Airplanes\ b747_400
excerpt of aircraft.cfg file

title=Boeing 747-400 Paint1
ExternalSimID = {3E6B47E7-C706-4A10-BC88-6E7C199ED5A6}
ExternalSimData = 75, 75, 100
ExternalSimModule = PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.dll

ui_variation="Boeing livery"
ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="More than 30 years ago, the 747 made its first trip from New York to London.  Since then, it's become the standard by which other large passenger jets are judged. Its size, range, speed and capacity were then, and are now, the best in its class."

performance="Cruise Speed\n0.85 Mach         565 mph         910 km\/h\n\nEngine options\nPratt & Whitney PW4062\nRolls-Royce RB211-524H\nGeneral Electric CF6-80C2B5F\n\nMaximum Range\n7,325 nm         13,570 km\n\nMaximum Certified Operating Altitude              45,100 ft          13,747 m\n\nFuel Capacity\n57,285 gal       216,840 L\n\nBasic Empty Weight\n394,088 lb    178,755 kg\n\nMax Gross Weight                        875,000 lb       396,893 kg\n\nLength\n231 ft, 10 in       70.6 m\n\nWingspan\n211 ft, 5 in         64.4 m\n\nHeight\n63 ft, 8 in         19.4 m\n\nSeating Typical 3-class configuration - 416\nTypical 2-class configuration - 524"
Category = externalsim

PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.xml  moved to C:\users\Public\Public Documents on P3D pc
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Settings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.Router.xml moved to C:\users\Public\Public Documents on PSX pc

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Settings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

A day at this forum is a day learned!


My setup looks identical to Ivo - PSX connects to the server but not to the P3D PC..

Edit... I tried moving the Router xml to the P3D PC public folder ( the instructions imply the PSX PC Public folder?) and it now works... :-)



Hi Ivo,
Quote from: Ivo de Colfmaker on Sun, 19 Jun 2016 17:39
I set on both pc's location English (Great Britain)    still no luck.
decimal is point
Are you sure you have set the Format?
You should not change your location. You can keep Belgium as country, region, but in the Additional Settings in the same entry, you should change Time&Number format to English/United Kingdom.


Ivo de Colfmaker

hi Nico, yes, on both pc's
A day at this forum is a day learned!

Ivo de Colfmaker

Hi Peter,
tried it, but again no luck, and when running the external.Simrouter.exe,  the External.SimRouter.xml is automaticlaly
placed in the  Users\public\public Documents map . on the PSX pc.
do you mean you have both
PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.Router.xml files in the P3D users\Public\public Documents map?
A day at this forum is a day learned!



Sorry to say it was a fluke that moving the XML file to the other PC made it work. As Ivo has noticed, the DLLs will automatically create the XML files if it can't find one.


If you're running out of things to try, may I suggest you wait for the next version? I will hopefully have the localisation fix, and a better connection status indicator (in both directions).

Ivo de Colfmaker

Hi Mark,
No problem at all to wait for the next version.
But it's the sport to make it work , giving up is not an option.
A day at this forum is a day learned!


Hi all, I have both P3D and PSX on the same Win7 Ultimate computer, language is Italian, localization Italy, everything is working fine here.

Just one question: are lights supposed to work on Posky 747?

Great idea and great addon anyway, possibly the future of our hobby when it comes to accurate simulations; I'm looking forward to next version!



PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim 1.7.0 now released. See post 1 of this thread for download link.

Change log:
- Potential fix for localisation
- Added ability to turn off TimeSync in PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.Router.xml to allow AI traffic to work
- Simplified deployment from 3 DLLs to 1 DLL
- Connection status now shown on Router

Note 1: The AI traffic problem still needs more work as I'd like to leave time sync enabled and not affect AI traffic.
(For future reference, the AI traffic problem manifests itself by P3D very briefly showing a loading dialog every 3-5 seconds)

Note 2: The PSX.NET.P3D.ExternalSim.Router.xml file has an additional setting so use the new file or edit your existing one to add the new setting in. An example file is included in the download.


Posky lights mostly work in VisualPSX, but no such luck using ExternalSim.

This, I'm sure requires some Simconnect sorcery (which I'm certain is more or less the same when it comes to Flaps and Gear). Perhaps Mark will include exterior lights control in the future.

Enrique Vaamonde