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PSXWeather v1.6 Released

Started by craig1231, Sat, 22 Aug 2015 14:49


PSXWeather v1.6

A new version of the PSXWx weather injector for PSX has been released. PSXWx reads weather from P3D (FSX not currently supported) and injects into PSX.

New features include:
Auto download metars option
A warning if the above option is not active (it will severely effect the weather injection)
Injection smoothing
Using metars 1-7 instead of defaulting to 1.



Craig Phillips



Many thanks, both for your new release and for the answer in the other Wx thread.  Downloaded and preparing to fly now.  Should the PSX weather settings be OFF for internet Wx?


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA




Eager to try it, with P3Dv2.5 and ASN SP3!

Thank YoU!!!!



DONE!  Flying in climb as we speak... Wind in the climb is within 10 degrees and a few knots of ASN Wx so far.... looking GOOD.... will update as the flight progresses. 

Is there a "crossover point" at a certain altitude where PSXWeather starts overriding PSX Wx to correct for FL winds?  The wind depiction on the ND seems to get "more accurate" around FL240....?


Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



sorry, but I really don't know how to use the files that come with the ZIP...
I created a PSXWeather folder and dropped there the 3 files:


Then I executed PSXWx and got two additional files:


I am running all in the same PC, so I set in the P3D Connection IP tab, but, what port should I use there for P3D ?


Jose- I used 500 (from my default Simconnect file) however, it is on a networked machine....

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA


If you are running PSXWx and P3D on the same machine leave the Simconnect IP and port completely blank... this should delete the Simconnect.cfg file and allow you to connect to P3D locally.




I flew 1.6 and it performed very well in cruise with the numbers coming in within a few degrees/kts of ASN.  The climb had a couple of issues, and the descent had fairly strong and constant wind shifts resulting in control issues.    LTBA was experiencing some CB activity at the time, but the wind shifts were definitely being injected (almost constantly every few (5) seconds, but 180 degrees opposite).  I am interested to see if others are experiencing this descent issue, or if it is something at my end (read as ijut behind the control column)?

When PSXWx is closed, how long before the PSX Wx system takes over (5sec)?  Again, when PSXWx is started is wind control exerted in 5 secs?  Is there a way to ensure there is a clean separation so that when ASN and PSX are both using NOAA data, the result is comparable?

What does the Simfest crew do?  Is PSXWx running constantly, or do they enable at TOC and disable at TOD?

Grateful for your continued efforts!

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Craig,

have you already implemented this trick?

Also, does your add-on deactivate PSX's internal jetstream system so that you have full control over the tropopause altitude and tropopause temperature? And is your interpolation direction dependent on the north and south hemisphere?




Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Sun, 23 Aug 2015 00:10
have you already implemented this trick?

Also, does your add-on deactivate PSX's internal jetstream system so that you have full control over the tropopause altitude and tropopause temperature? And is your interpolation direction dependent on the north and south hemisphere?

Hi Hardy,

I believe it does deactivate PSX's internal jetstream system... I inject the following...


Then straight after

Qs327=A38000T68W00012345;67;cvN55 40.6 E157 44.9\r\n

My interpretation of that is...
Constant tropopause altitude of 38000ft
Constant temp at tropopause -68C
Wind direction variance 0 degrees
Wind direction 123 degrees
Wind speed 45 knots
Wind gust 67 knots
Not sure what cv is - Ash clouds??

Is that correct?

Btw the smoothing seems to work Ok for myself; though I have spotted a small bug and will provide a small update shortly today.




Ok, after several tests this morning I am now able to say it is not entirely mathematically possible to set the positional wind direction... It is however mathematically possible for wind speed and temperature.

Lets have a look at some test data...
P3D Wind: 127/13
PSX Alt: 3500ft
Nearest Wind at Wx Station (EGLL) 2 miles away: 200/09

So our target is to get 127/13 shown on the ND, by injecting the tropopause wind...

minimum trop alt is 20,000ft
altFac = 0.175 (assuming elevation is zero) 3500/20000.
altFacSq = 0.278

tropWindDir = ((127 - 200) / 0.278) + 200 = -64.5

But I cannot inject a negative wind direction...

Hardy, where can I go from here? Would it be possible to have a Qi/Qs to inject the positional winds, then PSX to interpolate the tropopause?

Many Thanks




I shall begin by apologizing for my ignorance.....

