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VisualPSX suite upgrade to v 6.5 and 7.5 released

Started by Garry Richards, Mon, 3 Aug 2015 04:27

Panos Bilios

Hi Garry,

First I would like to thank you for Visual PSX now in a I7 Computer
runs very smooth , no stutters , perfect, however I encoutered
a strange thing ( i have test it twice same outcome) while on
approach for 04L at JFK and before intercepting the ILS
the FSX visual scenery changes rapidly like shifting/rotating and I end up
high on final for rwy 13R instead, at 90 degrees to 04L,  PSX instrument still shows ILS 04L with
the correct heading, very weird indeed, any clues?

I use FSX as a scenery generator



I thought I was the only one but glad to hear there are others experiencing the same thing. I ran into this during my approach at EDDL. I installed an addon from aerosoft.
The next time I did the approach everything went back to normal. Maybe this info helps to fix the issue.


Awaiting Garry's reply with interest... I too have had some scenery "shifting"- nothing as drastic as Panos though.

From what I have observed, it occurs where there is Wx that suggests one runway, however, SOP that requires another...(LTBA for example, with winds from the North, but landing on 05). 

Generally I find that long straight in arrivals with STARs in line with the arrival runway pose no problem.  When there is a circuitous procedure that the becomes operational (with vectors) at certain altitudes, not in line with the arrival runway (and usually downwind), there seems to be a greater chance to incur the "shift".

FWIW, just some observations in case others see any similarities.... VisualPSX has transformed my simming- and for that I am eternally grateful.

Best- C
Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA



is that behaviour when flying with approach offsets enabled in VisualPSX?  I've been flying lately with offsets disabled and I've gotten much better results that way. The only payware airport (that I own, that is) that requires offsets in VisualPSX is Shanghai Pudong from Imaginesim (IIRC) because the scenery is misplaced with regards to its real world coordinates.

Other than that, flying with offsets disabled has cured the scenery shifts for me when using VisualPSX + FSX-SE.

Enrique Vaamonde

Panos Bilios

Hi guys

Thanks for your replies
It seems that dissabling the offsets in the Visual Psx did
the trick. I flew again the ILS 04L at JFK and this time no scenery shifts!

Thanks Again :)


Garry Richards

Hi Panos,

That's a weird effect. I have not been able to reproduce it and cannot find any problems in the VisualPSX code. I think it highly unlikely that faulty data came from PSX so I am at a loss. I'm glad that you can achieve acceptable results without using offsets.



Panos Bilios

Hi Garry

After having VISUAL PSX working flawlesly for about a month
suddenly it stopped connecting as it has lost all the settings.
However I did a clean install, it connects to PSX ok, but
under the First Connection string Status it remains in Wait mode
in amber and never connects to FSX.
The other two strings are Flight & Online

Any clues in what am I doing wrong


Hessel Oosten


Only a suggestion:

Are you sure (may be during also a re-install of FSX ?) that the simconnect.dll stayed/remained/was returned in the right place ?
-And- that all the i.p. addresses in the simconnect.xml are still the correct ones ?

Sorry if you did check that stuff already.


Panos Bilios

Hi Hessel,

Thanks for your reply, I have tried everything but to avail,
still no connection, have tried many clean installs both
changing the IP's and not, was working flawlesly and
all of a sudden just won't connect.




Is this a sharing/permissions or firewall issue?  With new installs, there is a LOT to reconfirm.... To fix my issue (mainly the jut behind the yoke) I installed VisualPSX and ran everything on the SAME machine.  Then just copied the whole folder over to the networked machine and edited the IPs...

Carl Avari-Cooper, KTPA

Garry Richards

Hi Panos,

The status displays - Wait, Flight and Online - indicate that FSX has connected and is waiting for flight data from PSX. The PSX main server (low speed) has connected and is sending data. The PSX boost server (high speed) has connected but valid data is not being received by VisualPSX. This may indicate a hardware or configuration problem in your system.




Hardy Heinlin

Hi Panos,

is there another add-on connected to your boost server? Only one add-on can connect to one boost server.



Panos Bilios

Thanks for the replies guys

I don't know if that helps, but when
VISUAL PSX  worked i left the IP's
to default values in both the Config and XML files
now it won't connect at all with these default values.

However changing them to it connects
but the status remains at Wait in amber.



What I need is the Dummies Guide to installing VisualPSX. I am not sure about the simconnect.xml or dll files and I went by the read me file and can not get PSX to connect to FSX or that matter anything. I just bought the program as I had the PS1.3 back in the mid 90's and I am trying to get this set up with my FSX.

Jeffrey Gerbert
Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
Florida Flyers Flight Academy

Hessel Oosten


May be you overlooked in the zip file of VisualPSX, the extensive "VisualPSX Suite Manual" ?
It's 28 pages long.

It's very clear and full of helpfull screenshots.



I guess I am not alone in experiencing the "clunk" effect as the aircraft comes off the ground and PSX does battle with the scenery generator to establish elevation.

It usually manifests itself as an instant altitude change as the aircraft comes "unstuck" and the visual jerks to a slightly different elevation. Disconcerting!

This only seems to happen when the PSX runway elevation is different from the scenery one - and I know that this is attributed to the runway slope that PSX takes into account. Sometimes it is smooth, sometimes not..

Have I missed a "fix" on this? Everything else is perfect now with P3DV3 and using VisualPSX with the new Simconnect 3 that comes with V3.

If this is still a slight known issue - is there a way (Hardy?) of PSX getting PSX to ignore the slope, or VisualPSX to marry up with the PSX elevation?



Hardy Heinlin

PSX does already ignore its own slope when FSX takes over on the ground. That's the very reason why there are transitions during air-ground and ground-air changes. It's a logical consequence of the fact that the FSX airport world is flat. When on the ground, PSX gets the flat earth from FSX.

The transitions are entirely controlled by VisualPSX. I don't know if it's possible in VisualPSX to make the transition rate slower by factor x 0.05 or so. Would this help?




Hi Peter,

As I understand it that's what the offset feature in VisualPSX is for. Lock the aircraft's position by setting the nav light to on and then move the aircraft to the departure runway using the PSX move aircraft tool. In your visual sim (FSX/P3D, etc.) the aircraft will remain fixed in place but PSX will momentarily move to the end of your departure runway (assuming it can find it in the runways file - it can be a bit hit and miss in my experience). Setting this should remove the "jerk" you get on departure as VisaulPSX will reconcile any differences between PSX and FSX/P3D.

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