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PSX Weather...

Started by cagarini, Wed, 25 Mar 2015 08:45


From PSXAddons I downloaded PSX Weather.

When I unpack the ZIP I get:

PSXWx java executable

but, how do I "install" this?  Where should this dlls go to ?

I am using FSX:SE only ( no P3D or original FSX on my rig ), and I also have ASN.


Gary Oliver

Hi Jcomm,

Well Spotted! Very old test version.  I will get the latest version off Craig and upload it as it has an installer I think.

Unfortunately it only works with P3D at this stage.



Thx Gary,

although P3D will not do the job for me :-/

Maybe an FSXSE in the future ?

Markus Vitzethum

Hi Gary,

is there any word from Craig how PSX weather is working?

I'm currently programming my (first) add-on to read wind from FSX using FSUIPC. There is a FSUIPC key: wind direction / speed @ current position.

Is it as simple as reading FSX wind @ PPOS and inject that wind vector into PSX? Or do I need to read a FSX upper wind layer and inject the correct wind into the PSX (upper) wind layer?
(Of course, neglecting surface data while doing that.)



Can we add to it...

- OAT / TD
- Pressure
- Visibility / in or out of cloud


Markus Vitzethum

Hi José,

wait ... there is no need for that. PSX has its own weather source.

"PSX weather" adresses a special need: inject P3D upper air winds into PSX such that the FSX/P3D flight planners and the simulators (and thus PSX) share the same wind data. In other words, your e.g. PFPX flight plan is valid for PSX.


Michael Benson

Quote from: Markus Vitzethumis there any word from Craig how PSX weather is working?

He's very busy at the moment, but the general jist is that it takes the wind and temp at the aircraft PPOS and then injects that back directly into PSX.  It does it via simconnect though rather than FSUIPC.

Quote from: jcommCan we add to it...

As Markus states there is no real need, PSX does this just fine on it's own in sim and ActiveSky does it within FS.  The only thing is that sometimes the wx radar may not correspond with the view out of the window... but no-one wants to look at thunderstorms anyway  ;)



I acknowledge the quality of PSX's Global Weather modeling :)

Yet, for perfect combination between the two platforms it would be great to be able to make data flow on both directions... But just as it is now it is already more than sufficient.

As far as I am concerned, and since I am using only FSX:SE now ( Offered my XP10 disks so... no more XP10 for me... ) and although I had some issues with simconnect ( fsx:se's fault ) I use VisualPSX injected weather from PSX to FSX when flying a SITU with associated weather. For flying with RWW, I use ASN in FSX and disconnect the weather injcetion option in Visual PSX. The outcome is pretty much plausible.