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Opencockpits 747 MCDU kit

Started by Dennis B, Mon, 2 Mar 2015 08:27

Dennis B

Hello all,

I am planning to build an MCDU based on a Raspberry Pi. Because I'd like to implement the "logic" of the device myself, I don't go for the "full" already mounted stuff ( but want to buy something like this: (

Unfortunately, there's no imprint on the website, and no contact link. Can anybody either

a) confirm that in the second link, 747 FMC kit [P747B01] there's already a display included? The price looks way too cheap for a display already being included, but they don't mention it in the "components needed" section ...

b) give me a hint what exact measurements a display needs to fit into the frame (roughly 5" if I am informed right...)


Hessel Oosten

Hi Dennis,

1. Agree that the OpenCockpits catalogue page for this CDU  is confusing !
Even the switches are not included in the price, so the question is also... if the monitor is included or if the product is more or less the case only.
May be a question on the O.C forum(s) to ensure that the monitor IS included ?

2. Indeed 5 inch monitors are generally used for CDU's.


5.0 inch TFT LCD Panel - GD567M03-GTI050TN22



Quote from: Dennis Ba) confirm that in the second link, 747 FMC kit [P747B01] there's already a display included? The price looks way too cheap for a display already being included, but they don't mention it in the "components needed" section ...
In the kit the Monitor is NOT included (of course, see the price); the keys are included.

The full version of 437 Euro does have a monitor. This device can be interfaced to PSX with my free PSXseecon; keyboard, lights and screen are fully supported. This combination is by far the cheapest Fully Supported MCDU for PSX.  :)


Dennis B

@Hessel: Thanks a lot, Hessel. I did not want to register in the OC forums because I want to avoid any additional mails to the ones I already get (newsletters, forum updates etc) - BUT, in the meantime I found the "support" link on the website AND also got a reply very quickly!

@kik: I was just curious because it's not mentioned in the "optional components" section of the article page, plus the article image is including a display ... the full kit will be an option if I fail with my home built implementation ;) It's quite a good price, I know, but I wanted to build something around a Raspberry for a while, and a PSX MCDU is a good project to start with I guess.

OC replied very quickly to my mail. The display is not included, indeed. I've seen and bookmarked a fitting one in the past but can't find it anymore. Will have a lookout on ebay and in online stores, but I think it's making more sense if I first order the kit from OC, make exact measurements and choose a display, accordingly.