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PSX.NET P3D ExternalSim

Started by Mark, Fri, 17 Jun 2016 13:05

Garry Richards

Congratulations Mark! This is a wonderful addon that has been needed from the beginning but was beyond my skills. I am so glad that you have succeeded in linking PSX and P3D in this way. I wish you well in this public beta phase of development.





That's interesting! Thanks for sharing this, I will have a look at what I can do about this.


If you disable AI traffic, does that solve your problem?


Quote from: Garry Richards on Sat, 18 Jun 2016 18:09
Congratulations Mark! This is a wonderful addon that has been needed from the beginning but was beyond my skills. I am so glad that you have succeeded in linking PSX and P3D in this way. I wish you well in this public beta phase of development.


Thank you very much for your kind words. Once the beta has shown itself to work on most setups, I would love to hear about how to do runway offsets. Interestingly the simfest UK pilots have not reported any problems with any of the landings being in the wrong position during today and yesterday (we're currently on a 3 day tour). Have I misunderstood the nature of the runway offset problem? Perhaps it's a lucky fluke that we've not noticed an issue.


Mark, I believe the need for runway offsets is related to the misplacement of stock/default FSX/FS2004/P3D scenery. These days, most scenery addon developers (freeware and commercial) correctly align the airports to their real-world lat/lon. A notable exception (a real shame) is ZSPD, where both the commercial and freeware alternatives still use wrong coordinates (reason given: lack of accurate public data by the Chinese government or something along these lines).

Anyhow, in my experience (I use VisualPSX with offset disabled) if you use payware scenery and/or modern freeware airports (for example: Ray Smith's awesome AFCADs).


Enrique Vaamonde


Quote from: Mark on Sat, 18 Jun 2016 18:47
If you disable AI traffic, does that solve your problem?
I have no AI Traffic enabled.


Ivo de Colfmaker

Since Prepard does not have a 747, I use the default FSX 747, could the problem be there?
Do all of you who have no problems use this FSX stock 747?
A day at this forum is a day learned!


Quote from: Ivo de Colfmaker on Sat, 18 Jun 2016 19:24
Since Prepard does not have a 747, I use the default FSX 747, could the problem be there?
Do all of you who have no problems use this FSX stock 747?
I'm not using the default FSX 747 but ProjectOpensky 747's, but I do have problems.


Ivo, I use the POSKY 744 Megapack that was mentioned in another thread:

Pack #5:
Pack #6:


Enrique Vaamonde


Quote from: evaamo on Sat, 18 Jun 2016 19:31
Ivo, I use the POSKY 744 Megapack that was mentioned in another thread
E: Are you running Mark's software over two computers or everything at one?


Hi Nico, single PC for now.

P3D 3.3.5 and ActiveSky SP5.

Nothing more.

Enrique Vaamonde

Chris Kilroy

Hi guys,

Just as a followup- I ran into the reported "middle of the ocean" behavior while setting up my second ExternalSim client earlier this afternoon. Implementing the firewall suggestion Gary posted up-thread solved it immediately. ExternalSim is now running on all there image channels and the results are absolutely stunning. I'll post a short video later.

Now, to Mark - am I right to assume that the only thing ExternalSim injects into P3D from PSX is time? Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't seem like PSX weather is injected at all. Is that correct?

Someone had mentioned in the SimfestUK feed yesterday that, on Gary's setup, the clouds were aligned perfectly over the three channels. I'm not seeing that at all which, as you can imagine, looks a bit silly when clouds are in different places on each channel causing "interesting" results at each projector seam re: both the clouds and the resultant ground shading.

Would using an external weather generator clear this up? If so, could you shed a little light on what you guys are using over at Gary's?

Thanks again, Mark!

Ivo de Colfmaker

In search for the solution, trying to think out of the box.

2 pc's running 2 different versions of windows
Win 7 and Win8.1
Prepard  on his own  SSD drive
All other stuff, like AS Next, VisualPsx, EFB, RealTrafficPsx, PsxSeeconTraffic run over this network without problems.

Running all on 1 pc it works  just fine, very strange
If it would be a firewall problem it would do nothing, when in  prepard  selecting the 747 and set myself up on a RWY and starting ExternalSim I am moved to the ocean
Starting ExternalSim before Prepard gives the same outcome.
A day at this forum is a day learned!


Hi all,

I can confirm that after installing VisualPSX and disabling AI traffic, it loads correctly and gets rid of the re-loading issue. Not sure what came with VisualPSX, maybe some simconnect things?


To all

Middle of the ocean behavior only occurs when P3D can't establish connection to the Router.
(It's actually Lat:0, Lon:0, Elevation:0 - the default startup values)
In this case, it's a simple firewall issue.


I think your problem is a new problem I've not seen before. Your screenshot of the Router shows that 'Subscribed ElevationModels' is increasing (proving the Router is connected to P3D), and your snippet of the log file shows 'FlightModel connection established' (proving P3D is connected to the Router) so I'm happy you don't have a firewall issue. I'm going to have a think about this; if you discover any more interesting things that might help be debug this then please let me know.


I think the next version is going to have 2 additional lines in the Router display, something like
'Router -> P3D connection: Established'
'P3D -> Router connection: Established'
Just to make it completely clear that firewalls are set up correctly.


Quote from: evaamo on Sat, 18 Jun 2016 19:20
Mark, I believe the need for runway offsets is related to the misplacement of stock/default FSX/FS2004/P3D scenery.

Thank you for explaining this, I'll stop worrying about it for now and focus on some of the other features I want to put in.


Quote from: Chris Kilroy on Sat, 18 Jun 2016 20:37
Now, to Mark - am I right to assume that the only thing ExternalSim injects into P3D from PSX is time? Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't seem like PSX weather is injected at all. Is that correct?

That is correct. Eventually flap position, gear position and other 'aircraft model state' items will be added in.

Quote from: Chris Kilroy on Sat, 18 Jun 2016 20:37
Someone had mentioned in the SimfestUK feed yesterday that, on Gary's setup, the clouds were aligned perfectly over the three channels.

As you might have guessed, Gary is using a 3rd party program to sync his clouds. I'll let him know you're interested so he can reply to you here.



Gary has just informed me that he's using OpusFSI.

Chris Kilroy

Thanks, Mark!

Here's a little video of an autoland on rwy 8 at TJSJ with completely stock P3D. The smoothness is incredible. The seams between projectors when taxiing are also 100% stable and smooth, which I've never seen in any home cockpit environment. Ever.

As you can see, the video does show where offsets could ultimately come in handy as it appears the threshold of runway 08 is placed correctly, but PSX and P3D differ slightly in their opinions of the actual runway heading. Still no biggie though, and certainly manageable for now.

Also, funnily enough, once airborne on this short hop from St Maarten, the clouds all synced up perfectly and stayed that way for the rest of the flight.

Thanks again!


Chris, is that stock/default scenery for San Juan? Because it is misaligned versus the real airport. Do you have LantiVFR's TJSJ, it uses real world coordinates. That would explain your issue with ExternalSim.

Enrique Vaamonde


Mark, I remember using FS Real-Time addon sometime ago to synchronize FSX with my computer clock. I stopped using it because it would "refresh" my AI traffic every so often.

The reason I'm telling you this is that maybe the way you're sync'ing PSX and P3D's time in ExternalSim could explain the 2-3 second loop of the AI loading dialog in P3D I mentioned in my post above.

Enrique Vaamonde