Would it be possible to turn OFF all PSX Wx and just send ASN/P3D Wx to PSX?  Whilst PSX Wx is superb in a stand alone application, there has been much success/progress with ASN in P3D combined with PFPX.  Together they make a more than adequate solution for long-haul simulation in P3D alone.  Should that not also be equally satisfactory for PSX?  After all PSX Wx (the HH version) is attempting to portray RW conditions, whilst ASN is purportedly "feeding" RW conditions to P3D and then through PSXWx (yours ;)) to PSX...

Additionally, would there be any interest/mechanism in getting ASN map depiction on the PSX ND so that it too marries with the visuals?

One last question- does the Simfest crew leave PSXWx running all the time or engage/disengage at TOC/TOD (or at Transition... or some other arbitrary altitude in climb/descent)?

Again, your work is most appreciated.

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Hi Craig,

re: Qs327="WxAloft"; Mode=ECON; Min=40; Max=44;

Your decoding is correct.

Example: A38000T68W00012345;67;cvN55 40.6 E157 44.9

A : Tropopause altitude is constant (accepts network injections)
a : Tropopause altitude variable by latitude and season

T : Tropopause temperature is constant (accepts network injections)
t : Tropopause temperature variable by latitude and season

W : Tropopause wind is constant (accepts network injections)
w : Tropopause wind variable by jetstream constellation

V : Volcanic ash enabled
v : Volcanic ash disabled

C : CAT enabled (requires tropopause wind variable by jetstream constellation)
c : CAT disabled

Re interpolation: I wouldn't interpolate or extrapolate anything; instead, I would inject data only when the aircraft is above 20000 ft, and then, with every injection, I would set the tropopause altitude to the current aircraft altitude. "Tropopause" in the context of this trick has no meteorological meaning because only the history of your injected temperature data will determine the physical tropopause, i.e. when the injected temp doesn't decrease anymore during the climb, the aircraft has passed the tropopause.

As the transition at 20000 ft is smooth and since every long flight will be above 20000 ft, this trick should work very well.

(Note that PSX gradually decreases the wind speeds when you are near a pole; this is necessary to avoid an unrealistic wind direction change when overflying a pole.)




Hi Hardy,

Yes, above 20000ft works really well; below 20000ft doesn't work well; the wind direction is all over the place.

I have made a few tweaks in the injection of the winds, which can be tested.

It is recommended to delete the PSXWxConfig.cfg file before starting so it can resort back to its default settings.

cavaricooper, I would suggest you enable the Debug PSX weather and Debug P3D weather settings... if you find any anomalies; then please send the log.txt file that is in the directory.

Thanks for your help




Will do and report back- Ta!

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Hardy Heinlin

Quote from: craig1231 on Sun, 23 Aug 2015 19:08
Yes, above 20000ft works really well; below 20000ft doesn't work well; the wind direction is all over the place.

I meant to suggest this:

When the aircraft is below 20000 ft, your add-on should calculate the wind and OAT for 20000 ft, and inject accordingly ...

Tropopause altitude: 20000 ft
OAT at 20000 ft (tropopause): As calculated
Wind at 20000 ft (tropopause): As calculated

(PSX will interpolate between its local METAR and your injected 20000 data.)

When the aircraft is above 20000 ft, your add-on should calculate the wind and OAT at the current aircraft altitude, and inject accordingly ...

Tropopause altitude: Aircraft altitude
OAT at aircraft altitude (tropopause): As calculated
Wind at aircraft altitude (tropopause): As calculated

(PSX will use your injected data directly without interpolation.)




Even better - make it an option.

I don't recall exactly what is the lowest reporting level for aloft winds, temps,..., in ASN, but let's say it is 3000'. Then, why not making that an option in PSXWeather and allow the user to set the "tropopause" to 3000' ?

BTW, IRL tropopause incursions under cold weather can put it as low as 18,000 - 19,000 feet ( typical over Central Russia / Asia  in Winter ).

This way, weather injection from p3dv2/asn would populate PSX weather model starting from that level, using the data fed from ASN. It's actually a fake troposphere, but, from that level up we will be using also feasible data from ASN, which uses at least three well known models as sources.


Quote from: Hardy Heinlin on Sun, 23 Aug 2015 22:04
When the aircraft is below 20000 ft, your add-on should calculate the wind and OAT for 20000 ft, and inject accordingly ...

Hi Hardy,

This is the calculation I am struggling with...

Is there any interpolation between the focused station and the tropopause to work out the winds on the ND?

Would you be able to help with the calculation below 20000ft please?

Many Thanks
